Idle Tale to Amazement
Yesterday's gospel from Luke shows us Peter changing from a skeptic to an amazed disciple. We who have just worshiped and led our assemblies through the great three days that preceded Easter know that just days before, Peter denied knowing Jesus at all. Peter needed evidence in order to make this change - the linen cloths in the tomb gave him the evidence that pushed him into amazement and unwavering belief.
Would it be easier to believe in the resurrection if we had actually seen it ourselves? I've always wondered if I would have moved over into the unshakable belief that fueled the rest of Peter's life if I had actually been at Jesus' tomb. I'm grateful I'll never have to know, because I am not sure I would. What I do have here in 2013 is the evidence of so much resurrection that surrounds my life today: the healing that seemingly comes from nowhere, the deep joy of hearing an assembly cross over into spirited singing, the gentle transaction of receiving bread and wine. Peter needed just one piece of evidence - I think I needed thousands. Luckily, there was and continues to be plenty to go around.
Blessed Eastertide,
Lorraine Brugh
ALCM President
"God Is Here: Worship in a Wireless World"
June 30-July 3, 2013
Valparaiso University, Valparaiso IN
 So, you still aren't sure you want to attend the ALCM conference in Valpo? Wondering what's to do in this small college town? After you been to the Dunes to swim, sunbathe, hike, etc. how about a little shopping in our revitalized downtown area? "Boutique in Bloom" and "Lifestyles" are two shops where you might find something to take home for a friend, child, or spouse. Ice cream shops are everywhere. Valpo Velvet's made-from-scratch ice cream is too good to pass up.
Planning to bring the family? The Albanese Confectionary, manufacturer of the World's Best Gummi and Gold Label Chocolate, is just down the road from Valparaiso. You can have a tour of their manufacturing facilities and/or shop their factory outlet store with thousands of different candies and chocolates at below wholesale prices.
NOT TO BE MISSED (a few miles down I-65): Fair Oaks Farms offers farm tours of this amazing high-tech dairy operation, interactive exhibits, a birthing barn, 3D/4D movie, gift shop and restaurant that features to-die-for grilled cheese sandwiches (made with their own cheeses), dynamite chocolate milk, and their own fabulous ice cream. [Our granddaughters (ages 16, 14, and 10) ask to go there every time they visit from California.]
If it's really warm, you'll want to visit Deep River Waterpark
that has rides and attractions for all ages. Enjoy the serenity of Taltree Arboretum & Gardens and explore woodland, prairie and wetland trails. The gardens are lovely and they have almost an acre of a G-Gauge garden railroad layout that's fun for everyone! Wait, there's more, but we ran out of space. Come see for yourself. We'll have more ideas waiting for you when you get here.
Sylvia Luekens ALCM Member (and Substitute Organist) Senior Major Gifts Officer Valparaiso University
ALCM Board Meeting Highlights
The ALCM Board met via conference call on March 7, 2013. The following are highlights from that meeting:
- Jake Runestad is the recipient of the 2013 Raabe Prize. Formal presentation will take place at the business meeting at the Valpo conference.
- Actual expenses compared to budget are tracking as expected for the first two months of 2013.
- 2014 regional conference dates will be announced and available by the national conference in Valparaiso.
- Discussed and reviewed benefits of ALCM membership. Discussed findings from our reach outs to those who might not have yet renewed membership. Finances and life circumstances seem to be the top reasons for non-renewal. Print material also came up, and this will be addressed once we have our new publications advisor in place.
- The 2013 Conference in Valparaiso looks to be exciting and in good shape. Thanks to Julie Grindle and her team of many for their extensive preparations.
Beat the Fee Increase! Don't forget that ALCM membership fees increase after April 15! Renew now to take advantage of the lower rates. If you don't renew before April 15, you'll receive a paper renewal reminder as usual. |
Christ Is Made the Sure Foundation
Hymn Festival
4 p.m. Sunday, April 14
Holy Trinity Lutheran Church
2001 Northwest Boulevard
Upper Arlington, Ohio 43212
Directions are available at www.holytrinitylutheran.info.
This event is free and open to the public. All are welcome. A free will offering will be taken to benefit the Lutheran Summer Music Scholarship Fund. Read more. . .

Association of Lutheran Church Musicians
Valparaiso University
810 Freeman Street
Valparaiso, IN 46383
800-624-2526 |