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                                                                                      August 1, 2013 
July 30 to August 8, 2013
WA Logo
Theme: From our Roots to the Frontiers
"This is my son, The Beloved. Listen to what He says"(Mk 9,7)

With this theme, we intend to bridge the time from our inception as a 

lay Ignatian community till the present time - and our 450th anniversary 

which we will celebrate in 2013. We will reflect on the journey we have traveled together, especially since Itaici 1998, during which we confirmed our identity as a lay apostolic body. In addition, we affirm and explore our desire to respond to the signs of the time, ready to 

cross borders and touch new frontiers. 


CLC General 
Assembly here


CLC Canada's Delegates
MaryLeanne Salel


Hi everyone,

Leanne has arranged with a number of YA's to meet her out in the garden. She hauled a number of plastic lawn chairs out for the group. I just came down from the 'store room' where CVX is selling a number of items to support their communities. A silver medal was struck in commemoration of the 450 years @$10.00. I am wondering how many I might bring home for interested members? Reps would you please give me an indication of your region's  interest approximately. The money is in support of Syria.Thank you.


We began this morning with our process guide Elaine, noting our fatigue of yesterday, leading to loss of energy, and  some frustration. At one point one of the new communities broke through with an uplifting song and as everyone joined in, the atmosphere changed. Fr. Luke reminded us that through CLC-CVX something good is happening everywhere in the world. 


Candidates for Exco were introduced through photos uploaded to a screen and candidates standing in acknowledgement of their photo presented. From the original list the of consultors has declined.


Emphasis on Common Mission (Common and Individual)                                          

Congo CVX shared a process of developing the sacrament of marriage where a fragile quality of life was present among couples. Integrating life and faith, creating spaces for true dialogue, personal reflection and prayer became the strategy of formation towards transformation. Annual evaluation and listening to all partners involved became an example to the Diocese whose harvest was evident.


Uraguay CVX shared their story on the creation of "Everybody's Corner", with workshops, support for education, summer camps, a welcome space and much more for marginalized children. This story resonated somewhat with what we know of Central's mission in La Cienaga in Santo Domingo. Recognizing the level of poverty among the children they asked themselves: "Should we embrace a mission?" Embracing fears they discerned what they could commit to. A resurfacing question after 11 years is "How do new members embrace the mission?"  Where the governance had been through their National exco they now have a commission to govern with close communication with national. It takes $50,000 annually to sustain their school. They have experienced through this experience a path to their conversion, regular communal discernment, youth engagement with Elders, that ability to act when urgency is needed as witnesses and instruments of God.


Portugal CVX shared the growth in the formation process used in Portugal since Fatima 2008. What we know as the Power Cycle was on the power point! New people are welcomed to CVX after making the Spiritual Exercises when they can discern their own path. A university formation program of 3 years had 200 students recently.


This next portion of the letter is what really struck me today entitled 

"Challenges for the CLC Mission"   

Franklin Ibanez, World Executive Secretary presented a provocative approach to mission where our ordinary activities have been over looked yet support the entire structure of CLC in corporal collaboration. Since the 'body' needs action of all forms, mission/service  becomes the 'reality' of the apostolic body not 'aspiration.' Looking at 4 levels of mission and the related percentage of CVX-CLC involvement,  beginning with the fundamental level of ordinary activities (100%), moving to distinct apostolates (70%), institutional presence or 'works' ( 10%) and finally international actions (1%) was an eye opener!  The question posed was: Where is the Magis?  Exciting days are ahead pointed toward clear collaboration with the Society of Jesus.


Tomorrow we head into Beirut for mass, Fr.  Adolpho  Nicholas celebrating and the afternoon visit to local sights. As I close this letter the African choir is preparing for tomorrow's mass. It is extraordinarily beautiful!  




Friday, Aug. 2 (Day 4)  


Fr Charles

Greetings everyone, 

   Wow! What a day it was today. I had a good night's sleep - found a linen closet with a fold up bed that was quiet (no snoring) and I slept 7 hrs. That's the longest sleep I've had since I've got here. Grateful for small favours.


    This was our 2nd day on Stage 2 of the Assembly: deepening the identity of CLC as a lay apostolic body. We started with three presentations from 3 countries on what apostolic work they are doing: one from Congo -  working with preparing couples for marriage and education on many levels. Then one from Uruquay: he explained their whole process of discernment to work with homeless children in one of the cities (Montevideo in URUGUA). This fellow knew of a fellow Jesuit I knew who had studied in Toronto - Luis Perez Aquirre - who was very active in human rights work in his country. Small world. This was an exciting presentation and showed how important and how difficult it is to be faithful to the process of communal discernment. It rang true with me and our efforts at communal discernment in CLC Canada in different regions. Then the third person was from Portugal: she talked about their work in formation of lay guides. Again a very rich process. Thought of the various workshops, weekends that we have done in our different regions of Canada. It was great to feel a sense of confirmation of what we are doing - and doing well - in Canada......We had time to meet in small language groups with other countries. We (Canadian delegates) met with delegates from Indonesia and Nigeria. We were all very impressed with the presentation and learned from it.

