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 Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Welcome Back to Murwood!!!
Back to School Night is Tuesday! 6:30-7:15pm Grades 4-5 Classrooms
     7:15-7:30  Principal's Welcome, MPR
     7:30-8:15  Grades 1-3 Classrooms

WedAug 26First Day of School

TuesSept 1Back to School Night; 6:30-7:15pm Grades 4-5 Classrooms
     7:15-7:30  Principal's Welcome, MPR
     7:30-8:15  Grades 1-3 Classrooms
FriSept 4Short Day
MonSept 7No School - Labor Day Holiday
MonSept 28No School - Staff Development Day

Principal's Message
Dear Murwood Families,

Welcome back to School!! There is nothing like the first day of school and all the excitement that goes with meeting your new teacher, connecting with old friends, and making new ones! We have been busy preparing for your arrival and are happy to see old and new families entering our beautiful campus with a smile.
We want to remind you of safety precautions put in place for you:  please use the paved walkways around school that connect so that your child never has to enter the parking lot where vehicles travel.  Please use our crosswalk and remember to be on the lookout for children walking and on bikes.  We ask that our parking lot remain cell phone free and that we all practice civility in the lot by waiting our turn and allowing the car ahead of us to pull out before we try to exit.
Remember that our playground is supervised beginning at 8:00 and that nothing starts the day off better than a good recess before entering the classroom. Finally, the most important thing your family can commit to is on time attendance every day.  Be on time! It's our goal!!
If anyone is looking for a great part time job, please consider joining our fantastic crew of noon duty supervisors.  It is a paid position from 11:30 - 1:00 every Monday through Friday. You'll help supervise students to keep them safe on the playground and help in the lunchroom making sure everyone enjoys their meal.  It is a great way to serve your community, get to know our kids and become part of the Murwood family.  Please call 943-2462 if you are interested!

Thank you,
Carol Nenni
Murwood Principal
From the Office
Welcome back families!  We had a great first day of school today.  It was so nice to see the familiar faces back in our office...and meet our new friends as well! 

A few reminders of our office policies as we start off the year:
- All visitors MUST sign in at the office and wear a Visitor's Badge while on campus.  If you are helping in your child's classroom, please make sure you have pre-arranged it with the teacher.
- All adults MUST present Photo ID at the office for pick up of any child during school hours.  Adults should come to the office to show their ID and sign out their student.  We will then call the teacher to request the child be sent to the office.  Please note that if the ID does not match any names on the child's contact list, the child will not be released.
- If your child will be late or not at school on any given day, please call the MW Attendance Line at 943-2462 x5801 to let us know as soon as possible.  Leave the child's name, your name, date, and reason for absence.
From the PTA President
Dear Murwood Families,

Welcome to the 2015-2016 school year
I would like to invite you and your family to get involved in the Murwood PTA. Involvement can be coming to meetings as a member to vote on policy, serving on one of our many committees, or volunteering to stuff envelopes. Involvement is a great way to meet new people, to really see how our school and community functions, and to share your skills with the rest of us. Please contact myself or any of the PTA Executive Board for more information.
This year, I hope you will join us for our first PTA meeting. This first of many exciting meetings for this year!
I hope to see you all next week at Back to School Night, and have a great first week of school!

Colin Wells
PTA President
PTA Corner
Welcome Back Mustangs!  Mark your calendar for our first fundraiser of the year, the Murwood Welcome Back Walk-a-thon.  This wonderful event is happening on
September 18, during school, and all students will participate.  There is also an opportunity to return after school at 4 PM and walk with your family and friends.  
To support Murwood PTA programs we hope that you will solicit donations for your walking efforts and return your pledge forms to your child's teacher by September 17th.  We will also need volunteers to help the day of the event so please keep an eye out for more information to come your way!!!
After School Enrichment

Fall After School Enrichment Registration has begun! 

Many  NEW Offerings this Fall, plus 6 classes for the Kindergarteners.  Tennis will be back in the Spring. Spanish class is weekly in the afternoons.  Find the course offerings at the PTA website, www.murwoodpta.org

Registration begins August 20th and will end September 7th. Classes start the week of September 14th.

Murwood PTA is looking for volunteers interested in training to coordinate the After School Enrichment programs. If you have been looking for a way to give back to your school community, this is a great opportunity. Please contact the current coordinators, Amy Cole and Adam Peters at [email protected].

Make your annual donation to WCEF K-12
Have you made your annual donation to WCEF K-12 yet? Do your part; donate to WCEF K-12 today!

Help choose the color of our new logo!
WCEF K-12 has a new logo and we need your help choosing what color it should be! Visit Five Little Monkeys, Extreme Pizza or Lottie's Creamery to cast your ballot. Each business is offering something free if you vote. You may also vote at TRI-S or Welcome Back Day at your school, or at the back-to-school fashion show at Macy's Broadway Plaza on August 29.
Back-to-school fashion show at Macy's Broadway Plaza
Come enjoy a back-to-school fashion show at the Broadway Plaza Macy's on August 29 at 10 a.m. Featuring teachers and students from Walnut Creek School District schools and Las Lomas, the event includes a complimentary continental breakfast, raffles and 30 percent off most items. Don't miss this exciting opportunity! RSVP to [email protected].
Walnut Run for Education
The Walnut Run for Education 5K and 10K, benefiting WCEF, is on September 13 at 8 a.m. Register today and be sure to designate WCEF as the educational beneficiary!
Community eFlyers
These links are all Walnut Creek School District approved flyers that are electronic. Please use the links below to view the newest flyers or click on Community Flyers to view all electronic flyers on the Walnut Creek School District website. 
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