8th National Assembly Wrap-up
Bulletin # Seven
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Bulletin #7                                                            June 30, 2014

In This Issue
Celebrated 40 Years Young
 Rooted in Blessed History ~ Sent to the Frontiers  
"As for the seed that fell on good soil it is the one who hears the word and understands it: it bears fruit and produces a hundred, or sixty or thirty times more.       

ASSEMBLY SUMMARY (Mary Balfe, Co-President)
Such great energy has been stirred in our national assembly with enthusiasm to move CLC Canada forward evermore growing as a nationally formed body, with regional flare 'outward to the frontiers'. {Link to the final statement and recommendations here.
The preparation was outstanding by the National Assembly Organizing Committee. To them we owe so much gratitude for months of  effort culminating in our gathering in Saint John, "Rooted in Blessed History-Sent to the Frontiers". Along with the Writing Team, Process Guides, small group facilitators, and
 General Council, we were 'learning as we go' in the Spirit of Christ present and active. A most generous attitude of co-operation, transparency, listening and discerning was among the assembled. 
The first concrete frontier response was in solidarity with CLC South Sudan who have met horrific crisis with what seems no apparent hesitation to remain faithful to planning the future formation of CLC. CLC Canada has sent a letter with our love, prayers and great hope for renewed strength in all their efforts with a promise of $1000.00 CAD. This gift will be sent through CVX-CLC World processes.  
{Link to Sudan Letter here
 read more

Recommendations that will lead CLC Canada in growth as an apostolic body: 

With the fire of the Holy Spirit, CLC Canada National Assembly 2014 experienced joy, energy, and 
spiritual freedom in dreaming growth strategies as a maturing apostolic body. 

In solidarity with the World CVX-CLC, CLC Canada will move forward with Jesus in apostolic mission in response to youth and young adults, to families, to poverty and globalization, and to ecology. We will implement the collated recommendations from the Assembly in the document "RECOMMENDATIONS BY THE NATIONAL ASSEMBLY BODY 2014 FOR GROWTH AS AN APOSTOLIC BODY". 

In addition, a Working Group chosen from the Assembly 2014 participants will be mandated to compose a renewed Common Mission Statement for CLC Canada within the next year to confirm our direction outward to the 'frontiers'. 

Recommendations by the National Assembly Body click here

COMMON MISSION POWER POINT (Mary Balfe, Central Region)

Dear friends, 


It has been a hectic time after getting back, but all of you have been very much in my mind and heart. Am putting down a few impressions about CLC Canada, gleaned from my visit there.  Obviously, these are just 'impressions' so take only what you may find relevant and useful. 


The strengths 

- There is depth and solidity in members and a deep rootedness in the Ignatian charism

- A sense of unity, despite the vast geographic distances

- An openness to take stock and review.  This was seen in the thorough evaluation undertaken regarding the living out of your Life and Mission.  

read more


ASSEMBLY WEEKEND RECAP (Linda Adams, Atlantic Region)

The Villa Madonna Retreat House in Rothesay, N.B. Thursday, May 29th - Sunday, June 1st, 
was the location for the CLC Canada National Assembly 2014. 

It was hosted by the Atlantic Region with representatives attending from the other three regions in Canada: the Rockies, the Prairies and Central Region. 

As well as representation nationally from across Canada, we had Father Luke Rodrigues SJ join us from Rome, representing our international relationship 
with the World CLC.  

(Kyoko Leung, Central Region)

My reflection in the National Assembly  


A process guide can be like a referee in a soccer game, a gatekeeper, a spiritual guide, a listener, or an observer.....But more important, he/ she is a person who can help the proceeding of the assembly according to the light of God and the Holy Spirit.  


 Coming from a CLC which formed about 2 and half years ago in Vancouver, I knew very little about CLC Canada and the National Assembly.  Although many unfamiliar things which confused me sometimes, special energy, curiosity and excitement kept me open to new things, like a child who wondered about the surroundings.  When reflecting on my experience it was like I arrived at the retreat house with a spiritual empty stomach and the assembly was a grand buffet that the Lord had prepared through the CLC members to feed my heart's desire.   


(prepared by Peter Chouinard, Atlantic Region)
2014 assembly pptx FINAL

Process Guides Assembly Input

(prepared by Adrienne DeShutter, Central Region)
CLCNational Assembly 2014 Adrienne

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Please pray for... 

Leanne Salel (Rockies Representative) and her family as they journey with her mother who has been diagnosed with lung cancer...
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