CLC-Canada National Assembly
May 29 - June 1, 2014
to be held in the Atlantic Region
at the Villa Madonna Retreat House in
Saint John, New Brunswick.
All CLC Groups are invited to contribute $740.00. More next month!
Letters & Writings of Saint Ignatius of Loyola
This months feature:
Letter to FATHERS BROËT AND SALMERÓN on Dealing with Others written Rome early September 1541...
MAGIS 2013, Ignatian youth participation at World Youth Day click here
Jesuits in Syria need our help now! 
Donate now... click on this link:
and click on "to Donate" and highlight "SYRIA EMERGENCY RESPONSE" in the Fund tab.
 Progressio Progressio integrates the World CVX CLC through reflections on our spirituality..
St. Ignatius of Loyola
Take, Lord, and receive all my liberty, my memory, my understanding, and my entire will, All I have and call my own.
You have given all to me. To you, Lord, I return it.
Everything is yours; do with it what you will. Give me only your love and your grace, that is enough for me.
Isn't the "Idle No More" movement challenging us to learn to live, choose and act from an awareness of our connection to the whole? Is it not stretching us to create structures that enable all of us to flourish, Indigenous peoples and settlers, land and water, trees and animals?
Sue Wilson csj
We would like to hear from you...
Submissions, suggestions or comments can be sent to:
Canada's Growth Image
The Kaleidoscope was the image chosen by the World Assembly Team to represent CLC Canada's past five year journey.
Can you see the Spiritual movement?
From our Roots to the Frontiers ~ 2013
The work of cultivating a world garden is in our hands,as far as we can reach.
Following the 16th World Assembly in Lebanon, Canada's 3 delegates are home with much to digest and contemplate. The goal of sending home daily reports was a shared responsibility by Mary Balfe, Leanne Salel and Fr. Charlie. For e-newsletter details of the 10 days please see our website under Newsletters / Special Edition. Many thanks to Gerri Tingley our webmaster, for getting the news posted so promptly over the days of assembly. read more
Meet our newly elected World Executive!
President: Mauricio Lopez (Mexico) - Vice President: Edel Churu (Kenya)
Secretary: Najat Sayegh(Lebanon)
Consultors - 4:
Denis Dobbelstein (Belguim Fr) - Chris Hogan (Australia)
Ann-Marie Brennan (U.S.A.) - Josephine Shamwana-Lungu (Zambia)
The Atlantic Regional Assembly was held at the Villa Madonna Retreat House in Rothesay, NB with 59 attending and 13 out of 13 communities represented.
THEME: Crossing the Bridge: Carrying the Torch on Christ's Mission
GRACE: Holy Spirit enkindle in us the fire of Your love so that we might join Christ with greater freedom for loving service.
Session 1... Friday Evening
"Celebrating who we are" started the weekend with a focus on...Poverty...CLC Development...Evangelization and introduction of observation table including Fr Charles Pottie-Pate, SJ (NEA), Mary Balfe (President), Fr Earl Smith, SJ (REA), Dominique Cyr (CVX) and special guest bishop Robert Harris.
Participants happily greeted by smiling faces!
St Ignatius joined us for
Morning Prayer!
Temporary and Permanent Commitments
Gilles Michaud, Elder Representative on General Council offers a commentary on CLC Canada's 5 stages of spiritual formation
within our Process of Growth in relationship to GP 8, Spiral Dynamics, and Ken Wilber's 'Integral Theory'... read more
Celebration on the Feast of Saint Ignatius at the Gesù
On July 31, the feast of St. Ignatius of Loyola, the founder of the Society of Jesus, Pope Francis wished to meet his fellow Jesuits in Rome to celebrate the Eucharist in the Church of Jesus. There were about 300 Jesuits as well as some close lay collaborators and representatives of women's Congregations of Ignatian inspiration. The celebration began with a greeting, "our brother Francis" by Father General. At the end of the celebration Pope Francis prayed and lit a lamp before the altar of St. Ignatius, visited the Chapel of Madonna della Strada, the altar of Saint Francis Xavier and the tomb of Fr Pedro Arrupe.
Taken from (News Flash "Jesuits in Europe" - August 1st 2013)
At the most recent World Youth Day in Río de Janeiro, Brazil, Pope Francis conveyed a number of important messages not only for the Catholic community but also for the whole of humanity. Among them, there is one with a special meaning due to the venue, which is the Amazon: Pope Francis called for "respect and protection of the entire creation which God has entrusted to man, not so that it be indiscriminately exploited, but rather made into a garden." read more