Association of Lutheran Church Musicians
April 1, 2016 e-newsletter

Alleluia! Christ is risen!
Greetings, dear colleagues, as we continue the fifty-day Easter celebration. I hope that each of you finds some time to regroup and re-energize as we move towards Pentecost and the end of the program year. Looking ahead, all four of our regions have wonderful conferences planned for the summer - registration is up and running. Plan now to attend! We will celebrate the 30th anniversary of ALCM at these conferences with a new hymn based on Psalm 46, with text by Susan Briehl and tune by Zeb Highben. ALCM members will be granted permission to use the hymn throughout the rest of 2016 and all of 2017. Thanks be to God!
With resounding Alleluias,
Anne Krentz Organ
President, Association of Lutheran Church Musicians
Registration Is Open for Summer Conferences
July 6-8, 2016
Trinity English Lutheran Church
Fort Wayne, IN
"Let All the People Praise You"
Singing through the Generations
July 26-28, 2016
Lutheran School of Theology
Chicago, IL
Blowin' in the Wind . . . stirred, anointed, fashioned, and swept into service by the Holy Spirit
June 27-29, 2016
St. Andrew Lutheran Church
Franklin, TN
Soli Deo Gloria! Bach for Everyone
July 14-16, 2016
St. John's Lutheran Church
Sacramento, CA
Prices for all conferences goes up on April 18, so register now!
|  | Paul Manz at organ |
Manz Tage
Mark Your Calendars
October 28, 29, 2016!
Mount Olive Lutheran Church in Minneapolis will be celebrating 50 years of ministry generated by the installation of the church's pipe organ in 1966 by Paul Manz and organ builder Hermann Schlicker. A two day event will be held October 28 and 29 of 2016, which will include a hymn festival with Cantor David Cherwien and the National Lutheran Choir, a day-long series of workshops with Paul Westermeyer, Daniel Schwandt, Victor Gebauer, David Cherwien, Lynn Dobson, Barry Bobb, and Susan Cherwien. Find more information at www.mountolivechurch.org. Hotel rooms two blocks from the church will be available.
New Hymn Prizes
LutheranArts.org is pleased to announce three inaugural Martin Luther Hymn Prizes. Each prize pays $2,000 to the text writer and $4,000 to the composer. Click on the link above for additional details about the prize and about LutheranArts.org.
The Center for Church Music at Concordia University Chicago, in partnership with the Association of Lutheran Church Musicians, presents the new "Richard Hillert Award in Student Composition," which will be awarded every other year to a current student at a Lutheran university or seminary.
Would you like to participate?
With the 500th Anniversary of the Reformation approaching in 2017, I was inspired to create a list of people who [self] identify as Lutheran and who wrote either hymn texts or music for Lutheran worship or both. While many write and adapt music each week for their choir or congregation, I have drawn the line at those whose music is broadly and commercially available. To create a list that is as comprehensive as possible, I need your help. If you are interested in participating in this project, please e-mail me at hess.valerie@gmail.com. Many thanks! Valerie Hess Boulder, CO
Are you attending next week's Institute of Liturgical Studies? Stop by the ALCM exhibit booth to connect with other members . . .
. . . and chat with possible new members!
The American Guild of Organists (AGO) is proud to announce seven PIPE ORGAN ENCOUNTERS (POEs) for students aged 13-18, one POE (Advanced) for students entering grades 9-12; and one POE+ for adults in 2016. PIPE ORGAN ENCOUNTER is an introduction to the pipe organ through instruction in organ playing, repertoire, history, design, and construction. Complete contact information for each weeklong Pipe Organ Encounter can be found in The American Organist Magazine and online at www.agohq.org.
