Update Special Edition
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                                                                                      August 1, 2013 
July 30 to August 8, 2013
WA Logo
Theme: From our Roots to the Frontiers
"This is my son, The Beloved. Listen to what He says"(Mk 9,7)

With this theme, we intend to bridge the time from our inception as a 

lay Ignatian community till the present time - and our 450th anniversary 

which we will celebrate in 2013. We will reflect on the journey we have traveled together, especially since Itaici 1998, during which we confirmed our identity as a lay apostolic body. In addition, we affirm and explore our desire to respond to the signs of the time, ready to 

cross borders and touch new frontiers. 


CLC General 
Assembly here


CLC Canada's Delegates
MaryLeanne Salel


Day 3 -

You know, here we are.... it is almost midnight and we have been enjoying a glass of wine...

and speaking with Anne Marie Brennan of the USA just moments after a Regional American

gathering. There are areas of mutual potential and collaboration that were identified but 

boy were we tired. We are going 'to sleep on' our conversation.


Anne Marie was a delegate at the Fatima Assembly and is now here as a UN working group 

observer. She has filled us in on Rwanda's continued healing process through CLC 

dynamics. Further Leanne and I are feeling that the voices from South Sudan, Rwanda, 

and Congo are prophetic voices in this assembly. They are applying Ignatian principles 

and apostolic discerned mission to pressing needs in their countries. These groups are

providing both spiritual and material support to those in greatest need, forming schools 

for children, ministering to those suffering with HIV, those displaced and hungry.  They 

are the light on the lamp stamp stand in today's Gospel.


Ecological Advocacy efforts in Latin America through Mauricio Lopez ( World Exco 

member)  are an incarnation to be realized in the frontiers. Greater integration of 

advocacy efforts rooted in experiences of the grassroots' is essential.  Mauricio remarked 

that the 4% campaign for GDP funding for education in the Dominican Republic drew 

world CVX-CLC presence and support in delivered letters to embassies across the world. 

 J.P.Horrigan s.j. E.A. for Central Region delivered letters to the Ottawa embassy sent

from across CLC Canada with Elders John and Colleen Summarah.  This approach worked! 

The D.R government has adopted the 4% for education as government policy.


Today we  welcomed 3 new countries: Botswana, Lithuania and Guatemala  into the world

 apostolic body in a very moving ceremony where delegate 'godparents' articulated their

 long journeys...in some cases 10 years to be prepared to take on the responsibilities of 

becoming members at the World level.  Our hearts turned to Haiti considering our 

budding relationships with the pre-CVX community in Port au Prince and the 

relationships growing with the young adults, their CVX guides and our French Canadian 

CVX neighbours.


There has been much reflection on our maturation and understanding of what it means 

to be one apostolic body. You might be impressed as we were to hear where the Apostolic 

Funds are being shared.

Chile - a fishing village affected by the earthquake   

Equador - SIGVOL-NGO in 10 years 3200 volunteers and 215 projects.  

Rwanda - HIV -  creating a centre for counselling, training for small business, education 

for children.                                            

South Sudan - Following the Civil War; basic food for children (milk and biscuits),  

building solidarity networks 

Korea - renting a place away from the University building where they had an office...in

anticipation of a purchase elsewhere.                                                                                                             Syria - in the midst of war these members took on the minting of a commemorative medal in Syria, for the 450th  anniversary. The miraculous story of their minting will be shared 

when we get home. Antoine, CVX President is now in Lebanon with refugee status with 

no news of his company for the last 9 months.


We feel grateful to be in Lebanon  as a world community in solidarity with Christians in the Middle East and in particular with our CLC-CVX members of Syria, Lebanon and Egypt.


There is so much more to tell you. We will tell you about finances tomorrow....psst 

donations on time are really helpful whether at the world level or at home.


One closing comment ...The North American Region  (French Canada, USA and us!!) 

hosted the Eucharist today, Fr.Charlie celebrated.  Loon song and sounds of water 

greeted our assembly, opening with the native smudge ceremony. A homily by Fr. Jim 

Borbely (USA) and follow up in French CVX by Fr. Marc Brosseau captured themes of 

the day closing with "Don't get in God's way."  Small handmade prayer cards were handed

out during the concluding song, the Summons.

Grateful for your prayers.

Peace+ and goodnight


Mary and Leanne

Fr Charles   

Hello all,

    Greetings from this beautiful spot. Waking up to a beautiful sun-filled sky overlooking the Mediterranean each day! Makes me want to go and have a swim before breakfast! I had to find another sleeping spot because my Jesuit roommate snores quite loud and it's been waking me up every couple hours....So I had at least 5 straight hours of sleep last night for the first time.... They don't have any extra rooms.....but it'll work out.  After a good shower went to the rooftop and walked around enjoying the beauty of the scene.


   We started at 8:45 am this morning with a very restful morning prayer led by the French delegates.....starting with the lovely refrain: In todo amar y servir.... the grace of the day: to understand interiorly ourselves as CLC today....a short reading of the Gospel - let your light shine before others to give glory to God....final prayer and refrain. Great way to begin the day.

