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Envision Education Newsletter - November 2012

Envision Education in 2012


As an Envision fan, you probably know that it has been a year of exciting developments for our organization. This year, our schools are embarking on a new rigorous literacy focus and we are continuing to focus on creating the best possible schools and organization for the years to come. Envision Learning Partners, our consulting and training division, continues to grow, having touched the lives of over 1000 educators who will bring our high quality college-prep model to students around the country. We also changed our name to Envision Education to embrace both our new consulting division and our four high-performing charter schools. 


Whether iour backyards or across the country, our focus has remained firmly on preparing students for college. Our schools continue to send an average of 90% of graduates to college

Smiling girl studentseach year. Plus, 90of Envision graduates stay in college beyond the first year, which is the most significant indicator in predicting long-term college persistence and college graduation. Envision Learning Partners is now working with school and district partners across California, Hawaii, Detroit, Seattle and New York City. Through our work with the Hewlett Foundation, we are part of a network of over 400 schools that is leading the charge at spreading a deeper learning model nationwide. We are proud to be on this journey of impacting students' lives with you.


As you know, your support is critical to our ability to help students attend college, begin fruitful careers, and become productive and successful citizens. As the end of the year approaches, we are asking you to help make a difference by making a gift to Envision Education. We sincerely appreciate your commitment to our efforts in preparing students for success in college and in life. Your gift and dedication to Envision is deeply appreciated and your support truly makes a difference in the lives of young people. We hope you have a wonderful holiday season and we thank you for helping students to achieve their dreams!





Best to you and yours,
 Bob's Signature

Bob Lenz, CEO

Going to CAT really changed me as a person and a student. I came out of 8th grade a straight F student who did not care about my education and felt that going to school was pointless. But going to CAT was a reality check for me - they really challenge you to strive for the best and succeed in the real world.
-Justin, CAT graduate

As a freshman at Metro, my son would say 'if I get to college.' By the end of his sophomore year, he started to say 'when I go to college.' As the proud parent of a Metro graduate, I helped my son enroll in the University of California this year to study nanoscience technology.  
-Tiffany, Metro parent
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About Envision Education
Envision Education is a non-profit charter management organization located in the San Francisco Bay Area, currently operating four innovative college-preparatory high schools and disseminating our model through the work of Envision Learning Partners. Our mission is to transform the lives of students - especially those who will be the first in the family to attend college - by preparing them for success in college and in life.