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 Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Halloween Parade and Pumpkin Carving Contest on Friday!
Friday is a short day - TK/K dismissed at 11:20 AM - Grades 1 to 5 dismissed at 12:30 PM

WedsOct 28CCC Meeting - 7 PM at WCI
WedsOct 28Picture Day make-up day
FriOct 30Halloween Parade - 8:15-9 AM around the school track
Pumpkin Contest
Short Day - TK/K dismissed at 11:20 AM.  Grades 1-5 dismissed at 12:30 PM

Principal's Message
Dear Parents,

We have been talking a lot about math lately, both at our Parent Education Night and at our latest Principal Coffee.  I have been working to help parents understand conceptual math, in the hope of reducing worry around how different math looks from when we grew up.  Please click on this link to read "Common Core Is Not The Enemy," an article that addresses the goal of conceptual math and why our kids need it.
Then, mark your calendar for Thursday, December 3, to attend our Family Math and Activities Night.  Enjoy math games and activities as a family that will help you see what we are doing daily in the classroom.  More information to follow! Save the date!

Thank you,
Carol Nenni
Murwood Principal
From the Office
REMINDER:  This Friday, 10/30, is a Minimum Day!  TK/Kindergarten will be dismissed at 11:20am, 1st through 5th will be dismissed at 12:30pm.
Parents, please remember that if you are wishing to "surprise" your child with a treat for their classroom, you need to make arrangements with the teacher ahead of time and then check-in at the office.  This allows your teacher to be aware so they can plan it into their day, as well as helps them to avoid accidental consumption of possible allergens in their class.
Finally...Don't forget to "FALL BACK" this weekend!  It's the start of Daylight Savings Time, so set your clocks back one hour when you go to bed Saturday night! 
PTA Corner
A great big Murwood 'Thank You' to everyone who came in and supported our library by participating in the Book Fair. All profits made go directly to implementing our library budget. So the books you buy to read at home help us buy more books for your student to read at school. That's a win-win!

Please bring pumpkins for the Pumpkin Carving Contest this Friday morning.  Awards will be handed out for each grade level and to each participant. Make sure you bring it home after school to decorate your home for Halloween!

Las Lomas is putting on a Halloween Carnival where our various clubs and sports teams will have booths. Each booth will have games or food that it's selling. There will also be a haunted house. It will be on October 30, from 3:30-6 PM at the front of Las Lomas.

Think you'll have some extra candy after the big holiday weekend?  Please share your bounty of wonderful treats with those less fortunate!  Bring your treats (wrapped candy only please) to the office, between Nov. 2-6, where a box bound for the Blue Star Moms of Danville is waiting.

Murwood Elementary has been a participant of the Wastebusters Certification Program since 2008.   Last year, it diverted 69% of its landfill material. The program has educated students and staff on recycling and waste diversion tactics.  Led by Murwood's principal, Carol Nenni, with support from head custodian, Vee Vongnakhone, recycling and composting containers are found in lunch rooms as well as recycling bins in classrooms and bathrooms.  The Green Team formed by 4th and 5th graders provides educational leadership to the rest of the student body to actively recycle and compost.  The goal for 2015-16 is to increase waste diversion to 75% and to promote zero waste lunches.
Las Lomas High School Carnival
Las Lomas is putting on a Halloween Carnival where our various clubs and sports teams will have booths. Each booth will have games or food that it's selling. There will also be a haunted house. It will be on October 30, from 3:30-6 PM at the front of Las Lomas.

Q&A with Alison McDaniel
Alison is a Murwood parent and Murwood Site Chair on the Board of the Walnut Creek Education Foundation.
Tell us about your children.
I have three girls, one at Murwood, one at WCI and one at Las Lomas--we cover each level of school that WCEF supports!
Does your family contribute to WCEF K-12?
Absolutely, for five or six years now! 

Why do you think it's important to support WCEF K-12 every year?
I was at a Murwood PTA meeting when one of our teachers addressed the group and explained that without WCEF, the basic educational experience for our kids would be severely diminished. Up to that point, I had wanted to keep my money at my home school. Now that I understand the big picture, I know that WCEF supports ALL of our kids--and my annual donation can help the organization support even more services in the future.
How have your children directly benefited from your contribution to WCEF K-12?
Our house is filled with the art my girls have brought home over the years. They all sing the songs they learned in Music. My current freshman still talks about how awesome Civil War Day was last year (her team was the fastest to win their battle). When I ask my kids what they did in school, the stories I hear first are always the ones from art, music and PE!
Why have you chosen to be a volunteer for WCEF K-12?
I think when your kids move on from their elementary school, we start to see how all the schools are connected. As a parent that's been in the system and serving on the PTA for many years, I am in a position to promote the value of WCEF to others in our community and help ensure that our children continue to receive the high quality education that we expect from our District!
Have you made your donation to WCEF K-12 yet? Do your part;  donate to WCEF K-12 today!
In town for Thanksgiving? Have a few hours to support our students?
Join us at the 23rd Annual Turkey Trot!
Community eFlyers
These links are all Walnut Creek School District approved flyers that are electronic. Please use the links below to view the newest flyers or click on Community Flyers to view all electronic flyers on the Walnut Creek School District website. 
  • Interested in Girl Scouts?  A new Daisy troop will be forming at Murwood for Kindergartners and TK'ers.  Girl Scouts is a great way to build long lasting friendships, learn life skills, get involved in your community and have a lot of fun!  We will be holding an information/interest meeting soon.  If curious to learn more, please contact Karen Abbott, 925-407-5591 or [email protected]
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