-----Weekly Newsletter-----                                         30 December, 2015 - Vol 16, Issue 52
In This Issue
Youth and Family History
Favorite Websites
Family History Consultants
Bulletin Thought
Upcoming Classes
Join Our Mailing List!
Quick Links
Please help make this newsletter a success by submitting your Family History questions, tips, favorite websites, surname queries, quotes and stories to share with others.  Submit.


The RootsMagic
Users Group will meet on Monday, January 4, at 2:00 pm-Instructor Robert Gerber

The Ancestral Quest
Users Group will meet on Tuesday, January 5 at 1:00 pm.  Instructor Robert Gerber.

Legacy Users Group will be meeting on Thursday, January 7 at 2:00 pm.  Instructor is Irene Burton.

Family History Consultants Workshop will be on Friday, January 8 at 1:00 pm.  Instructor is Wade Nicholas.

Plan now to have your Scout Troop earn their Genealogy Merit Badge.  Our first Boy Scout genealogy Workshop will be offered on Tuesday, January 12 at 7:00 pm.  Please call ahead to arrange for your group to participate.

 Whats New in Family Search?
Upload Documents from Your Family Tree in the New Memories Gallery
With FamilySearch's new Memories Gallery, preserving documents from your family tree is easier than ever - whether you are collecting generations-old artifacts of ancestors or celebrating living relatives. You can save documents in three steps:
1) Upload documents in seconds.
2) Add documents to albums. 
3) Explore and share family documents.
Follow these steps in detail-click here to learn how.

FamilySearch Messaging on FamilySearch.org
Family Tree is a collaborative, universal pedigree best worked on together. A key ingredient of that collaboration is the ability to make changes, updates, additions, and the capability to carry on a conversation with those you are working with. That conversation just got a lot easier.
A new user-to-user messaging system called FamilySearch Messaging has launched, fulfilling one of our most common feature requests. The new messaging system connects every FamilySearch user in a private network that uses the FamilySearch.org Contact Name (already public) instead of a user's email address or other contact information.  Click here to learn how it works.

Ancestry.com and FamilySearch.org Updates and Additions to 21 Dec 2015
Click here for the Ancestry.com and FamilySearch.org Updates and Additions to 21 Dec 2015.

 Help Desk
Rejecting Research Suggestions
Question:  How can I remove invalid Research Suggestions?
Answer:  Research Suggestions appear on Family Tree to alert users to possible record problems and missing data. The icons are to help  you see where a family member or event such as a birth, marriage, or death could be missing from Family Tree.
Click the icon to see the suggestion. To research the possible missing information, click the name on a tree view to see the summary card. Click Person to 
see the details page. On the right side of the details page, click an icon in the SEARCH RECORDS box to search online records. 
Click the purple box to display the Research Suggestions. Some Research Suggestions can be rejected or dismissed, and others require changes to the records in Family Tree. To see if the option to remove Research Suggestion is available, hover over the Research Suggestion.  
  1. Hover over the Research Suggestion until the light green area and X appear.
  2. Click the X in the upper right corner to dismiss this suggestion.

Favorite Websites
Index vs. Original: Are You Getting the Whole Picture?
More and more historic records are being digitized, indexed, and published online. You can make significant strides in moving your research forward with online records. It definitely saves a ton of time and money. But it can also cause some pretty major headaches if you aren't careful.
People are human. Mistakes will be made. This is especially true when indexing historic records. Handwriting issues, spelling issues, language issues, and poor quality originals can cause indexes to contain erroneous information. So, how can you ensure you're getting the whole story? Click this link to find more.

5 Tips to Consider When Digitizing VHS
Here are five tips to consider when digitizing VHS:
1. Don't Delay & Digitize Today 
2. Trust But Verify
3. Restore & Fix
4. Share & Identify
5. Preserve Originals
Click here to see the complete tips.

Lump of Coal Award 2015
Based solely of the reactions received in comments to the previous nominations post, to me in person and in other's posts there is no need to go to a vote. The 2015 winner of the Lump of Coal Award is clear.  Want to know who gets the award . . . . click here.

Family History Research Help
Kentucky County Court Records Now Online
A batch of Kentucky county court records dating from the late 18th and early 19th centuries have been digitized and are now available to all online on the University of Kentucky web site.
Please note the word "batch." The newly-digitized documents do not include all court records that were written at the time. Some records have been lost over the years, others were destroyed by fires or perhaps deliberately by clerks who were not aware of the historical significance of these documents. Click here to see a list of Documents that are available. 

Suggestion for Weekly Bulletin Thought
Child of God
"You are a child of God. He is the father of your spirit. Spiritually you are of noble birth, the offspring of the King of Heaven. Fix that truth in your mind and hold to it. However many generations in your mortal ancestry, no matter what race or people you represent, the pedigree of your Spirit can be written on a single line. You are a child of God!" 
                        Boyd K. Packer
What's in a Name?
    "Here we are in a month named after the Roman god Janus, an appropriate personification of the start of the new year. This particular Roman god had two faces so that he could look ahead toward the future and back at the past at the same time. As we get rid of an old year and look forward to a new one, we all try to be a little like Janus. We know through experience what we did wrong and what we did right, and hope to do better this year. Some people make ambitious new year's resolutions; others just take a deep breath and hope for the best...."
Complete Speaker's Almanac

mUpcoming Classes
New classes are available
              To book a class now visit our website 
                        You may call the library (435) 755-5594 for assistance


Billy K. Jones
Director of Training
Logan Utah FamilySearch Library

Email: arc314@comcast.net
Phone: (435) 755-5594


Logan Utah FamilySearch Library | 50 North Main (lower level) | PO Box 3397 | Logan | UT | 84321