   Then we had the list of candidates for the new members of world ExCo put up. We will elect them later in the week. Some very fine candidates. The present world ExCo have worked very hard and are very competent. Such talents they have brought to the world CLC community.

   At noon, we had one of the best presentations of the week - by Franklin Ibanez, who is, with his wife Sophia, the executive secretary of the world ExCo. He spoke in Spanish and English. And he explained "apostolic mission" is such a clear way, and with good examples. The 4 levels of mission: a) ordinary life (family, school, civil life, etc) and all its activities; b) works beyond one's home - in parish, city (working with the poor, hospitals, etc. etc.) c) institutional works of justice and d) on international/world level work for peace and justice.  But his insistence that the a) level of finding God and fulfilling one's baptism and CLC commitment begins with the family. He with his wife and little 2yr old boy and a 2nd one on the way is a quiet but real witness of living the CLC way of life. I couldn't help think of my own parents who raised 9 children and whose lives were a quiet but real witness to the presence of God in their lives. I wouldn't be here today if it were not for that first and fundamental witness. At the end, he spoke of the MAGIS - which is simply to do what God calls us to in our lives that will better praise and serve God. And that might well be simply looking after one's children as lovingly as one can.....

   This was a pivotal presentation to claim what members are being called to TODAY to live our their commitment in CLC.


    This afternoon we had an hour sharing on each of those themes in the three languages. I went to the one on living one's mission in ordinary life. Wonderful examples of how people are trying to live quietly but intentionally their Christian commitment in the Ignatian tradition.  We had a plenary session after that.


    The last presentation was by a Jesuit, Tony da Silva,  at our Rome curia on collaboration between CLC and the Society of Jesus.  It was entitled: No other way but collaboration. He also was very good and clear. He was very positive on the mutual collaboration between these two apostolic bodies (CLC and S.J). He gave us a general outline on how to explore this relationship more deeply. But what was very clear is that there is no turning back - the Society of Jesus needs lay collaboration and the CLC wants to work with us, as partners.  Again, very upbeat and giving a positive movement forward to our common mission with Christ.


   Then we had the Eucharist - the Spanish speaking group was responsible tonight. After that, the Jesuit Ecclesial Assistants went to one of our Jesuit houses outside of Beirut for dinner with the Provincial of the Middle East and about 15 other Jesuits. We must have been about 65 Jesuits in all. And who was there, but Fr. Nicolas, our Superior General!  He is coming tomorrow to speak to us as Jesuits involved in Christian Life Community and then he will address the whole Assembly. Lovely to see him again. If you get a chance, go the Jesuit website and read his welcome to Pope Francis at St. Ignatius in Rome and Pope Francis' homily. This has to be an historic moment for us and the Pope.


     It was a beautiful evening with dinner on the terrace, with delicious Lebanese food.  I met 4 Jesuits whom I had met and studied with years ago. Delighted to see them again. Small world. Meeting again in Lebanon - this holy land where Christ walked.


   I'm tired but it was such a rich and stimulating day. And we are half through. There's still a lot of work ahead of us....but there is a wonderful spirit among the participants. We'll surely have some struggles with decisions but with the help of our Process guide, Elaine  (who is keeping us on track on listening:  This is my beloved Son, listen to Him.


    I want to get this out tonight. If you want to read what Mary and Leanne are experiencing of this week, go to the website or the E- letter that Gerri is sending out each day. They have written their impressions of these days.


    Remembering you all with gratitude...


WA 9
WA 10Franklin, Sophia & Sebastian
WA 5
WA 6
WA 3WA 4
WA 1WA 2
World Assembly Process Guide
Elaine Nightingale
         Elaine Nightingale, Companions, Toronto

CLC Canada holds a special place in our hearts 
for Elaine as she answers her 'yes' for 
Christian Life Community World!
Assembly Objectives
  1. To gratefully remember our roots and how we have been guided over the centuries.
  2. To deepen our self-understanding as a Lay Apostolic Body.
  3. To touch the new frontiers that challenge and beckon us today.
  4. To enthusiastically renew our response to God's call.


Prayer for our Lebanon Assembly


Heavenly Father, you offer us Jesus, your Beloved Son, and ask us to listen to Him. 

 In response to this gift, we the members of the Christian Life Community commit ourselves to following Jesus more closely and working with Him 

to build your Kingdom.

O Lord, our World Assembly at Lebanon is part of a long and rich history

which you have bequeathed to us.  Today, your Spirit invites us to be present 

at the ever changing frontiers of faith and justice.  Relying on the intercession 

of the Virgin Mary Our Lady of Lebanon and St. Ignatius, we seek to deepen our 

identity and act effectively as a Lay Apostolic Body in the Church.  May your 

love and grace empower us along this journey.     

O God of Love, we ask your Blessings of Peace upon the whole world and especially upon the region of the Middle East.  Illuminate the hearts of your children; free us from all bitterness and strife; guide our steps along the paths of Peace. 

Almighty God, we entrust our CLC World Assembly to your loving providence.  

Eternal Father, confirm us. Eternal Son, confirm us, Eternal Spirit, confirm us.  

Most Holy Trinity, confirm us. Amen.  

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