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 November  2013 

As another church year closes we are invited to prepare to meet wonder, mystery, joy and hope in 'seeking and finding God in all things' this 
Advent Season.
In This Issue
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Ignatian Spirituality

in Solidarity with 
Indigenous People 

December 12, 2013

?ehtseo Erey

This year the Canadian Catholic Aboriginal Council invites all Catholics to participate in this day of prayer.  Each year an Aboriginal person is honoured who reflects a great witness of the faith within the Church and within our country.  This year --a Dene prophet who preached the  Good News of Jesus, is being regarded with great respect.


Join the Indigenous people of Canada on this Feast Day of Our Lady of Guadalupe, patroness of Americas.  read more

Philippines - Typhoon Haiyan

Donations will be matched until December 9th, 2013. 
Donations made to Development and Peace 
for relief efforts are eligible for the matching fund program announced by the Canadian government.  
Online donations can be made here!

Online donations can
be made 


"I have to become present to myself in God. In my culture I am constantly dragged away from myself. The phone, lights, emails, noise-everything is going on to drag me away from myself. So the first thing I have to do is come present to myself as an individual whom Almighty God has chosen as his own. I belong to God and I have to become aware of that now and that means becoming aware of the gifts that God is giving to me-not in general, not in the past, but right now, today."

Fr. Joe Tetlow SJ
logo 450
September 2013

Returning to the SPIRIT 

Empowering Aboriginals and 
to Greater Understanding
read more
CLC Oramus, 
Prairies Region
Welcomes Prayer Requests at
May 29 - June 1, 2014 to be held in the Atlantic Region at the Villa Madonna Retreat House in Saint John, New Brunswick. All CLC Groups are invited to contribute  $720.00.  
More to come!  
Prayer for Detachment



I beg of you, my Lord,
to remove anything which separates
me from you, and you from me.


Remove anything that makes me 

unworthy of your sight, your control, your reprehension; of your speech and conversation, of your benevolence and love.


Cast from me every evil that stands in the way of my seeing you, hearing, tasting, savoring, and touching you;
fearing and being mindful of you;
knowing, trusting, loving, and possessing you; being conscious of your presence


and, as far as may be, enjoying you.
This is what I ask for myself
and earnestly desire from you. Amen.


-Blessed Peter Faber, SJ
From Hearts on Fire: Praying with     

Jesuits - See more

The Kaleidoscope was the image chosen by the World Assembly Team to represent CLC Canada's past five year journey. Can you see the Spiritual transformation?

Ignited by
Christ's call, and nourished by Ignatian Spirituality, 
CLC Prairie Region is sent to connect and collaborate with marginalized people, 
the Society of Jesus, First Nations, 
and others, challenging the root causes 
and effects of 
and poverty. 
For the greater glory of God.
Discern   Send   Support   Evaluate

Prairie Region shares ongoing contemplation and actions surrounding the discerned 2011 Prairie Region Communal Mission Statement.  read more 

Advent- ure - 2013: 
Dear national CLC members and friends,

As another church year closes we are invited to prepare to meet wonder, mystery, joy and hope in 'seeking and finding God in all things' this Advent Season. Canada is blessed across every province to experience a Winter season that offers crusty frozen waters, wind whipped icy roads and generous buckets of snow that beckon us at this time to make our steps more SLOWLY and more measured......seeking wiser choices amidst the storms that beset us or simply the execution of each day given 
 to us generously.


What is it that brings wonder to your mind and heart? It is hoped that the Spirit continues to foster in each of us an experience of mystery emerging in our souls, enlivening sparks of joy, and ultimately releasing HOPE........HOPE in yourself and others to be servants at the manger. It is here that life radiates everlasting in Christ Jesus, among the poorest who await the good news to whom you and I will bring in small packages kind gestures and communal reflection that yields justice like gold....How is it that spiritual gifts are returned to us 100 fold?


Together this Advent, your General Council seeks the manger in earnest with each of you. May God's peace and blessings be upon our homes and families, upon those we cherish and those whom we are called to serve.
Peace+ Mary and Peter, Fr. Charlie, Gilles, Sharon, Karen, Pat, Gerri, Magee, Kwan Sui.

Dear CLC friends, 
Fr Charles

     As we begin this new liturgical year 2013-14,  we can look back, in a first

glance, to the past year in gratitude for some important events - the 50th anniversary of the Vatican II document on the Liturgy which has
deepened our awareness of the centrality of the church`s liturgy in living out our faith in the Trinity`s

   The season of ADVENT - the Coming of our God - has three dimensions - awaiting in hope the Second Coming of Christ Jesus when all God`s promises will be fulfilled,  preparing in faith for the Feast of the Birth of Christ Jesus into our world as the dawn of the coming of God`s reign, and thirdly, being attentive in love to the present coming of our God in its many forms in our daily lives (events, relationships, prayer, etc.). amazing love for the universe;  the 450th anniversary of Ignatian lay communities, culminating in the World Assembly in Lebanon last August;  and finally the Year of Faith calling us all to a new impetus in evangelization- proclaiming and spreading the Good News of Jesus Christ as the One in whom God dwells fully, the in-breaking of God`s reign of justice, peace and love.

    St Ignatius, in the first contemplation of the Second Week of the Exercises, expresses how the Holy Three see their coming into our world: ``I try to enter the vision of God - the mystery of divinity shared by three Persons - looking upon our world: men and women being born and laid to rest....the old and the young....the happy and the sad... so many struggling with life and blind to any meaning....With God I can see people laughing and crying...some praying, others cursing..... The leap of divine joy!  God knows the time has come when the mystery of salvation, hidden from the beginning of the world, will shine into human darkness and confusion. It is as if I hear the Divine Persons saying: `Let us work the redemption of the whole human race, let us respond to the groaning of all creation.``  It is this vision of mission that grounds all our various forms of mission.  We are sent to work God`s redemption with the Beloved of the Father, through  the power of their Spirit.

    May our Advent celebrations deepen in us our communion with the Word made flesh and with all those working together in His mission in the world.


   Your brother in Christ,

   Charles P sj

   National EA.

During the four weeks of Advent, we prepare for the celebration of Christ's birth through prayer and reflection. We contemplate the First Coming of Jesus as Savior, and anticipate his promised Second Coming. And amid 
the flurry of Christmas preparations, we look for practical ways 
to observe the holiness of the season in our everyday lives. 

Ignatian contemplation and reflective prayer encourage us in the season of Advent. Below we highlight Advent resources in the tradition of Ignatian spirituality. 
                 click here
                      ARTS & FAITH  
                           click here 

Days of Deepening Friendship's 2013 Advent Retreat

Days of Deepening Friendship's 2013 Advent Retreat
Vinita Hampton Wright is hosting an Advent Retreat called "A Season of Stories," 
For more check out  
Loyola Press Videos


The impact of climate change falls heaviest on the world's poor. As Catholics, our faith demands prudent action.

Our cars and power plants, more energy consumption and waste-we're leaving a bigger carbon footprint. Scientists tell us that means more climate change. Here and around the world, it is the poor who will be hit hardest. With more droughts, floods, hunger and joblessness. As faithful Catholics, we have a moral obligation to care for both Creation and the poor. Pope Benedict XVI insists,"Before it is too late, it is necessary to make courageous decisions" to curb climate change. read more

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