Association of Lutheran Church Musicians
August 1, 2014 e-newsletter
I've just returned from Kansas City and the last of our four regional conferences this summer. Each was wonderful and full of thoughtful discussions, robust worship, and lots of networking. Thank you to all who attended and participated in each. We hope you found them to be meaningful and fulfilling.
If you were not able to attend one of the conferences, keep an eye out for the upcoming issue of CrossAccent, which will feature a number of the plenaries and workshops featured at each of them. I'm confident that you will find them inspiring to read.
I hope that you will each have a few more weeks in these last days of summer to relax and re-charge for the upcoming return to your "regular" schedules.
God's blessing on you and your ministry,
David Bielenberg ALCM Executive Director |
Thanks to everyone on the regional planning committees who worked so hard to make our four regional conferences a success!
The Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago is hosting a "Music that Makes Community" workshop September 25-27.
Music that Makes Community renews ancient ways of singing together, sharing music as people did before music or words were written. It's for clergy, laity, musicians, chaplains, cantors, and anyone wanting to learn how to teach and lead song in an ancient and new way. Skilled leaders introduce the practice and coach participants; everyone, from the least experienced singers to professional church musicians learn together by doing.
Register by August 25th for discounted prices:
$150 for individuals
$125 per person - groups of 2
$110 per person - groups of 3+
$25 for students
Go to www.musicthatmakescommunity.org
and click on the "MMC in Chicago" tab.
Held at LSTC, 1100 East 55th St., Chicago, IL 60615
Housing available.
Accepting Submissions for the
2015 Raabe Prize
ALCM is now accepting submissions for the 2015 Raabe Prize for Excellence in Sacred Composition. The Raabe Prize is established to recognize a recent musical work which promotes and extends the practice of church music as it is informed and shaped by Lutheran theological insight and worship practice. Submissions for the 2015 prize must be received in the ALCM office by October 1, 2014. Additional information, guidelines and submission requirements are available on the ALCM web site.
 Calling all high school choristers! The Milwaukee Chapter of Choristers Guild presents a High School Choral Event on Sunday, November 2, 2014 from 1-3:30 p.m. at St. Mary's Lutheran Church, 2001 80th St., Kenosha, WI. Dr. Michael Zemek of Augustana College will be the clinician, and repertoire to be sung includes Margaret Tucker's "All Creatures of Our God and King," Mark Miller's "I Believe" and Kevin Holland's "Uyai Mose." The event is open to all. Registration is due by September 15, 2014 and is $5 per singer (if director is a Choristers Guild member) or $7 (non-member). For more information contact Linda Schmidt at linda@stmaryslutheran.org, or call 262-658-3555.
Share Your Gifts!
Lutheran Forum, a print and online journal, is accepting submissions from hymn poets, researchers, and composers for inclusion in upcoming publications. Submissions may include: completely new hymns, new texts for existing public domain tunes and settings, new tunes and settings for existing public domain texts, or articles of 1200-1500 words on topics related to hymnody. Please send your submissions to Dr. Stephen Weber, Hymn Editor of the Lutheran Forum, at sweber@usao.edu.
Are you a composer or hymn writer looking for commissions? A recitalist looking for ways to get the word out about your performances? Involved in the arts in some other way? Check out LutheranArts, a new organization dedicated to expanding the arts by connecting artists and audiences. For a $40 annual fee ($20 for students), you will receive a number of benefits:
- A personal web page on the Lutheran Arts Registry website.
- Posting, pending review, of your personal exhibitions, lectures, awards, and publications on the Lutheran Arts Registry website.
- Sell your works, and services
- Access opportunities for commissions and prizes
- Receive monthly e-news with information about upcoming events and opportunities.
Join now to receive an extended subscription through the remainder of 2014 and 2015. Annual renewals commence January 2016. The sooner you sign up, the longer you benefit. This is a relatively new organization, so the amount of information currently posted on the website is minimal. You can help it grow into its full potential and promote your own gifts by joining the Registry today!
Living Voice 2015
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