July 30 to August 8, 2013
Theme: From our Roots to the Frontiers
"This is my son, The Beloved. Listen to what He says"(Mk 9,7)
With this theme, we intend to bridge the time from our inception as a
lay Ignatian community till the present time - and our 450th anniversary
which we will celebrate in 2013. We will reflect on the journey we have traveled together, especially since Itaici 1998, during which we confirmed our identity as a lay apostolic body. In addition, we affirm and explore our desire to respond to the signs of the time, ready to
cross borders and touch new frontiers.
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Leanne and Mary
Landed in Beirut about 10:pm Sunday, and found the CVX greeters in green t-shirts just as they had promised. About 30 delegates from 'everywhere' were congregated to get the bus ride to Notre Dame du Monte. The ride up the mountain was the black of night flickering tiny yellow lights ensconced the hill sides..a sight to behold. Our heads hit the pillow at 1:15 a.m. after a warm greeting from Elaine Nightingale, and the Lebanon team. Notre Dame du Monte is perched on top a mountain overlooking the city of Beirut and the Mediterranean Sea. We peeked out our balcony doors just before was breathtaking. Breakfast 8:30 in morning.
Day 1
Today we congregated with some 200+ delegates from 66 countries (all 5 continents).
Daniela Frank , President of World Exco welcomed us in solidarity with the all the Christians in the area given the recent conflicts and refugees who have been seeking sanctuary. She reiterated that our gathering converges with both the 450th Anniversary of lay Ignatian communities and is first time the World Assembly has been held in the Middle East.
Mass was celebrated in the Maronite Rite in Arabic by the local Bishop (the language much like Jesus would have spoken). The liturgical music was extraordinarily beautiful, rich in its language and sounds. There was a procession of national flags by each country; Leanne proudly carried our flag for CLC English Canada.
After a lovely lunch and some much needed down time the delegates gathered once again in the plenary room down, down, down 3 flights where it was cooler!
Each country then presented a symbol significant to their national's spiritual movements since Fatima 2008. Our delegation presented the kaleidoscope banner that was featured in our July 31st e-newsletter. The profound movement of discerned Apostolic Common Mission for Haitians through education of children, has guided regional networking and collaboration with CVX French Canada, presently in a YA CVX pre-community in Port au Prince. Our renewed awareness of the principle of subsidiarity, our Canadian Formation offered through Manuals l,ll, and lll, regional growth of Spiritual Directors both within CLC and through Ignatian communities and a refreshed website and distribution of an e-newsletter expanding our communication were highlighted. CLC Canada has moved in her commitment to financial co-responsibility, her invitation to growth as a lay apostolic body engaged in mission regionally, communally and individually. Regional desires continue to open themselves to the possibilities of discerning concretely the missions to which members are called by the Spirit.
After a long day Elaine Nightingale, the process guide for the assembly brought us to welcomed silence and prayer inviting us to engage spiritual conversation in a first and second round. Many were experiencing the 2nd round for the first time. We left the plenary ready for dinner and a good night's rest!!
Leanne and Mary.
