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GrassRoots Meats Newsletter  February 2016
Thank you all so much for your support and your friendship, 
and for making it possible to do what we love to do

Oklahoma/Texas Report 

Allan has been working at our leases in the panhandle of Texas and Oklahoma this past week and should be back home sometime this week. As you may already know, we keep our cows and calves there, eliminating the need to move them to a warmer climate in the winter, as we would have to do if we kept them in Colorado. This has been our program for almost 10 years now, and it is working beautifully. The cattle are doing great, and it seems the drought is over - thank you, God. So this month the newsletter is focused on pictures of that area, and our cattle. 

Welcome to Allan's world . . . 

There is such a beauty there

Although hard to see, there are geese, turkey, and deer in this field

The cattle are doing great


Lots of work going on, preg checking the cows and weaning the calves. Our red
and white shorthorn bull is center of the picture, keeping his ladies happy

Allan always takes a few of his border collies along and they love it. They are such a great help to him.

And when the day is done, it's all good.

Such satisfaction.

Such a beautiful place.

Such a beautiful life.

Snow Storm 

We had a pretty intense snow storm in late December and early January that left us with quite a bit of snow. Our grandson, Kyler, took this picture of a bull elk that died during the storm, on our neighbor's property.

February Special 

Been a long time since we have had 
enough extra ground beef 
to run it on special, but for 
February we want to offer our 
Sweetheart Deal

In Closing . . .   

The Iowa caucus ushers in a year of political frenzy as each party jousts for popularity among the voters. 

Winston Churchill said, "The inherent vice of capitalism is the unequal sharing of the blessings. The inherent blessing of socialism is the equal sharing of misery." 

In this world there is no perfection, but as entrepreneurs we strive to do all we can within our power to do the best we can, and to accept and deal with what we cannot change. 

Hopefully we will have candidates that we can stand behind and support, and who will serve us with honor and integrity. That is our prayer as this election year unfolds.

God bless you all.
Lois & Allan

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