Day 3 -
You know, here we are.... it is almost midnight and we have been enjoying a glass of wine...
and speaking with Anne Marie Brennan of the USA just moments after a Regional American
gathering. There are areas of mutual potential and collaboration that were identified but
boy were we tired. We are going 'to sleep on' our conversation.
Anne Marie was a delegate at the Fatima Assembly and is now here as a UN working group
observer. She has filled us in on Rwanda's continued healing process through CLC
dynamics. Further Leanne and I are feeling that the voices from South Sudan, Rwanda,
and Congo are prophetic voices in this assembly. They are applying Ignatian principles
and apostolic discerned mission to pressing needs in their countries. These groups are
providing both spiritual and material support to those in greatest need, forming schools
for children, ministering to those suffering with HIV, those displaced and hungry. They
are the light on the lamp stamp stand in today's Gospel.
Ecological Advocacy efforts in Latin America through Mauricio Lopez ( World Exco
member) are an incarnation to be realized in the frontiers. Greater integration of
advocacy efforts rooted in experiences of the grassroots' is essential. Mauricio remarked
that the 4% campaign for GDP funding for education in the Dominican Republic drew
world CVX-CLC presence and support in delivered letters to embassies across the world.
J.P.Horrigan s.j. E.A. for Central Region delivered letters to the Ottawa embassy sent
from across CLC Canada with Elders John and Colleen Summarah. This approach worked!
The D.R government has adopted the 4% for education as government policy.
Today we welcomed 3 new countries: Botswana, Lithuania and Guatemala into the world
apostolic body in a very moving ceremony where delegate 'godparents' articulated their
long some cases 10 years to be prepared to take on the responsibilities of
becoming members at the World level. Our hearts turned to Haiti considering our
budding relationships with the pre-CVX community in Port au Prince and the
relationships growing with the young adults, their CVX guides and our French Canadian
CVX neighbours.
There has been much reflection on our maturation and understanding of what it means
to be one apostolic body. You might be impressed as we were to hear where the Apostolic
Funds are being shared.
Chile - a fishing village affected by the earthquake
Equador - SIGVOL-NGO in 10 years 3200 volunteers and 215 projects.
Rwanda - HIV - creating a centre for counselling, training for small business, education
for children.
South Sudan - Following the Civil War; basic food for children (milk and biscuits),
building solidarity networks
Korea - renting a place away from the University building where they had an
anticipation of a purchase elsewhere. Syria - in the midst of war these members took on the minting of a commemorative medal in Syria, for the 450th anniversary. The miraculous story of their minting will be shared
when we get home. Antoine, CVX President is now in Lebanon with refugee status with
no news of his company for the last 9 months.
We feel grateful to be in Lebanon as a world community in solidarity with Christians in the Middle East and in particular with our CLC-CVX members of Syria, Lebanon and Egypt.
There is so much more to tell you. We will tell you about finances tomorrow....psst
donations on time are really helpful whether at the world level or at home.
One closing comment ...The North American Region (French Canada, USA and us!!)
hosted the Eucharist today, Fr.Charlie celebrated. Loon song and sounds of water
greeted our assembly, opening with the native smudge ceremony. A homily by Fr. Jim
Borbely (USA) and follow up in French CVX by Fr. Marc Brosseau captured themes of
the day closing with "Don't get in God's way." Small handmade prayer cards were handed
out during the concluding song, the Summons.
Grateful for your prayers.
Peace+ and goodnight
Mary and Leanne