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 February  2014 
The storms and beauty of a Canadian winter will companion us into the Lenten season that awaits us.  As sure as the snows will melt in warming weather may our hearts burst together with new life from the solid ground of our faith in the resurrection.

Please pray for all those preparing for the National Assembly, May 29 -June 1


'Rooted in Blessed History - Sent to the Frontiers'

Matthew 13 :23
"As for the seed that feel on the good soil......."

It is most helpful if you register for the National Assembly by March 1st, on line using registration form.

NATIONAL seeks a SECRETARY for April 2014!! and TREASURER to serve as of December 2014.

See SOP's that outline the job description.
In This Issue
Quick Links
Development & Peace
Ignatian Spirituality
The Tablet
Lent is a season of repentance and renewal. We turn away from our sinfulness and recommit ourselves to following Jesus. Ignatian contemplation and reflective prayer encourage us in the season of Lent. For Ignatian resources click here

Living Fully - Dying Naturally


The Gift was filmed in Kentville and Halifax, Nova Scotia during the summer of 2013 and released publicly on September 28, 2013. 

Dr. Catherine McNally and Dr. John Sumarah shared from their experience, offering a highly personal glimpse into some remarkable lives lived. 

Thank you for your vulnerability and your authenticity.  



"You're a value, simply because 

you are."

John Sumarah   


CLC Oramus,
Prairies Region

Welcomes Prayer Requests at
Prayer for Pope Francis
Lord , source of eternal life and truth, give to your shepherd Francis,
a spirit of courage and right judgement, a spirit of 
knowledge and love.
By governing with fidelity those entrusted to his care, may he, as successor to the Apostle Peter and Vicar of Christ, build your church into a sacrament of unity, love and peace for all the world.

The Kaleidoscope was the image chosen by the World Assembly Team to represent CLC Canada's past five year journey. Can you see the Spiritual transformation?

A two-part guided retreat for young adults sponsored by the AASEA (Atlantic Association of the Spiritual Exercises Apostolate) and members of Earthen Vessel CLC and River of Life CLC is being held at the Villa Madonna Retreat House in Rothesay, NB.


Part I held February 2nd had 20 participants. The movie

BELLA was used, with small group conversation .... then a guided Ignatian prayer experience connected to the film's theme (loved and chosen).  


Part II to be held April 6th will move the theme forward ... "broken but loved (forgiveness) using a 50 min. segment of the movie The Mission.  Contact info here


Stay tuned more to come!


  "Our Lady's Circle"  in Nackawic, NB has donated a queen size quilt for a draw in order to raise money for the Jesuits working in Syria.  Since we are a small community, living in a town with less than 1000 inhabitants, it was discerned that in order to raise a goodly amount of funding for our 'preferential option for the poor',  we should invite CLC's across Canada join our 'mission'. With this in mind, we have set the draw date for May 31st at our National Assembly, so that delegates can turn in tickets (and monies) for the draw at that time (and take the quilt home to the winner!).    Perhaps the Regional Representatives can pass this message to their CLCs?  If you discern to join us on this mission for Syria, please contact Pat Lawson at dllawson@nbnet.nb.ca  for copies of poster and tickets. 



Haiti's Bishops Rejoice Over Country's First Cardinal-to-be
(Vatican Radio) Haiti's bishops are giving thanks for the creation of their first Cardinal in the upcoming Consistory this Saturday February 22nd. Pope Francis will give the new red hat to the President of the Haitian Bishops' Conference, Bishop Chibly Langlois, of the Diocese of Les Cayes. The bishops also urged Haiti's political and civil leaders to support "the process of national dialogue" to further the "higher interests of the nation and the good of the Haitian people."  
Dominican Cardinal Attacks Leading Jesuit Over Undocumented Haitians
18 February 2014 13:29 by Isabel de Bertodano

The cardinal in the Dominican Republic (DR) has clashed with the Jesuits in his country, hitting out at a prominent Jesuit priest who defended the right of Haitians born in the Dominican Republic to claim Dominican nationality.

Cardinal Nicolás López Rodríguez, Archbishop of Santo Domingo, has said that a court ruling last year preventing the descendants of Haitians from continuing to claim citizenship must be respected.

    Projects No. 158
March 25th 

This past year has been a rich and gifted one as we have celebrated 450 years of Ignatian lay communities around the world! To conclude this jubilee year, we invite the whole world community to join in solidarity and appropriate celebration of joy and gratitude on World CLC Day.

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A Lament for Jim Profit... 
Jim was one of 8 Life Abundant members plus our children and spouses on some occasions. He said he wanted to be part of a CLC group to experience everyday life of people not called to ordained life, but it is 
because he was ordained and connected to Loyola that made our group a little bit different-maybe even special. 

Monica McNeill


Monica died peacefully surrounded by her children and grandchildren on January 14th, 2014 in Summerside, PEI at the age of 81. Born in Grand Falls, NL, Monica continued her education in Halifax, N.S. where she met and married Tanton McNeill and moved to PEI where they raised their cherished ten children. 


From the day Monica was introduced to Christian Life Community almost 30 years ago, she became a committed, faithful and wise companion of CLC Ixthus. 

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