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                                                                                      August 7, 2013 
July 30 to August 8, 2013
WA Logo
Theme: From our Roots to the Frontiers
"This is my son, The Beloved. Listen to what He says"(Mk 9,7)

With this theme, we intend to bridge the time from our inception as a 

lay Ignatian community till the present time - and our 450th anniversary 

which we will celebrate in 2013. We will reflect on the journey we have traveled together, especially since Itaici 1998, during which we confirmed our identity as a lay apostolic body. In addition, we affirm and explore our desire to respond to the signs of the time, ready to 

cross borders and touch new frontiers. 


CLC General 
Assembly here


CLC Canada's Delegates
MaryLeanne Salel


Day 9


We began the day by being invited to contemplative prayer, using a CD provided by the Philippines called Pray.


Mauricio Lopez, Exco Advocacy Coordinator, shared with us about the Amazon Project as one possible option for CLC-CVX World to be involved. The Amazon project was introduced to World CLC/CVX over the last several months.


Mauricio explored the initial pedagogical steps towards CVX advocacy, with social and political implications. This is a Jesuit initiative that has been in place for the last 15 years. A CLC member who exhibits the gifts and desire necessary for a two year commitment, and who is supported by CLC/CVX world community, will be invited to the insertion experience in the Amazon under the direction of the Jesuits. The choice of this advocacy project relates to the particular conditions of injustice affecting the Amazon region and its peoples.   Its apostolic nature is at the highest level, collaborating with World Exco, the United Nations Working Group and incorporating the priorities of previous assemblies. This will be discerned through the regional levels, where we articulate and discern as a region. Fundamental to the project is the process where we articulate and discern as regions at the world level. The networks and links involved at different levels are as follows: S.J.'s, SJJE, GIAN, ONO, CINGO, WFS, Caritas International and others.


The choice of the Amazon as a 'region' for mission is found in that it is remote and unknown territory, where communal resources are stripped from the forests; the Amazon holds 10% of the earth's biodiversity, 20% the planet's water and 34% of the planet's forests. The risks ,abuse and vulnerability of the Indigenous people there beg a counter-cultural life change from the one we find comfortable .


The assembly will vote to accept this or not tomorrow.


Writing Team: Taking the first draft of the final document to a sharing session, our North American Regional group was inspired and encouraged with the tone and the movement of the draft document. The incorporation of the "hill' imagery relating to Lebanon, the Transfiguration and the imagery used by Elaine, our process guide were appreciated. We see this text as one that can 'send' us from the mountain. In the plenary we offered some suggestions to clarify and put flesh on some moments of the assembly.


It is not surprising that the Fatima priorities were once again written into the first draft , structuring a vision for the next 5 years. ...it seems we are 'going to the depths.'


Amendments were tackled with various outcomes, some more challenging than others. It was a clear decision to mandate a Commission to review the

General Principles and the General Norms for the next assembly, last reviewed in 1990. The issues of membership and commitment in relation to Temporary and Permanent commitment need more time to process among various regions and practises. CLC Canada spent considerable time with our national Guides in an e-mail conversation sorting out this vary issue as they attempted to spell out the criteria for members. Congratulations Guides!


Finances are never boring!!! Again the issues of 'dues', being tied to the issue of membership came to a deadlock. Exco will determine what will work out the best approach for the next five years.


Europe hosted mass this evening informing us that 21 languages are represented in their regional membership. A gift of Austria was given to each of us upon leaving the chapel....a handmade blossom that opened when floated on water !


Tomorrow is a new and final day and we will be voting on the World Exco.


Peace+ from Beirut   Mary and Leanne





Fr Charles

Dear everyone, Greetings!


     We are on our second last full day of the Assembly.  

This is where "the rubber hits the road" as it were. By  

this I mean, this is when we have to make decisions as  

an Assembly about the final document, amendments to the General Principles, etc. And doing this with 220 people?? We are either crazy or we believe in the power  

of the Holy Spirit to do something beyond our capacities!


  We began our day with a group contemplation on the healing of the man who was deaf and without speech, with the Philippine delegation leading us in this prayer. The grace we were seeking today was "to renew our response to God's call with enthusiasm".  After Elaine, our Process Guide gave us a review of yesterday's consolation and an invitation to be open to the work before us today.


