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                                                                                      August 3, 2013 
July 30 to August 8, 2013
WA Logo
Theme: From our Roots to the Frontiers
"This is my son, The Beloved. Listen to what He says"(Mk 9,7)

With this theme, we intend to bridge the time from our inception as a 

lay Ignatian community till the present time - and our 450th anniversary 

which we will celebrate in 2013. We will reflect on the journey we have traveled together, especially since Itaici 1998, during which we confirmed our identity as a lay apostolic body. In addition, we affirm and explore our desire to respond to the signs of the time, ready to 

cross borders and touch new frontiers. 


CLC General 
Assembly here


CLC Canada's Delegates
MaryLeanne Salel


Hi everyone,

National costumes flooded the main foyer as we gathered for breakfast before busing into Beirut to a Jesuit high school to spend the day. We were greeted warmly by our 3 Middle Eastern communities: Syria, Lebanon and Egypt. Each of these 3 nationals presented their national dances and we were invited to join in! Ethnic foods and drink were prepared for us and the friends of CLC from all around greeted us with shouts of joy! 66 national flags and traditional dress from around the world make quite an impression!

After working so steadily in assembly business, this reception was a welcome calming delight. We were greeted with a glass of rosé, local ethnic foods and local artisans handiwork from natural spun silk, preserves and hand stitched linens. The Syrian delegation in a civil war, travelled to Lebanon to welcome us and bring us the gift of a video depicting images before the war and current images of their beautiful country. It was hard to hold back tears.

After lunch and leisure time by the pool we headed to the Notre Dame church where the flag bearers, all 66 of them were lined up ready to go. Leanne carries a flag well!!! Fr. Nicholas celebrated and spoke of the scriptures referencing 'feasts' and that God's feast is one in which everyone shares in the bounty! The question arises : What is it that needs to be transformed universally that this might happen?

Home we came on the busses and up to our room....across on the rooftop terrace was a banquet appearing to be set for a wedding. Little did we know it was for us! A wedding banquet!!!, just like the feast reference in today's Gospel. They are still dancing on the roof as we are writing you.

Last night we chatted with Gerri by Skype, and tonight J.P Horrigan skyped in to wish us well and encourage us.

Before this lively party Elaine led us in an evening examen in the chapel. Charlie Pottie s.j. led the opening and closing of this prayer time with Taize chants as few are able. Our voices filled the church!

Tomorrow Fr. Nicholas addresses us in the morning...

Peace+ to all

Mary and Leanne




Fr Charles


Saturday, Aug 3, 2013 - Visitors` Day

Hello all,

   I`m writing a little earlier than last night. End of a wonderful day. We had a later breakfast today. I woke up earlier or rather I was awakened by the cleaning staff at 6:40 am when they came into their linen room and found me lying out on a cot!  They just took out their stuff and let me alone...

   We, the Ecclesial Assistants (mostly Jesuits) had an hour meeting with Fr Nicolas on our work with CLC. He was very encouraging as always to change attitudes. Some Jesuits in

so me countries seem to be afraid of lay people and what they can offer to Jesuits and to the Church. He reaffirm the presentation of last night there is no other way than collaboration with each other!  We are fortunate in Canada that our Provincial and Jesuits are supportive of the CLC and its partnership with the Society. There `s always more to be done...

   Then we took off for Jamhour - Notre Dame de Jamhour university - where we were greeted by many other CLC members and families from Lebanon, Egypt and Syria. They greeted us with dance and drums and singing in their native costume  as we came down the stairs to the university. Then we had a presentation of dances from Lebanon and Syria. Wonderful....After that we sipped wine (mostly white and rose) while we went around the gymnasium looking at artifacts from Lebanon, Syria and Egypt.  Fr. Nicolas walked around and people asked to have their picture taken with him.....as you`ll see in the pic I had taken of the Canadian delegates.  He is very relaxed and greets people easily.....

