February 4, 2016
Change for Change
In January, we collected over $500 for Change for Change with a percentage going to ARZU. 

 February's Change for Change is Friday, February 12th and will go to the American Heart Association.  Please be generous this month and wear Red or Pink if possible!

For more info, check out   http://www.heart.org/HEARTORG/  

Did Santa bring you new clothes?  Kids growing like weeds?  Want clean closets?
Donate your unwanted, outgrown, gently used clothes to our next Schoola.com clothing drive in February.
What is Schoola.com?
Schoola.com offers quality clothing at up to 70% off retail with 40% of proceeds benefiting kids.

Schoola.com will sell our donated clothes on their website.  STS will earn 40% of all sales.
They will accept, baby, kids and women's clothing; including shoes, purses and coats.
Please put your donated clothes in a garbage bag, preferably one that cinches or can be tied closed. Drop them off at STS during the week of 2/15/16, fill out the provided sticker with your email address and we'll ship them to Schoola.com.  Drop off during school hours, evening hours TBD.
Our last clothing drive held in the fall has raised almost $3,000 for STS!

Please contact Meg Schneider 847-722-9295  or meg.schneider@comcast.net  with any questions.

Box Tops and Labels for Education
We have started the final collection contest of the 2015-2016 school year which will run throughout the month of February. Please continue to watch for and save Boxtops and Labels for Education to earn a classroom dress down day. The top three contributing classrooms win and St. Theresa School wins equipment and cash for your donations.  Additionally, the top classroom will pay it forward and vote which department will receive part of the rewards, actually seeing where the funds are used. Thank you for your collection efforts!

Potbelly Dine and Share
Eat at Potbelly on February 11th between 5-8pm and support St. Theresa School! Potbelly will donate 25% of the all STS sale. Please click here for more information. 
St. Theresa Children's Choir
Come grow with us! The St. Theresa Parish Children's Choir is open to all young singers in the parish from second grade through eighth grade. Singing in the choir is not only fun, but a special way to serve the parish, learn about the Mass, and sing a wide variety of songs and repertoire from the Church. Rehearsals begin Thursday February 11 from 4:15-5:30 in room 105. The mission of the choir is to serve the parish at the 11:30 liturgy about once a month as well as major feasts and the Sacrament of First Communion. The full schedule is listed here. 
Extraordinary Eucharist Minister
Extraordinary Eucharist Minister of Holy Communion and Lector training will be held at St. Theresa Church Saturday, April 16th 8:30 Am until 12:00 PM.  All Confirmed Catholics age 16 and older are welcome.

This is a great opportunity for parents of children receiving  their  First Holy Communion in May to become commissioned and participate in the Mass.

More information will follow in our parish bulletin. For registration or any questions please contact Marie Paul mariep@sttheresachurch.org 

Upcoming Events  

Friday, February 5
Catholic Schools Week!
Spiritwear Dress Down Day
Pep Rally 12:30

Monday, February 8

Tuesday, February 9
No All School Mass
Palm Burning Ceremony
Student Council Donut Sale

Wednesday, February 10
All School Mass - Ash Wednesday 8am

Thursday, February 11
Potbelly Dine & Share
Children's Choir Rehearsal 4:15-5:30

Friday, February 12
Change for Change!
7th-8th Grade Student Council Mixer 7-9

Monday, February 15
No School - Presidents Day

Tuesday, February 16
Drive Day

School Start Times

For K (All Day) - 8th
7:20 AM 1st bell / drop off begins
7:35 AM 2nd bell
7:40 AM Tardy bell

Monday through Thursday 2:20 PM Dismissal
Friday 1:30 PM Dismissal

K (Half Day Friends)
7:20 AM 1st bell / drop off begins
7:35 AM 2nd bell
7:40 AM Tardy bell
11:15 AM Dismissal

8 AM Start
11 AM Dismiss Half Day Friends
2 PM Dismiss All Day Friends
Important Links and Contacts

St. Theresa School Website
St. Theresa Parish Website 

St. Theresa Parish Bulletins 

Office for the Protection of Children and Youth 


Manna Order Form 

EMail Addresses:

Fr. Tim, Pastor


Miss Keenley, Principal

Mrs. Zielinski, Admin. Assistant/Tuition Manager

Terri Kolbus, Admissions Director

Parents Association

Phone Numbers: 

School      847-359-1820
Absence   847-359-1820 x299
Nurse      847-359-1820 x212 


Happy Catholic Schools Week!
Welcome, Jackson Navarro!  Jackson joins our preschool this week as a 3 year old in Mrs. Bergman's class.  We are excited to welcome the Navarro's to the STS family!

Congratulations to our confirmandi!  Bishop Kane confirmed our 8th grade students on Saturday.  In hi s homily, he encouraged the young men and women to know their faith, live their faith, to pray, and to celebrate their faith by attending Mass each Sunday.  He reminded them that sometimes it will be hard to live up to the demands of the Faith, but not to worry because from now on they have the Holy Spirit to be there and guide them and will never leave them alone.  Congratulations to our students and all the newest "fully initiated" members of our parish!

