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 October  2013 
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CLC Canada General Council 2013
revisits blessed history in our 450th year of CLC- CVX lay communities Martyr's Shrine, Midland, ON.
Back Row: Fr. Charles Pottie, Magee McGuire, Pat Bremner, Sharon Baker, Karen Dysart-Chuba, Mary Balfe & Peter Chouinard. Front Row: Gilles Michaud, Kwan-Sui Crowe & Gerri Tingley.

PLEASE WELCOME  new Prairies Regional Rep, Kwon-Sui Crowe and Central Regional Rep, Magee McGuire to General Council!
logo 450
September 2013
Original: English


Returning to the Spirit

Empowering Aboriginals and 
to Greater Understanding 
A New Serenity Prayer  by Jim Manney


God, grant me the serenity to accept the people

I cannot change, which is pretty much everyone, since I'm clearly not you, God. 

At least not the last time I checked.


And while you're at it, God, please give me 

the courage to change what I need to change about myself,which is frankly a lot, since, once again, I'm not you, which means I'm not perfect. 


It's better for me to focus on changing myself than to worry about changing other people, who, as you'll no doubt remember me saying, I can't change anyway.


Finally, give me the wisdom to just shut up

whenever I think that I'm clearly smarter

than everyone else in the room, that no one knows what they're talking about except 

me, or that I alone have all the answers.

Basically, God, grant me the wisdom to remember that I'm not you.   Amen

CLC Oramus, Prairies Region
Welcomes Prayer Requests at
May 29 - June 1, 2014 to be held in the Atlantic Region at the Villa Madonna Retreat House in Saint John, New Brunswick. All CLC Groups are invited to contribute  $720.00.  
More to come! 

Meet  Bridget, 
Fr. Eric Oland's, SJ  sister living in New Brunswick!
I'm Bridget, a busy mom who is trying to raise my kids to be adventurous eaters who appreciate good food. But I also want my kids to understand their connection to the earth, where our food comes from and that not all food is created equal when it comes to protecting the environment. So I make food that is healthy for my family, and the environment. To visit
"Bridget's Green Kitchen"  click here


September 13-15, 2013                         

Manresa Retreat Centre, Pickering, Ontario

Theme: Rekindle the Grace of 2010: 

Christ Has Been Born 

Magee McGuire (Central Rep)
The Assembly was held as part of the CLC's celebration of its 3rd anniversary of the Common Apostolic Mission for the people 
of Haiti. The purpose was to revisit and reflect on the 2010 assembly, and to determine where God is leading us now.


Our communal graced history from 2010 to 2013 was one of the highlights of the weekend.  It was facilitated by Jack Milan, our guide  

for the weekend.  As we moved toward our apostolic mission, he reminded us that "God's Providence is working with us and in us," read more 


Central Regional Assembly Video English  Korean 


 photos courtesy of Jewel David, YA 

Central CLC-CVX Update from Central EA, Fr. J.P. Horrigan, SJ
Our regional assembly at Manresa this Sept was a richly hallowed time for Central. Our Central team worked hard and well - before during and after the event. Jack Milan's presence as well as that of Fr Mario Serrano SJ from Hispaniola were singularly graced times for Our CLC Way 
of Life. read more

jesuit banner

CLC's position regarding the Dominican Republic's violation of dignity and legitimate citizenship rights and the brazen injustice against Dominicans of Haitian descent


"We must be involved in politics because politics is one of the highest forms of charity for it seeks the common good. And Christian lay people must work in politics.... It is easy to say: 'It is so and so's fault.' But me, what do I do? It's a duty! Working for the common good is a Christian's duty! And often the way to work for that is politics."
Address of Pope Francis to students and alumni of Jesuit schools - June 7th, 2013.


The Christian Life Community, CLC, a public international association of the faithful, which is part of the Catholic Church and has presence in 65 countries around the globe, supports its vocation and mission in the world by its profound acknowledgment of a God that acts in our most painful realities, and amongst the most urgent cries. "Inserted among the poor and sharing with them their condition, Jesus invites all of us to give ourselves continuously to God and to bring about unity within our human family" (General Principle Number 1).   
read more...           English    French    Haitian

Young Adults Hunger for People to Journey with Them (by Becky Eldredge)

I had the privilege of being part of the 2013 New Contemplatives group at the Spiritual Directors International Conference. The seven of us in the New Contemplatives group were all spiritual directors under the age of 40 from various faith traditions. It was inspiring to be with other young adult spiritual directors and to hear the creative and innovative work they are doing in the realm of outreach to young adults and spiritual direction. read more

The human & environmental responsibilities of the mining sector: Day of Reflection at the Vatican
by Josep F Mària Serrano, SJ
Day of Reflection on the mining industry was held last 7 September in Rome organised by thePontifical Council for Justice and Peace. Its president, Cardinal Peter Turkson, wisely and carefully prepared the event with a group of collaborators. Participants were mainly chief executive officers (CEOs) and top officials of the main global mining companies, but also included members of global NGOs, some of them linked to the Catholic Church, such as Caritas Internationalis and Misereor. read more 
Canada's Growth Image
The Kaleidoscope was the image chosen by the World Assembly Team to represent CLC Canada's past five year journey. Can you see the Spiritual movement?

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