  Then we had practical points communicated about where to put material to hand out, posters, new CLC cookbook and DVD... and changes for schedule of day.


    The last two days were Stage 1 of the Assembly: remembering our history - and giving thanks. Today we began Stage 2: to deepen our self-understanding as a lay apostolic body TODAY.

Elaine, our process guide reviewed the movements of last two days among us.... much communal consolation in the welcoming of each other, the gratitude for our graced history as CLC.  Now we are transitioning to Stage 2 - who are we now? What are the graces and challenges?


   We finished off the last section of the World ExCo report concerning networking and advocacy and what`s been happening in different national groups around migration, ecology, education projects, etc.  Very impressive the kind of apostolic work that is being done in various countries and how the World ExCo supports them both by visits and financially.  The question of how CLC as a lay apostolic body and the Society of Jesus as a body work together and help each other in the mission of the church....


    Then we had a very good presentation of the Financial statement for the last 5 years. I was quite struck by the competence of these ExCo members who have worked with a tight budget and how responsible they are in reporting how monies are being used. As always there is never enough money to do all the apostolic projects that national communities ask for support. So there was outlined 3 proposals for fundraising for the apostolic fund.  We spent most of the morning on this area of financial co-responsibility.


   In the afternoon,  we welcomed 3 new national communities into the World CLC: Lithuania (with its sponsor, France CLC); Guatemala (with Equador and Nicaragua as sponsors) and Botswana (Africa with South Africa as its sponsor). It`s like receiving a new member of the family. The sponsors give a bit of history of their journey as a CLC group then the new group responds and everyone welcomes them with applause.... Kind of exciting.....like a new baby!


  Then we had discussion on amendments to the General Principles and Norms. Some of them passed very easily. A couple stirred up a lot of discussion.  But we have to come back to this.


   The last part of the afternoon was very clear presentation of the growth of CLC`s identity as a lay apostolic body: its roots in baptism, in Ignatian spirituality, within the church as prophetic witness, call to simple life style, the importance of commitment and membership, financial co-responsibility, apostolic call and its deepening - all this was done with power point images that made it most interesting and informative. Really was quite enlightening to hear all in 40 minutes the overall vision of the CLC way of life. I felt quite touched to be involved in such a group of lay people. And the people here are the `crème de la crème' of CLC members. And a top-notch leadership group!


   We ended the evening with the Eucharist at 7 pm. The North American group (CLC English Canada, French Canada  and USA) prepared it and took part in leading it - music, readers, prayers of faithful, ministers of communion, etc.  I was the presider with USA Ecclesial Assistant giving the homily, the French Canadian EA giving a resume of homily in French. We sang in French, English, Latin, Greek(Kyrie eleison) and Hebrew (Alleluia),  with a beautiful recording of a loon`s sound as the participants entered and chapel. We also did the native purification rite at the beginning...and ended with the Summons Song. People picked it up very easily. Everything flowed nicely.


    After dinner we had `regional` meetings - the North American group met for first time. It was good to meet and chat about concerns and if, how and when we want to continue to meet to share some common resources, projects. This took us till 10:45 pm and now I am just finishing this review of the day with you...


    Hope you are all well.... Tomorrow is another day! It seems to get fuller each day.....but it`s a wonderful group and we seem to be working well.....but the next days are pivotal....So keep praying for us..


    With my love...



WA 7Our Youngest CLC Member
WA 5
WA 6
WA 3WA 4
WA 1WA 2
World Assembly Process Guide
Elaine Nightingale
         Elaine Nightingale, Companions, Toronto

CLC Canada holds a special place in our hearts 
for Elaine as she answers her 'yes' for 
Christian Life Community World!
Assembly Objectives
  1. To gratefully remember our roots and how we have been guided over the centuries.
  2. To deepen our self-understanding as a Lay Apostolic Body.
  3. To touch the new frontiers that challenge and beckon us today.
  4. To enthusiastically renew our response to God's call.


Prayer for our Lebanon Assembly


Heavenly Father, you offer us Jesus, your Beloved Son, and ask us to listen to Him. 

 In response to this gift, we the members of the Christian Life Community commit ourselves to following Jesus more closely and working with Him 

to build your Kingdom.

O Lord, our World Assembly at Lebanon is part of a long and rich history

which you have bequeathed to us.  Today, your Spirit invites us to be present 

at the ever changing frontiers of faith and justice.  Relying on the intercession 

of the Virgin Mary Our Lady of Lebanon and St. Ignatius, we seek to deepen our 

identity and act effectively as a Lay Apostolic Body in the Church.  May your 

love and grace empower us along this journey.     

O God of Love, we ask your Blessings of Peace upon the whole world and especially upon the region of the Middle East.  Illuminate the hearts of your children; free us from all bitterness and strife; guide our steps along the paths of Peace. 

Almighty God, we entrust our CLC World Assembly to your loving providence.  

Eternal Father, confirm us. Eternal Son, confirm us, Eternal Spirit, confirm us.  

Most Holy Trinity, confirm us. Amen.  

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