Catholic Schools Week has been fun!  Open House was wonderful on Sunday.  I hope everyone was able to visit the classrooms and spend some time in the Book Fair!  The kids are enjoying the daily activities and the Acts of Kindness boards are quickly filling up.  The kids are enjoying the daily changes to the uniform - Fr. Tim
 actually started laughing mid-blessing when he spotted some of the crazy socks on Tuesday!  A special thanks to the Parents Association for all their work making this week great!

On Wednesday, the 8th graders presented their annual Wax Museum as part of their Catholic Schools Week program.  Students chose a character from American History and gave a short living biography of the person.  Students had to dress as their historical character, give the presentation, and be able to answer questions about their character from other students.  We all enjoyed our living museum!

In addition to Catholic Schools week this week, the
Kindergarten and 1st Grade celebrated the 100th day of school.  The students made a 
Book of  100 Things -100 trucks, 100 eyes, 100 friends... They also wrote about what Mrs. Healy has told them  100 times to do.  Their favorite part seemed to be counting fruit loops by tens!  Jack said, "this is the best idea Ms R...where'd you ever get it?!"

February is also Dental Health Month!  The preschool and primary students received a visit from Dr. Nakfoor who told them how to keep their teeth clean and healthy and provided them with brand new toothbrushes!

On Tuesday and Wednesday the students had their throats blessed. This Sacramental is performed on the Feast of St. Blase, February 3, and is a prayer for freedom from diseases of the throat.  The preschoolers were a bit nervous at first, but felt better when Deacon Steve explained that we don't light the candles we place on their throats for the blessing!

Believe it or not, the sacred season of Lent begins next week.  To guide our Lenten prayer and to unite ourselves with the Parish Transformation process of the parish as a whole, the students will be engaging in a children's Parish Transformation process -the first ever in the Archdiocese.  Fr. Ron has created a course of study for the children where they will learn about the church centered on the person of Jesus Christ and the Eucharist, the role of the parish, and our personal role in evangelization and catechesis.  At the end of Lent, the children will have the opportunity to identify areas of growth and ways in which they can be more active members of our parish! 

Our St. Theresa Lenten focus is the St. Vincent DePaul society who provides for the poor and needy in our area.  Children will have the opportunity to give alms to the St. Vincent DePaul society at Ash Wednesday Mass next week.  Envelopes will be sent home with the children to fill as they deem appropriate.  We will take up a collection at mass and the children can contribute their envelopes at that time. All parents and family members are invited to join us for Ash Wednesday Mass at 8 am in the church!  Please feel free to bring young children - it's a family Mass and family noise is just another prayer of the Mass!

We are also collecting palms for our first ever Rite of Palm Burning.  Fr. Tim will celebrate this rite of palm burning with the children on Tuesday, February 9.  Please send in your old palms so we have enough to burn.  There will be collection bins in the church gathering space and in the front hall of school.

A quick calendar clarification Monday, March 28 (Easter Monday) is a regular day of school for us.  It is a Drive Day.  Remember we miss some of these normal holidays because school ends early this year on Friday, May 27.
Enjoy the Super Bowl weekend...Cubs Spring Training starts in 23 days...this really, truly, could be the year!
Mary J. Keenley, Principal
Catholic Schools Week 2016!
Thursday, February 4 
Teachers:  Soups and Stews for Teachers
Good Deed:  Act of kindness to a grandparent or special friend
Friday, February 5 
Activity:  Pep Rally 12:30 pm (gym)
Good Deed:  Random act of kindness of your choice
Students:  Spirit Wear dress down day

High School Corner 

The Willows Academy Spring Open House
Independent, College-Prep
School for Young Women
Providing Catholic Education
Grades 6 - 12

Come make connections that 
will last a lifetime!
1015 Rose Ave., Des Plaines, IL 847-724-6900

Palatine High will be presenting Secret Garden
February 3rd-6th 7pm

St. Viator presents the 50th Anniversary production of The Music Man. Production will be held on January 29, 30, February 5,and 6, 2016 at 7:30 pm and on January 31 and February 7 at 1:30 pm.  This production involves over 200 of our students.  We hope you can join us! To purchase tickets please click here.
Family Corner

Please remember in your prayers:
Jake and Sammie Serpico's Opa (Grandpa) who is currently undergoing cancer treatments.

The grandfather of Domenic, Gina, and John who is in the hospital.

Mrs. Spotak's mother who is ill.

The Port Louis family and Theo's grandmother

The Murzyn family, Aunt and Uncle to The Miller family. 

Kylene & Bridget Flood's Aunt Julie.

Please pray for the families of STS, particularly those who have personal struggles they are experiencing and those who are going through trying times. 

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Check STS out on Facebook and Twitter....

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Have an item you want included in the newsletter? 
Please send it to newsletter@sttheresaschool.com! 
Content needed by 5pm Tuesday for inclusion in the current week's newsletter.

If you take pictures at school activities throughout the year, please send them to   bulletin@sttheresachurch.org. Content needed by 9am Monday for inclusion in the following weekend's bulletin.

If you have content for the STS website, please send to   webmaster@sttheresaschool.com.