Rejoicing with St. Ignatius, CLC English Canada members and friends throughout the world as we prepare to celebrate St. Ignatius Feast Day, inaugurating our monthly e-communication. With a history of 450 years of Ignatian lay communities we are growing in acceptance of the invitation to collaborate more intentionally with one another in building for the Kingdom.
Prayerful Thoughts from
St. Ignatius...
"May the sovereign grace and eternal love of Christ our Lord and Creator give and visit you with His gifts and graces for His greater service, praise and glory." [Ep. 1:363]
Jesuits in Syria need our help now! 
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World Assembly Scripture
The Feast of the Transfiguration, August 6th
~ Mark 9: 2- 8 ~
'Six days later, Jesus took with him Peter, and James and John, and led them up a high mountain on their own by themselves. There in their presence he was transfigured....'
Projects 156: The mystery of the Transfiguration is of great importance in the life of Christ. This is seen in the fact that it is mentioned in all three synoptic gospels."
Prayer for Generosity
Saint Ignatius of Loyola
Eternal Word, only begotten Son of God, Teach me true generosity. Teach me to serve you as you deserve. To give without counting the cost, To fight heedless of wounds, To labor without seeking rest, To sacrifice myself without thought of any reward Save the knowledge I have done your will. AMEN
Celebrate St Ignatius Day with Margaret Silf....
Loyola Press is offering several of Silf''s most popular titles for just $10...for more
 Progressio Progressio integrates the World CVX CLC through reflections on our spirituality..
We would like to hear from you...
Submissions, suggestions or comments can be sent to:
If you would like to receive the daily World Assembly journals chronicling the days activities from July 29th to August 9th please contact your Regional Rep.
Ignatius of Loyola 1491-1556
The Life of a Saint Ignatius
Sometimes change is scary...
Even if you know a big change is for the best, it can still be scary. For instance, you know that there must be a better way to spend your time than sitting in front of the television or playing computer games. You know that God created you for more than that. But it's scary to even think about changing. You're just so used to plopping yourself down in that chair and turning off your brain.
Just look at St. Ignatius of Loyola... read more

What a privilege it is celebrating this jubilee of 450 years of Ignatian Lay Communities; considering the fledgling birth and world history of lay communities is humbling. 'And to think it all began because one man-
St. Ignatius of Loyola was strong and brave enough to change!'
What is seeking change in my life? What is seeking transformation?
Can I name it? Am I feeling brave enough to enter and continue the journey of my personal a CLC way of life, with the transfigured Christ?
Peace+ and warm summer blessings to each of our members and friends seeking wholeness together with Christ Jesus.
Greetings from our NEA...
 Dear CLC Friends,
I am writing you in the last days of preparation to leave for the World Assembly in Beirut, Lebanon. We will be celebrating the "Feast of St. Ignatius" there with the 200 + delegates from 60 countries or so. What a grace this will be to celebrate the gift of St. Ignatius and his vision to the church and the world with so many companions rooted in this vision. Mary Balfe, Leanne Salel and I are looking forward to these days of encounter with the delegates, of celebration, of study and discussion and seeking the Spirit's lead to which frontiers CLC-CVX is being led. Our theme - From our roots to the frontiers aptly expresses well the orientation of the Assembly. "The celebration of 450 years of lay Ignatian communities" will also be part of this World Assembly. Canada (first in French Canada, then in English Canada with John English's leadership and lay couples in the '70's) has its own part in this worldwide history of lay involvement in the Ignatian vision and mission. And now, we are embarking on this new project of the "E-newsletter" for CLC English Canada. Communications through social media is so important in our contemporary culture. We are grateful to Gerri Tingley and others who have done the research and are now seeing the practical outcome of their work. We will all be asked to contribute to this new endeavour. May we all share with joy in all these events. May the Spirit continue to guide us in the coming months as we "unpack" the rich graces of the Assembly. Your brother in Christ, Charles P sj NEA.
Dear Ignatius,
I have been praying with scripture for some time. Recently, my spiritual director introduced me to the Examen Prayer. I love the idea of it but I must admit hat with a busy work and family life, it seems like a daunting task at the end of the day. When I try to do it, I often fall asleep. If I am already praying with scripture, is this type of prayer really necessary?
-Sleepy Sarah
16th CLC-CVX World Assembly: Lebanon
"From our Roots
to the Frontiers"
July 29 to August 9
Explore the Assembly
Program under 'Practical Information'
on the World Assembly website click here
Canada's 16th World Assembly Preparation Team: Delegates - Mary Balfe, NEA Fr. Charles Pottie, SJ. Leanne Salel and our four regional reps Pat Bremnar, Mariette Ternowski, Judy DeWitt and Gerri Tingley met 4 times by Skype on behalf of CLC Canada members. Appreciation to Leah Michaud of Atlantic Region, Elder for CLC Canada having 10 years experience at the World level who joined us in the last meeting. In preparation for the World Assembly each national was asked to reflect on a symbol or image representative of the last 5 years as a lay apostolic body. From numerous images this kaleidoscope emerged depicting diverse freedom of movement yet union with one another as a transforming lay apostolic body; a CLC national engaged in transforming ourselves for service in response to God's grace.
 Joining Jesus
in the Great Enterprise... from Sea to Sea |
Growing Relationships!
CLC English Canada and CVX French Canada Collaborate for Haitians
CLC Canada's Central Region remains committed to growing relationships while supporting Haitian friendships specifically offering financial support for childrens' education and documentation and formation support a YA CVX community. From La Cienaga in Santo Domingo to a committed CVX community of YA's in Port au Prince
 CVX-CLC Canada have begun a collaborative relationship.
CLC - Amazonic Itinerant Team(AIT)
The ecology is an unavoidable topic in any approach to the current fundamental problems, in the dynamics of searching for just relations, and in the emergence of new social systems that are being conceived around this essential component of our human development. For many years now, CLC has recognized this thematic issue, or dimension of the Kingdom, as one of the priority of our reflection, and as horizon for our joint actions as an apostolic body in response to the most urgent topics in the world today. read more