July 14, 2015
Envision Announces Jackie Robinson
Scholarship Award Winners

"A life is not important except in the
impact it has on other lives."
 - Jackie Robinson

Every year at Envision, we recognize one graduating senior from each of our schools with a $1000 Jackie Robinson Founder's Scholarship.  These awards are given in honor of all of Envision's founders: Bob Lenz and Daniel McLaughlin, as well as founding support staff, board members, teachers, students, and parents.

We have named this scholarship after Jackie Robinson because he was an extraordinary leader.  Famous for being the first African-American in major league baseball, he was also the first in his family to graduate from college (UCLA) and he served his country during World War II. As a civil rights leader, Jackie Robinson epitomized a life of service.

The winners of these awards are selected by each school's staff.  Candidates must be planning to attend a 4-year university and will be first generation college graduates.  They also must demonstrate college readiness through excellent portfolio defenses and they must exemplify the spirit of Jackie Robinson's life through their commitment to community service.  

We are pleased to announce our 2015 recipients!

Luz Palacios, with EA Principal Laura Robell 
and Envision CEO Gia Truong.
Luz Palacios
Envision Academy of Arts & Technology 

Luz is an all-around incredible young woman: funny, intelligent, reflective, and resilient. She is a leader who finds a way to lift up the people around her and push others to be their best selves.  Luz is an aspiration-driven young woman and she holds a clear sense that she will reach her dreams.


As a child, Luz immigrated to the United States from Mexico with her parents, and will be the first in her family to graduate from college.  She heads to college with a wealth of community service experience: she has been an active leader in the Student Leadership Group at EA, where she helped plan and execute student led assemblies on topics such as Black Lives Matter and Cyber Bullying, and also served on a the Student Justice Panel where she helped to mediate and solve conflicts between EA students and staff. 


Luz also possesses a genuine kindness that spills out to anyone around her. She is also an incredible advocate and source of support for the people close to her. On countless occasions, she has taken it upon herself to sit with her friends after school, well into the evening, helping them study for this quiz or complete that project, long after her own work is done.


Simply put, Luz is intellectually, emotionally, and socially brilliant. She represents the full picture of what it means to be an educated young person in our world. Since the first day of 9th grade, we have witnessed her continual growth as a student and a human being; growth that has come as a result of very clear dedication to her education and her community.


College Destination, Fall 2015: University of California, Merced

Yasmin Villalobos, with IA Principal Sean McClung and Envision CEO Gia Truong.
Yasmin Villalobos
Impact Academy of Arts & Technology

This remarkable young woman comes from a loving and dedicated family.  While her parents, who both immigrated to the United States from Mexico as young adults, never went to secondary school, they have stressed to their children the importance of education and community involvement.  Based on all the activities Yasmin engages in on a daily basis, it is clear that she has taken her parents' lessons and example to heart.  She never lets an opportunity pass her by and is certainly one of the most active students in her senior class.  She is a devoted athlete who plays and referees soccer, participates in mixed martial arts, and runs independently to maintain fitness.  She is also a leader among students at Impact Academy through MEChA.  On her own, she has secured various volunteer positions, including assisting in the school office and serving as a student ambassador to represent Impact on numerous occasions. She is a community-minded young woman who intends to give back, and we know she will do so powerfully, with integrity and compassion.  


This spring she presented the most outstanding CSP defense her advisor, Whitney Omosefe, has ever seen; according to Whitney, Yasmin's presentation raised the bar of what we know high school students can do. 


Yasmin dreams of becoming an environmental engineer in order to improve the quality of life for the disadvantaged, first here at home in the United States and then hopefully in developing countries.  We have no doubt that her strengths, skills, and goals will take her to amazing heights after her departure from the IA community.

College Destination, Fall 2015: St. Mary's College of California

Jocelyn Salaverria, with CAT Principal
Daniel Allen and Envision CEO Gia Truong.
Jocelyn Salaverria
City Arts & Technology High School

The recipient of this year's Jackie Robinson award has demonstrated a consistent dedication to service both at CAT and in her community. She has steadfastly held to her goals of graduating from CAT and being prepared for college by focusing on her academics over her 4 years here. She will be the first in her family to graduate from a 4-year university and has worked so hard to make this a reality. She has contributed tirelessly to the yearbook this year at CAT, and she also volunteers with the Boys and Girls Club and has done so for years. She enjoys the opportunity to work with youth and provides a strong role model for them.

Jocelyn's parents immigrated to the United States from Central America and have experienced the struggle it takes to make ends meet and provide for their family.  Their daughter is socially conscious and extremely proud of her Latino heritage. Having both witnessed and experienced discrimination as a Latina, Jocelyn is determined to strive even harder for success and defy social stereotypes. She is a politically aware young woman, ready to continue her activism and community involvement in college.  She is looking forward to joining San Francisco State this fall, and participating in the university's long history of student activism. 


She plans to major in sociology and pursue a career as a youth and family counselor. She is committed to serving her community, especially by helping other young people overcome the many struggles they face, including depression. She is choosing this path because she believes that helping others leads to positive social change. 


Through her College Success Portfolio Defense, she demonstrated her wonderful presentation skills and her keen insights about both education and the world.  She answered her Defense panel's questions with depth and made great connections to her philosophy of education.  No surprise: she passed with distinction.

College Destination, Fall 2015: San Francisco State University
Envision Education | 111 Myrtle Street, Suite 203 | Oakland, CA  94607 | 510-451-2415