Association of Lutheran Church Musicians
September 2, 2014 e-newsletter

ALCM Logo with baton


Over the next few months, the make-up of the ALCM board will change as we say good-bye to outgoing officers and welcome new ones (see article below). On September 1st, Julie Grindle assumed office as ALCM president-elect, and Lorraine Brugh completed her duties as past-president. As her final act as past-president, Lorraine offers this month's video greeting.


ALCM Greeting from Lorraine Brugh
ALCM Greeting from Lorraine Brugh

Raabe Prize

2015 Raabe Prize deadline for submissions is October 1!

Submissions for the 2015 Raabe Prize for Excellence in Sacred Composition will be accepted through October 1. The Raabe Prize is established to recognize a recent musical work which promotes and extends the practice of church music as it is informed and shaped by Lutheran theological insight and worship practice. Submissions for the 2015 prize must be received in the ALCM office by October 1, 2014. 

Additional information, guidelines, and submission requirements are available on the ALCM web site.


The Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago is hosting a "Music that Makes Community" workshop September 25-27.


Music that Makes Community renews ancient ways of singing together, sharing music as people did before music or words were written. It's for clergy, laity, musicians, chaplains, cantors, and anyone wanting to learn how to teach and lead song in an ancient and new way. Skilled leaders introduce the practice and coach participants; everyone, from the least experienced singers to professional church musicians learn together by doing.


Register by August 25th for discounted prices:

$150 for individuals

$125 per person - groups of 2

$110 per person - groups of 3+

$25 for students


Go to

and click on the "MMC in Chicago" tab.


Held at LSTC, 1100 East 55th St., Chicago, IL 60615

Housing available.


ALCM Says Hello and Goodbye to National Officers
Julie Grindle

On September 1 ALCM's national officers changed as Julie Grindle began her term as president-elect and Lorraine Brugh ended her term as past-president (see Lorraine's video greeting above).

According to ALCM's constitution, the
Lorraine Brugh
Lorraine Brugh
office of president is a six-year commitment that is split into three sections. The newly-elected president serves for two years as president-elect, a time during which he or she works closely with the current president. The new president then serves for three-years, and the out-going president assumes the office of past-president for one year. This system provides continuity and ensures that the incoming president has ample time to "learn the ropes" of the office of president, and then during the first year as president has the guidance of the past-president.

Our thanks to out-going past-president Lorraine Brugh and best wishes to Julie Grindle as president-elect.

CrossAccent is on the way!
The second issue of CrossAccent for 2014 will be sent out this week, so you should be receiving it within the next two weeks. Beginning with Craig Mueller's closing plenary of the 2013 biennial conference, the issue continues with summaries of plenaries and workshops from the 2014 regional conferences, and includes Chad Fothergill's reflection on singing salvation history through Bach's passion chorales. This issue is full of challenging ideas and practical tips - you won't want to miss it!


In memoriam: Carl Crosier, 1945-2014

On August 28th, ALCM member Carl Crosier died after a lengthy battle with pancreatic cancer. Out-going past-president Lorraine Brugh included the following in her report to the board for their September meeting. Regarding her attendance at the Region 4 conference she says: "On a personal note, Carl and Katherine Crosier were there, and participated fully. Carl talked openly about his illness, and went to great effort to be there. It was the last time many of us saw him, and I am grateful to have had that time with him."

For information on the services of remembrance that will be held starting this weekend, see Carl's wife Katherine's blog. 

Living Voice 2015
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