AIA Kentucky
March 2, 2015

Nine AIA Kentucky and local chapter leaders are headed to Washington DC this week, where they'll meet with Kentucky's U.S. Senators and Congressmen in their offices on Capitol Hill to advocate for the interests of the profession. During these meetings, AIA members will be asking the following of legislators:
  • Protect and enhance the federal historic tax credit (HTC)
  • Cosponsor the Safe Building Code Incentive Act, which encourages states to voluntarily adopt and enforce nationally recognized model building codes for residential and commercial structures in order to qualify for additional post-disaster FEMA grants.
  • Cosponsor the National Design Services Act, which extends to architecture graduates student debt relief in exchange for work in under-served communities.

Members will also visit Institute headquarters and attend workshops designed to provide leadership training to state and local chapter officers.

In This Issue
2015 AIA KY Officers
Charles C. Cash, AIA
Jeffrey C. Stivers, AIA
Randall C. Vaughn, AIA
John C. Robertson, AIA
Joseph T. Schwab, AIA
Past President

AIA Benefit of the Month: CRANtv Videos for Residential Clients

CRANtv has made several great videos explaining to potential clients why hiring an architect is important for custom residential projects and how to do it. Share these videos on your website or with your clients and potential clients. Visit CRANtv

Year of the Advocate
What does it mean to be an advocate? The AIA has declared 2015 to be the Year of the Advocate, which means the Institute will be focusing its efforts on what advocacy means to AIA Members and how to make an impact in your state and community. Embrace the Year of the Advocate & get the tools you need to make a difference: contact your legislator, donate to ArchiPAC, and access best practices & toolkits at Advocacy365.  
AIA Ohio Valley Region
Oct. 11-13, 2015
Columbus, OH
Quick Links
AIA Kentucky Legislative Day: Meet Your  Legislator for Breakfast March 4
Join us for AIA Kentucky's annual Breakfast with Legislators in the Capitol Annex cafeteria from 8 to 10 a.m., followed by appointments in legislative office for those who desire to stay a bit longer.  Meet your legislator and discuss pending bills!  Register today.

View the latest weekly Legislative Update here.
Sustainable Schools Workshop March 10-11 

AIA Kentucky is once again joining forces with the KY Department of Energy Development and Independence and the KY NEED program to present the annual High Performance Sustainable Schools Workshop. This year's 2-day event will be held March 10-11 in Versailles and will include workshop sessions as well as on-site learning at two schools. The program has been approved for AIA/CE approval for 6.5 LU HSW the first day and 5 LU HSW on the second day.  View program details and register here. 

AIA KY CE Workshop - April 16 - 5 LU HSW 

AIA Kentucky and AIA Indiana will co-host a continuing education workshop on April 16, 2015 in conjunction with the Kentucky Building Materials Association conference at Belterra Casino and Resort in Florence, IN.  "Materials & Methods From the Ground Up" features five one-hour sessions covering subfloors, air/water/moisture management, mortarless stone veneer, aluminum fenestration coating options and synthetic slate roof tiles. The program has been submitted for AIA/CE approval for 5 LU HSW.

Registration will also include the KBMA Luncheon with Medal of Honor winner Sgt. Dakota Meyer as featured speaker, and the KBMA Expo and cocktail reception to close the day. AIA KY members are also invited to participate in a Certainteed plant tour and golf outing the following day. 

View program details and register here

Renew Membership/Update Firm Info 
The 2015 AIA Kentucky Membership Directory and Firm Profile will begin production in April. We need your help to make sure the information included is correct. This week you will receive an email survey from Janet Pike requesting that you review and update your individual  contact information. This will only require a quick review, so please take a few moments to respond.

In order to insure you are included, your membership needs to be active on April 9, when we pull the files to send to the publisher.  If you have not yet renewed your membership for 2015, please do so right away.

It is also important that Kentucky firms keep their information on the AIA Architect Finder searchable database up to date.  We will pull the file for firm data on April 9 as well, so please take a minute to ensure that your Firm's information is correct and complete.  Only firms whose supplemental dues obligation for 2015 has been met will be included in the directory.

If you have questions about supplemental dues or if you are experiencing a situation that impacts your ability to renew, please contact Janet Pike.


Member News
AIA Kentucky welcomes Kelly E. Ives, AIA to a new role as Member Outreach Coordinator for AIA Kentucky.  Kelly will be working part-time with Janet on social media, website development/maintenance, membership recruitment/data maintenance, honor awards, directory production, and more. Kelly was previously a project manager at RossTarrant Architects in Lexington and serves as 2015 AIA East Kentucky Chapter secretary.  Contact Kelly at


Welcome New Members: (since February 6, 2015)
  • Devon R. Hutton, Assoc. AIA, Paladin Inc., Louisville
  • James S. MacMillan, Assoc. AIA, TEG Architects, Jeffersonville
  • Edward G. Ouellette, AIA, Gray Construction, Lexington


 Send your news for inclusion in the next e-newsletter!

