April Newsletter 2014

Services you may not know about
What We Offer

Did you know that Dr. Hughes can help with migraines, headaches, TMJ, or other cranial ailments by using Osteopathic Manipulation Therapy (OMT). Dr Hughes' practice of OMT may also benefit those with conditions such as back pain, sciatica, neck injuries, muscle spasms, referred visceral pain, asthma, COPD, edema, and other physiological conditions. Click here to find out if OMT can help you!

About Us

We are excited for summer and want to share what we like to do outside the office!  You can find Dr. Hughes kayaking Maroon Creek, hiking Aspen Mountain, or participating in races around the Valley.  Dave's favorite activities are swimming in the shores of Great Lake Michigan, horseback riding through the sand dunes on South Fox Island, and over-nighting on the Colorado River.  Adam Nickamin is a hard working dad who likes trail running and teaching Jiu-Jitsu at Gracie Jiu-Jitsu in Carbondale. 

Mindfulness Meditation and Yoga

We want to contribute to making a healthier you. That is why this summer we will be offering a mindfulness meditation or limited mobility yoga classes for our patients to help with their chronic pain. These activities are shown to decrease present-moment pain and drug utilization, while increasing activity levels and feelings of self-esteem. Read more here.

CLICK HERE to let us know if you would be interested!

We appreciate your continued business!
The Aspen Integrative Medicine Team

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