   Then we went to a cafeteria and had a box lunch and sat around and relaxed.  We had two hours to go for a swim in a beautiful outdoor pool at the University. So many of us took advantage of it, including yours truly. It was refreshing. Then I lounged out on a chair for a bit before we had to start moving to go the afternoon Eucharist in their beautiful chapel. But before we left for Eucharist, a number of the participants of the Assembly had brought their native costumes. So we had a `fashion show' as it were of these native costumes with an explanation of them. Was great...

    For the Eucharist each country carried in their flag in opening processing and placed it on the side - 66 different countries! Very impressive with all the colours and designs. Fr. Nicolas presided this Eucharist in his quiet prayerful way. He gave a wonderful homily on the need of `jubilee` (celebration to allow God`s time to enter ours.... and not to be always working.) This was the first reading from Leviticus and he brought the 450 years of Ignatian lay communities in as another example. The chapel (huge, I must say but architecturally very well done) was practically filled.....It was a wonderful celebration..... We then came back to the Retreat centre.


    We met in the chapel for a review-examen of the day and preparation for next stage of the Assembly beginning tomorrow (Sunday). We sang two lovely Taize chants - Bless the Lord and Misericordias Domini in eternum cantabo (I will sing of the Lord`s mercy forever).  Our process guide, Elaine, led us through this review.


   Then we had a wonderful surprise. The Sisters here prepared a festive table and meal for us on the terrace. Wow! It was a delicious meal overlooking Beirut with wine flowing an

d music. It didn`t take long after the meal before people were up dancing to Latin rhythms and Arabic sounds and even an international set (Western- North American music). It was a spontaneous moment and everyone entered into it. As you can imagine, I had lots of fun dancing. It is still going on and I`m listening to the music across the courtyard.  Just before I came downstairs one of the Lebanese sisters (in her habit) starting dancing with a lady friend some Lebanese dance. She was good and she gathered the attention of a lot of people. Just to show you that under the habit there is an ordinary person who loves to dance and celebrate!


     It has been a rich cultural day for us and the Lebanese are so welcoming and joyful. And even the Syrians and Egyptians with all they are going through are still a courageous group and joyful.


    Tomorrow is a full day, beginning with talk by Fr. Nicolas to the whole Assembly. But more on that tomorrow night.


    Love to you all....





WA 9
WA 18WA 11
WA 17
WA 16
WA 15WA 14
World Assembly Process Guide
Elaine Nightingale
         Elaine Nightingale, Companions, Toronto

CLC Canada holds a special place in our hearts 
for Elaine as she answers her 'yes' for 
Christian Life Community World!
Assembly Objectives
  1. To gratefully remember our roots and how we have been guided over the centuries.
  2. To deepen our self-understanding as a Lay Apostolic Body.
  3. To touch the new frontiers that challenge and beckon us today.
  4. To enthusiastically renew our response to God's call.


Prayer for our Lebanon Assembly


Heavenly Father, you offer us Jesus, your Beloved Son, and ask us to listen to Him. 

 In response to this gift, we the members of the Christian Life Community commit ourselves to following Jesus more closely and working with Him 

to build your Kingdom.

O Lord, our World Assembly at Lebanon is part of a long and rich history

which you have bequeathed to us.  Today, your Spirit invites us to be present 

at the ever changing frontiers of faith and justice.  Relying on the intercession 

of the Virgin Mary Our Lady of Lebanon and St. Ignatius, we seek to deepen our 

identity and act effectively as a Lay Apostolic Body in the Church.  May your 

love and grace empower us along this journey.     

O God of Love, we ask your Blessings of Peace upon the whole world and especially upon the region of the Middle East.  Illuminate the hearts of your children; free us from all bitterness and strife; guide our steps along the paths of Peace. 

Almighty God, we entrust our CLC World Assembly to your loving providence.  

Eternal Father, confirm us. Eternal Son, confirm us, Eternal Spirit, confirm us.  

Most Holy Trinity, confirm us. Amen.  

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Christian Life Community-Canada
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Tehkummah, ON   P0P 2C0

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