Issue: # 2 
May 7, 2013
In This Issue
Visitor Statistics Mid Island
Employment opportunity United Way
Cruise Ship - May 22
VI Tourism update
A look in the Mirror
FAM Tour - June 2013
Advertising Opportunity
Promotional Opportunity
Business Retention Survey



The graphics factory

* Full colour offset & digital printing

* Signs, Banners, Decals, Vehicle Lettering

* Full service copy shop & bindery

* Wide format printing & laminating

* Fax send/receive service




The Graphics Factory has been serving its customers from our Alberni Valley shop since 1989. Our new colour digital press is now online and printing. Call The Graphics Factory today to find out more about how we can help make your business everybody's business. 250-723-6227.


Interested in some statistics surrounding visits to Vancouver Island through 2013?


Check out this document for specifics on Nanaimo. We can draw our own conclusions on how this affects us in the Alberni Valley

Are you a professional who is seeking additional experts to join your firm? Check this link out to learn more about a program designed to assist you in developing Post Secondary Graduates in their pursuit of the experience needed to move forward. 









This Space is YOURS! The Alberni Valley Chamber of Commerce is committed to Monthly Newsletters aimed at informing our Membership and Community on the Happenings within the Community.


Advertising costs are minimal based at: $50.00 for the main Sponsor & $25.00 for secondary ones. Chamber Members receive 25% off!


Call us or send your info to us:  250.724.6535


Tourism Vancouver Island SEPTEMBER 24 - 26 PORT ALBERNI, BC


Vancouver Islands Largest Tourism Event will be held right here in Port Alberni! Consider supporting this great event that brings 150 + Tourism Delegates to one venue to network, exchange ideas and, guess what... they'll be doing that in our back yard!


Put yourself in front of these key people. If you are tourism related you should consider this opportunity. Please consider their auction options that will benefit your tourism business






 Seeking an Office Coordinator: Contact us at: for more information. NO PHONE CALLS!

All Candidates Meeting: Tuesday, May 7th 7:00pm - 9:00pm BEST WESTERN BARCLAY.


Port Alberni Folkfest Multicultural Society. 

Support Canada Day & enter in the parade! Contact: for more information. 

How does your Brand relate? What emotional aspect are you targeting? Following are three well known brands who have identified the emotional need of their customers.


Apple is not just a computer or cell phone.  It's based on an idea of "simplicity that deals with the frustration over technology".


Dove is not just a soap or hand cream, but all about the idea of "real beauty that allows women to feel comfortable with who they are".


Starbucks is not just a coffee and pastries, but an "escape from a hectic day"



Like us on Facebook 

Supporting our Membership through Advocacy, Communication, & Networking opportunities.  


 Newsletter produced by:

BILL COLLETTE - Executive Director

 DEB OAKES - Executive Assistant:

JAG SIDORUK - Accounting & Administration

JOLLEEN DICK - Visitor Center Coordinator - 2013

Contact us at:

"I fear not the man who has practiced 10,000 kicks once, but I fear the man who has practiced one kick 10,000 times."

- Bruce Lee








All Aboard!   
FAM TOUR - Week of June 3rd.
Call us to schedule an appointment during the week of June 3rd so that we include you on our schedule. The
Alberni Valley Chamber of Commerce through its
Visitor Centre Operations will embark on a plan to visit feature businesses through the community so as to ensure that we know all about you. We'd like to visit ALL accommodation facilities, restaurants, wineries etc., so please do contact us soon. Jolleen Dick - Visitor Center Coordinator - 2013  or via phone at: 250.724.6535
Our Newsletter!
Your chance to broadcast your news to the Chamber Membership
We are pleased to present you with our second edition of our Newsletter. Our mandate is provide you with pertinent information about the community with particular focus on the achievements of the businesses that make up the Alberni Valley. PLEASE DO SHARE YOUR SUCCESSES WITH US FOR INCLUSION IN SUBSEQUENT EDITIONS.

Advertising opportunities exist for any business in the community and for those who are members please expect a 25% Discount on our Posted rates. Call us or email: or 250.724.6535 
Featured Member: WEST COAST EDGE
ENJOY THE WEST COAST like never before
One of the 10 top tour attractions on Vancouver Island!
Nahmint Valley Loop
Top of the World Tour
Mt. Arrowsmith Tour
Or...Build your own Custom Trip

15% OFF May and June!




Remember this? Want to see it back? We do and we need your help!



We need a CHAMPION who will financially support the relocation, repairs, and permanent placement of this piece of Port Alberni Art back on Chamber of Commerce Property. Significant long term advertising opportunity exists. Please call Bill at the Chamber for more discussion. or 250.724.6535
The Chamber of Commerce is also looking to expand its Way Finding Sign project. Our first edition will be placed here shortly with the valued and appreciated support of many local businesses. STAGE TWO of this project is the replacement of the current sign at Harbour Quay. We are looking for up to 28 advertisers for this project. Please call the office at the above number/email for more information.

Micro business training   

Are you a small business owner with five employees or less? You may be eligible to receive up to $1500 in educational funding.


The Alberni Valley Chamber of Commerce reminds you that the BC Chamber of Commerce has initiated a Micro-Business Training Pilot Program (MBT). Funding opportunities are still available. 


This Labour Market Agreement program is funded through the Ministry of Jobs, Tourism and Innovation and delivered by the BC Chamber of Commerce. Applications are now being accepted.


For more information about MBT, visit: 


If you are eligible, when you sign up for the program, be sure you mention that you learned about it through the Alberni Valley Chamber of Commerce.


Cathedral Grove - Ambassador Program


The Chamber of Commerce is looking for 62 - Gift Cards that would be provided to guests of the community through a daily draw here at the Chamber office. Visitors would receive a 'number' while stopped at the Grove and if their number matches ours here at the Centre they would win the GIFT CERTIFICATE OF THE DAY. The goal of course is to get as many people in our building per day so that in turn we get them to stop by yours!


So, can you help us help you? A token $10.00 gift card would be a fantastic way of drawing people to your part of this great city. Once they stop; we're convinced that they'll stay awhile.


Call us if you can help! Again, we need 62 in total (July/August) and we're convinced that your businesses will all benefit. or 250.724.6535Cathedral Grove

Business Retention Survey: 
The Chamber of Commerce is under Contract to conduct
the Business Retention Survey throughout the City of Port Alberni. Please contact our office to participate. Allow your voice to be heard! Contact us at: 



The graphics factory

* Full colour offset & digital printing

* Signs, Banners, Decals, Vehicle Lettering

* Full service copy shop & bindery

* Wide format printing & laminating

* Fax send/receive service




The Graphics Factory has been serving its customers from our Alberni Valley shop since 1989. Our new colour digital press is now online and printing. Call The Graphics Factory today to find out more about how we can help make your business everybody's business. 250-723-6227.


 Congrats to ADSS Students/Teachers who participated in the Times Colonist 10K race. We at the Chamber are especially proud of Shayla Bujotzek who works at our Visitor Center most weekends. Well done Shayla!



AGM Wednesday, May 8 - 12:00 noon

Chances Rim Rock 

Chamber Group Plan Are you protecting your business, your employees, your family from things unknown? Do you have GROUP Insurance? The Chamber Plan is an exceptional product designed for Small Businesses like many of you. Medical, Dental coverage and perhaps most important. Peace of Mind. Call us today and we'll send a licensed Insurance Representative to you to discuss the features of the CHAMBER PLAN.  or: 250.724.6535. CHAMBER PLAN administered by FRANK ALLEN FINANCIAL GROUP INC.
Best Feature: Coverage for small business with big business leverage through Chamber of Commerce Memberships