ALCM Logo with baton  

January 7, 2013


Association of
Lutheran Church Musicians
In This Issue
Conference Registration Continues
LSM Leadership Announced
Raabe Deadline
Lutheran Youth Choir
Election Results
Brewer Communications
Bach Society MN
Quick Links


Donate to ALCM



Raabe Prize



Reformation Hymn Festival



2013 Biennial Confernce 



ALCM on Facebook



This year we were all fortunate to celebrate the feast of the Epiphany, since it fell on a Sunday. Now, on this day after the festival, we enter the season of manifestation, noticing Jesus growing in wisdom and stature, noticing Jesus in each of our lives. This a rich time in the church's calendar as we celebrate God's light among us, and stretching out to the far reaches of the earth. It is a time to continue the celebration of the incarnation as it takes root and grows in our own lives. A blessed Epiphany season to you all as you prepare and lead the musical treasures of this time.


In planning for ALCM's 2013 budget, the executive board has unanimously recommended an increase in membership dues for this fiscal year. These increases are modest, we believe, but will help us significantly in keeping our budget balanced. The increases will go into effect on April 15, 2013. However, we will give any ALCM member an opportunity to renew their annual membership at the current rate, regardless of their renewal date, as long as they renew by April 15. Email and paper renewal notices will be sent prior to the April 15 deadline.


The rates that will increase are:

V - Voting member $90 (previous rate $80)
V66 - Voting member 65 and over $45 (previous rate $40)
CMT - Clergy/musician team membership $160 (previous rate $140)
I - Institutional membership $110 (previous rate $100)


The rates that will not change are:

V2 - Voting member, 2nd member same household $50
V65/2 - Voting member 65+, 2nd member same household $25
S - Student $40
LS - Library subscription $50


With our increased revenue, we hope to add new benefits to membership in ALCM. We will also be sending out a membership brochure early this year, inviting new members to join at the present rates. We hope all of this will be a small personal adjustment that will significantly help ALCM. At our January face-to-face meeting of the executive board, we will spend some time talking about member benefits, and what additional ideas we have for increasing those. If you have any ideas for us, feel free to send them to any of us on the board.

Wishing you a blessed Epiphany,
Lorraine Brugh, president
Kevin Barger, secretary/treasurer


Conference Registration Continues!

2013 Conference Logo   

"God Is Here: Worship in a Wireless World" will be held on the campus of Valparaiso University from June 30-July 3, 2013, and is sure to be both exciting and thought-provoking. The ALCM website has details about the keynote speakers, workshop presenters and much more. Watch your mailbox for the brochure.


Register online or

Print and mail a registration form


If you used money from your 2012 continuing education fund to make a partial payment, you will be receiving an invoice for the balance within the next two weeks. Final payment for those who used this option is due by March 1.

Lutheran Summer Music
Leadership Announced

 Lutheran Summer Music


Leadership for the 32nd Lutheran Summer Music Academy & Festival (LSM) includes ALCM members Dr. Karen Black (Paul Bouman Endowed Chapel Choir Conductor) and Rev. Paul Hoffman (Phyllis and Richard Duesenberg Endowed Chaplain). Dr. Allen Hightower (choir, Luther College); Dr. Jeffrey Doebler (band, Valparaiso University); and Dr. David Upham (orchestra, University of New Hampshire) complete the leadership team. They will guide 150+ students through four weeks of rigorous musical training from June 23 to July 21 on the campus of Luther College.  


Applications submitted by January 31 receive a $200 early application discount. Students using the application code ACLM13 receive an additional $100 discount! Email Sue Olstad, Director of Admissions, for materials. Build more discounts for your students by enrolling in the Young Musicians Partnership.


LSMEncourage young musicians in your congregation to discover a four-week home where musical excellence is achieved, friendships are born, faith is deepened, and the spark to serve is ignited.











Raabe Prize Submission Deadline

February 1 

Raabe Prize 

Submissions for the 2013 Raabe Prize for Excellence in Sacred Composition must be received in the ALCM office by February 1. For details on the prize visit the ALCM web site. 


LYCNA logo    

A Tale of Two Cities...

Write YOURSELF into the story with the Lutheran Youth Choir! Join us for our second Festival of American Vocal Music, July 17-31, 2013 at Mansfeld Castle in Luther's boyhood town of Mansfeld, Germany! 

  • Perform with German and American young people who love American music
  • Tour significant Luther and Bach heritage sites
  • "Flash Sing" in the capital city of Berlin! 

For information and application, go to


Early application discount available through January 31, 2013. Financial aid is also available.


Regional Election Results


The election process for regional officers for 2012-2014 is complete. Congratulations to the new regional officers: 


Region 1

President - Linda Kempke

Vice-Pres - John Weit

Sec/Treas - Janice Butz


Region 3

President - Michael Costello

Vice-Pres - Linda Martin

Sec/Treas - Mark Schultz


Region 2

President - Sarah Hawbecker

Vice-Pres - Rob Gerlach

Sec/Treas - Ryan Hostler


Region 4

President - Kim Cramer

Vice-Pres - Kathy Crosier

Sec/Treas - Randy Knutson



Thanks to the four nominating committees and to everyone who ran for office!


Several of you have asked about our new ALCM logo, which was designed by Kathryn Hillert Brewer. Kathryn has been doing graphic design work for various non-profits, institutions and small businesses for over 20 years. She is available to assist you with:


        concert series advertising and posters

        program covers and inside layout

        album covers and CD packaging


Kathryn also does website design, and can help your church or school implement a website that allows you to manage the content, create mailing lists and support other online functions.


Contact Kathryn directly at 708-383-7276 or [email protected].

Bach Society MN  

Love Bach Cantatas?

Do you sing or play an instrument?

Want to sing or play a cantata yourself?


Are they workshops? Or Day camps? Bach Bootcamps? Whatever they are, the focus is on making music with friends FOR FUN.


The Bach Society of Minnesota invites you to a unique day of do-it-yourself music making. Come to learn and perform a Bach cantata as well as another work; enjoy the company of other music lovers (not to mention a delicious lunch); perform the music learned that day and go home knowing you've done something beautiful, and made some new friends, too.


Association of Lutheran Church Musicians

Valparaiso University
810 Freeman Street
Valparaiso, IN 46383