Calendar of Events
AIA Kentucky and the local AIA chapters are now utilizing a shared online design calendar called Design Ffunnel, which is also available for use by other design organizations in Kentucky. We'll post information about conferences, chapter events and other "happenings" of interest to the architectural community. A sampling of upcoming items to check out on the calendar:

The AIA CSI Trade Fair, sponsored by AIA Central Kentucky and Louisville CSI, will be held Tuesday, March 3, 2015 at the Louisville International Convention Center.  Learn more.

View the latest edition of the AIA Central KY Chapter E-News
with information about the following programs and events:
  • AIA/CSI Trade Fair This Tuesday, Registration Now!
  • AIA KY Legislative Day
  • Ignite Louisville Applications Due
NOTE:  AIA/CKC has a NEW mailing address:

PO Box 701092

Louisville, KY 40270-1092


View the latest edition of the AIA East Kentucky E-News with information about the following:
  • Opportunities to Get Involved - Volunteers are needed to help with the EKC chapter and with the ACE Mentorship Program
  • Opportunities for Continuing Education through events at the UK College of Design and our "Third Thursday" lunch series
  • Information regarding other Upcoming Events
Mar. 19 - Thursday CE Program: Noon to 1 p.m. at Commerce Lexington, 330 E. Main St., Lexington.  1 AIA LU HSW.  Info/Register here.

Mar. 10 - KET Telefund: 5 to 11 p.m.  Volunteers need to man the phones as AIA EKC supports the KET Telefund! Info/Register here.


For information on AIA/EKC events and other regional architecture-related activities, Follow us on Facebook.


Mar. 20-21 - Northern Kentucky Restoration Weekend, Covington. The program will include a Chapter 34 code seminar presented by Wayne Meyer, AIA. The other pending courses are:  

  • Controlling and Accommodating Change in Your Community Through Section 106
  • Brownfields Basics
  • Historic Building Assessments

View More details.



Mar. 6 - Historic Preservation Symposium
The University of Kentucky Historic Preservation Graduate Organization (HPGO) will hold its eighth annual Preservation Symposium on Friday, March 6, at the Black Box Theater in the Downtown Arts Center, 141 E. Main St, Lexington.  The doors will open at 9:00 a.m. Several sessions have been approved for AIA CES credit - up to 4.5 LU available.  More info.


Mar. 10-31 - Exhibition - The Houses of Richard B. Isenhour: mid-century modern in Kentucky

Opening lecture by Larry Isenhour, Tuesday, March 10 12:30 p.m. Room 209 Pence Hall.


AIA National News
Participate in the 2015 AIA Compensation Survey
Need up-to-date salary information? Participate in the 2015 AIA Compensation Survey! It has been almost two years since the AIA published the 2013 AIA Compensation Survey Report - an industry standard, and the most comprehensive national survey on architect compensation. The new 2015 survey will provide compensation data for 40 positions at architecture firms, all nine regions of the country, plus many states and metro areas. To thank you for your participation, you will receive a complimentary PDF copy of the complete survey report when it is released. If you received an invitation to participate, we ask that you respond as your reply is vital for the success of this study. If you are a firm leader who has not received an invitation and would like to participate, please send an email to Jennifer Riskus.

AIA Knowledge Communities - Your Resource! 

AIA Knowledge Communities are a great way for members to access their peers and AIA learning opportunities. Here's a sampling of what's coming up: 

A full list of Knowledge Community events is always available at


AIA Convention 2015 - Registration Is Open!

Registration is now open for AIA Convention 2015, one of the largest and most exciting annual gatherings of architects and design professionals in the U.S.  This year's schedule is incredible: President Bill Clinton's day one keynote address. 300+ career-changing workshops, seminars, tours, and events led by visionaries, grassroots champions, change agents, and rising stars. A dynamic expo floor turned into a temporary built environment with hundreds of exhibitors, first looks, and surprises. See what AIA Convention 2015 is all about.  


Volunteer & Earn Free Registration!

Interested AIA members are encouraged to sign up for volunteer opportunities at the AIA Convention 2015 in Atlanta, May 14-16. Members who commit to at least four (4) time slots will receive full complimentary registration to the Convention. Sign up here.  
Competitions, Grants, Etc.
AIA National Photography Competition

Deadline: April 1, 2015
AIA St. Louis announces the opening of the 2015 AIA National Photography Competition, with deadline of April 1, 2015.
The rules/regulations and entry form for this juried competition can be found hereThe winning images will be exhibited at the AIA National convention in Atlanta in May 2015.


See more competition opportunities here, including:

  • SESAH Best of the South Awards - due July 1


The Last Word
Membership Update:  We're now at 597 Architect, Associate and Emeritus members - an increase of 2 members since last month!  Help us get to the 600 mark:
  • Renew your membership (if you haven't already done so).  Renew online or contact Janet Pike if you need another copy of your renewal invoice.
  • Are there architects or architectural graduates in your office who are not yet AIA members?  Will your firm support their engagement in your professional organization?
  • Some firms do not have any architects participating in the AIA, yet they benefit from our work in the areas of government advocacy, public outreach, continuing education and more.  Will you invite them to support their profession and join AIA?

New and reinstating members can join online or click here to download membership applications.


Thank you for helping keep AIA Kentucky a strong, growing and effective organization.

Janet D. Pike, Hon. AIA
Executive Vice President