Tuesday, July 30 Hello Everyone, It's the end of the first full day of our Assembly.... a good day but tiring. It was a beautiful sight to look out from the balcony of my room and see the city and the ocean shore of Beirut. My room companion, another Jesuit from Colombia, came in about 1:30.... I heard him but was able, thankfully, to go off to sleep....but was awakened a few times by his snoring! Perhaps he by mine?? Not used to having someone sleeping in same room. But got a fair night's sleep. We begin at 8am with breakfast then start in earnest at 9:30 am. We gather in a large auditorium which is very pleasant....not the 30 degrees we have outside. We began with praying for the "grace" of the assembly - to be grateful for CLC-CVX to be able to gather for the first time in this "holy land" (part of the biblical holy land), in the Mid-East so recently ravaged by war and conflict, and the celebration of the 450 years of lay Ignatian communities. After a short prayer, the president gave an official opening address to inaugurate the Assembly meeting. The welcoming team was brought forward and thanked. They were members from Lebanon, Syria and Egypt working to make this meeting fully functional. Then each nationality - in chronological order of becoming a national community of CLC - stood up and presented their country's flag. It was a simple rite but impressive to see about 60 different countries present for this meeting. The end of the morning - 11 am - we had the Eucharist in the Maronite rite (one of the earliest eastern rites of the church). One member of the national communities with their flag were part of the Entrance procession. Very colourful. The Cardinal archbishop was here to preside. We were able to follow and participate by means of a commentator and an order of service. The singing was led by a small choir and those who knew the music joined in. The Archbishop (responsible not only for Catholics of Maronite rite in Lebanon, but throughout the world) gave a very fine homily, stressing the importance of "communion" in our pluralist religious world. (This is very true in Lebanon noted for its tradition of having Jewish, Christian and Muslim religions living and working side by side). He also quoted Pope Francis in his talk to young people in Rio di Janeiro.... ``Go forth without fear to the frontiers....and proclaim the Good News``. It was a good length liturgy! After a delicious lunch and short siesta, we gathered again for the presentation of all the national CLC communities. Each one was asked to present a symbol of their CLC national community for the past 5 years, since the Assembly in Fatima. Then to briefly give some of the mission they are involved in, along with the challenges and future "frontiers". As you can imagine this was rich in diversity and creativity. No two countries were the same. Mary, Leanne and I present the vinyl painting of a kaleidoscope with the words: Joining Jesus in the Great Enterprise from sea to sea. We began with all those who could present in English, then those in Spanish. But because we went overtime, the ExCo made a decision to do the French-speaking groups tomorrow. The end of the afternoon session (from 7 - 8 pm) we had our Process Guide/Listener of the Assembly (our own Elaine Regan/Nightingale) explain her role - to help the Assembly members get in touch with the interior movements happening during the day. She took us through the process - time of short prayer; then a sharing with other members of our national delegation (first round); then a second round (one word) by each member of the Assembly. Many rich themes were expressed - commitment, perseverance, communion, solidarity, suffering, struggle, service...... and so many others. This was a very restful end of a full day. We were all ready for a good supper and a free evening. Keep praying for us..... Charles
World Assembly Process Guide
 Elaine Nightingale, Companions, Toronto
CLC Canada holds a special place in our hearts for Elaine as she answers her 'yes' for Christian Life Community World!
Assembly Objectives
- To gratefully remember our roots and how we have been guided over the centuries.
- To deepen our self-understanding as a Lay Apostolic Body.
- To touch the new frontiers that challenge and beckon us today.
- To enthusiastically renew our response to God's call.
Day One: 30 July. "Building the Body of the Assembly"
Convocation - Welcome - Inaugural Eucharist with the Maronite Patriarch - self presentation by national communities.
Prayer for our Lebanon Assembly
Heavenly Father, you offer us Jesus, your Beloved Son, and ask us to listen to Him.
In response to this gift, we the members of the Christian Life Community commit ourselves to following Jesus more closely and working with Him
to build your Kingdom.
O Lord, our World Assembly at Lebanon is part of a long and rich history
which you have bequeathed to us. Today, your Spirit invites us to be present
at the ever changing frontiers of faith and justice. Relying on the intercession
of the Virgin Mary Our Lady of Lebanon and St. Ignatius, we seek to deepen our
identity and act effectively as a Lay Apostolic Body in the Church. May your
love and grace empower us along this journey.
O God of Love, we ask your Blessings of Peace upon the whole world and especially upon the region of the Middle East. Illuminate the hearts of your children; free us from all bitterness and strife; guide our steps along the paths of Peace.
Almighty God, we entrust our CLC World Assembly to your loving providence.
Eternal Father, confirm us. Eternal Son, confirm us, Eternal Spirit, confirm us.
Most Holy Trinity, confirm us. Amen.
Christian Life Community-Canada
125 Lakeshore Road Tehkummah, ON P0P 2C0
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