A new heaven and a new earth
This past Sunday's reading from the Revelation to St. John is one of my favorites. One reason is that I fondly recall singing the Edgar Bainton setting of the text as a boy chorister growing up. (If you're not familiar with the setting, you can hear it here - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xE7zTYcn3Rw.) Another is the message that the text conveys about the hope of the resurrection and the feast to come: "See, the home of God is among mortals. He will dwell with them as their God; they will be his peoples, and God himself will be with them; he will wipe every tear from their eyes. Death will be no more; mourning and crying and pain will be no more, for the first things have passed away."
In April I had the pleasure of attending for the first time the annual Institute of Liturgical Studies at Valparaiso University, and was able to experience the extraordinary Chapel space and organ as part of worship services and a hymn sing. What a joy that was! Those worship experiences truly felt like a "foretaste of the feast to come." And it made me even more excited about the fact that the ALCM 2013 biennial Conference will be at Valparaiso and we will have a number of opportunities to worship together and hear some wonderful music in the Chapel there. I assure you, it is an experience you don't want to miss. Registration is still open. I hope to see many of you there.
Easter Joy to all!
David Bielenberg
Executive Director
"God Is Here: Worship in a Wireless World"
June 30-July 3, 2013
Valparaiso University, Valparaiso IN

There's still time to register for this summer's biennial conference, which explores the future of worship in an age of change and doubt. Do you need to arrive early or leave late? If you're staying in university housing, you can add a Saturday or Wednesday night stay to your package. Details are included on the web site.
Register online
Print a Registration Form
Hymn Festival:
"Jesus Christ, the Same, Yesterday, Today and Forever"
Monday, July 1, 7:30 p.m. Chapel of the Resurrection
The cliché goes: "The only constant in life is change." Indeed, in the past 30-40 years computers have sprung from almost nothing into becoming the center of our activities, with a dizzying pace of development which continues. This is but one example of many ways in which so little stays the same for all of creation.
One thing does not change: God.
Reflecting this unchanging, loving constant, embodied in our evolving temporal and contextual musical expression, the hymn festival program includes hymns and choral literature from a variety of times and places, from chant to chorale, from Iona to Africa - sung in interactive, creative ways by the congregation, National Lutheran Choir, inspired by instrumentalists of Lutheran Music Program, and organ and piano improvisation by Director/Organist David Cherwien. Choral literature will also be in abundance, with works by Hildegard von Bingen, Ola Gjielo, Ariel Ramiréz, Paul Manz, Charles Marie Widor, J. S. Bach, Larry L. Fleming, F. Melius Christiansen, and Alexander Archangelsky. Of special note will be two brand-new choral works, one commissioned by the NLC for this event: Paul Weber's choral setting of "With High Delight," and the 2013 Raabe Prize winner "Nada Te Turbe" by Jake Runestad. Pulling it all together in thought-provoking ways will be reflections read in person by poet/hymn writer Susan Palo Cherwien.
Is it a hymn program? Is it a choral concert? Is it a liturgy of sorts? It's all of these. What are you open to entering into? One thing we hope for: that you join us for this journey.
Region 4 Summer 2013 Newsletter
The Summer 2013 Region 4 newsletter has been posted. Although this newsletter has some items that are specific to Region 4, all ALCM members will find valuable information. This is "An Advent/Christmas Feature Issue."
Contents include:
- Looking back: Region 4 ALCM 1991 at ACDA
- Messages: Reg. 4 Prez & ALCM Conf. Chair
- Four Advent/Christmas "Stuff That Works" articles
- New members
- And more
Enjoy the read!
Carole Lea Arenson, Editor
Looking for a Mother's Day Gift?
Coming Soon to the ALCM Web Site
Over the next few weeks some new features/information will be added to the ALCM web site. Watch for:
- Kyries and Glorias - ALCM members will have the ability to add prayer concerns/intercessions (Kyries) and thanksgivings (Glorias). This page will be posted in the Members Area of the web site. (Thanks to Ron Koch for the title of this section!)
- ALCM Columbus: Cantor Connection - This is currently ALCM's only active chapter. For the past several years they have been maintaining their own web site. We're currently in the process of moving them to the ALCM web site.
Watch the ALCM home page for additional information.
Association of Lutheran Church Musicians
Valparaiso University
810 Freeman Street
Valparaiso, IN 46383
800-624-2526 |