Association of Lutheran Church Musicians
January 1, 2015 e-newsletter

ALCM Logo with baton

Merry Christmas and Happy 2015 from Central New York!


Many of you know that I am a huge tennis fan, and one of my favorite players to root for is Roger Federer. He has had a great amount of success for over a decade, and one of the purported reasons is because he does a good job managing his schedule. He not only picks and chooses among the available tournaments he will play throughout the year, but he also intentionally builds in time for rest, both physical and mental.


We church musicians are beholden to the rhythm of the liturgical year. This can be both energizing and exhausting. Holy Week and Easter happen whether we are ready or not. Funerals can't be scheduled much in advance, and Christmas Eve will always land on December 24.


I encourage all of you to look ahead at this year right now, and ask yourself: what will be my busiest times? Can I avoid or at least mitigate some of my most stressful times by preparing earlier? Or using someone else's talents? Or by setting a realistic bar for my music choices? And when and how will I rest? Vacation? ALCM conference? Both?


I wish you good health in body and spirit this year, and God's richest blessings on your ministry.


Julie Grindle

ALCM President-Elect


Thanks to everyone who made donations to ALCM in 2014!
Donors will be listed in the spring issue of CrossAccent.


The Lutheran Summer Music Academy & Festival (LSM) helps young musicians foster their gifts in an intentional, faith-based community centered in music, worship, and the foundational hymnody of the church. For over 30 years, LSM has trained and nurtured organists, choir directors, cantors, and leadership musicians for the church.


"I'm especially working on organ [at LSM] because I would love to be a

church musician when I graduate from college.*"


Help sustain the future of church music by encouraging youth in your congregation to attend LSM this summer from June 21 to July 19 on the campus of Luther College in Decorah, Iowa! Contact us if you have any questions or would like additional materials, and visit our website,, to learn more. We look forward to hearing from you and training the young musicians from your church this summer!


(*LSM Student Survey Quote)


Professionals in the creative arts are invited to join the Lutheran Arts Registry to receive a number of benefits from a web page to project opportunities. Introductory membership extends through June 2016. The sooner you join, the longer you benefit! 
Deadline for Choristers Guild Scholarship is February 1

Established in memory of Ruth Krehbiel Jacobs, founder of Choristers Guild, the Scholarship Fund provides financial aid to full time students preparing for church music ministry. An applicant must be a junior, senior, or graduate student majoring in music, who holds choral music with children and youth as a primary interest. Scholarship grants are given on the basis of academic merit, interest in church music (especially children's and youth choirs), and ministry of church music as a vocation. 

For more information, visit the Choristers Guild scholarship fund page.

In memoriam: Florence Sponberg

ALCM lifetime member Florence Sponberg, 97, died at her home in North Mankato, Minnesota on September 27th. A memorial service celebrating her life was held at Grace Lutheran Church in Mankato on October 2nd. Florence's son-in-law, ALCM member Greg Peterson, was organist for the service.