  Our first presentation was a fine presentation on Social Networking and Advocacy. Maurizio Lopez, from Mexico gave us very clear presentation on how CLC as a lay apostolic body could take part in the different kinds of NGO's (part of UN) to influence and effect social change. He showed us the process (see, judge, act) and then, with the help of PowerPoint gave us the interconnections between local/national projects and the international level through the medium of regional level. He then gave us a concrete project example - the Amazon Project - that has already been part of international concern by various NGO's and by the Society of Jesus. This Amazon Project ( he gave us a clear breakdown of what the Amazon forest is, its extent, the population there, comparison to other parts of the world, and how important this is to the world's eco system) would involve CLC on an international level (one or two persons specifically chosen who would work with other groups in the Amazon). Really quite exciting that CLC as a lay apostolic Ignatian community would have this kind of witness.


    Following this, we had a look at the first draft of the final document for the Assembly that the writing team together with the Process Guide prepared to share with us all - one page and half.  Then we got the summary by the world ExCo on the topics that were discussed and of concern during the past 8 days -  Who we are?    What we are called to do and how we can best do this...We then divided into the 5 regions of the world and discussed the feel, the tone of the documents and  what we wanted to add or change in these draft documents. Since the World Assembly is the main decision making body of CLC, it is important to get feedback from its delegates. We had a good meeting with French Canada CVX and the USA delegates and English Canada.


    This afternoon at 3 pm.we met in plenary to hear the main points of each of the regions. In general there was a sense of gratitude for the tone of the this first draft of the final document and some good suggestions for revision were suggested. The second document concerning the topics and how we are to move forward (recommendations) was a bit more contentious. So we had a lot of feedback.  The writing team and the world ExCo met to discuss how to proceed while we had a coffee-refreshment break. After the break, they told us that they would work on a revision of these documents and present them to the Assembly in the morning.


    Then we had to discuss amendments that had been presented many months ago to the delegates for preparation.  Some of these passed easily (with a vote: yes or no or abstention). Two of them concerning membership and commitment were not passed because they were redundant given the fact that one of first proposals to be voted on was to create an international committee for the revision of the General Principles and General Norms.  We finished just before Eucharist at 7 pm.


    The European delegation prepared a prayerful celebration of the Eucharist. It was mainly in French with some of readings and songs  in Spanish and English.


     This evening, Mary, Leanne and I are writing our `reports - review of the day` in the first floor meeting room having a glass of wine to keep us going!  There`s a gathering downstairs that we want to go too. All work, no play is not good! 


   Pray for us for this last full day for important decisions to make and to end in gratitude for these very rich days of sharing.


   Peace... salam.... shalom...    






WA 23
WA 22

WA 20

WA 9
WA 18WA 11
World Assembly Process Guide
Elaine Nightingale
         Elaine Nightingale, Companions, Toronto

CLC Canada holds a special place in our hearts 
for Elaine as she answers her 'yes' for 
Christian Life Community World!
Assembly Objectives
  1. To gratefully remember our roots and how we have been guided over the centuries.
  2. To deepen our self-understanding as a Lay Apostolic Body.
  3. To touch the new frontiers that challenge and beckon us today.
  4. To enthusiastically renew our response to God's call.


Prayer for our Lebanon Assembly


Heavenly Father, you offer us Jesus, your Beloved Son, and ask us to listen to Him. 

 In response to this gift, we the members of the Christian Life Community commit ourselves to following Jesus more closely and working with Him 

to build your Kingdom.

O Lord, our World Assembly at Lebanon is part of a long and rich history

which you have bequeathed to us.  Today, your Spirit invites us to be present 

at the ever changing frontiers of faith and justice.  Relying on the intercession 

of the Virgin Mary Our Lady of Lebanon and St. Ignatius, we seek to deepen our 

identity and act effectively as a Lay Apostolic Body in the Church.  May your 

love and grace empower us along this journey.     

O God of Love, we ask your Blessings of Peace upon the whole world and especially upon the region of the Middle East.  Illuminate the hearts of your children; free us from all bitterness and strife; guide our steps along the paths of Peace. 

Almighty God, we entrust our CLC World Assembly to your loving providence.  

Eternal Father, confirm us. Eternal Son, confirm us, Eternal Spirit, confirm us.  

Most Holy Trinity, confirm us. Amen.  

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