November 5, 2015
New Eucharistic Minister Training
Saturday, November 14th at
St. Cecilia Parish in Mt. Prospect.

Click here for details.

For any questions, contact Marie Paul at
Chess! Chess! Chess!

The WINTER CHESS SESSION begins November 20, 2015!   This chess program will run from November 20, 2015-February 19, 2016.  The class continues on Fridays, from 1:30PM - 2:45PM in the O'Brien Hall.  This is an enriching and positive program that teaches many life skills, such as disciplined thinking, focus, concentration, decision making, sportsmanship, creativity, and much more.   This magical game also enhances the student's math and vocabulary skills. 

Chess provides an
intellectual foundation that will serve your student well throughout their academic career and life.  Join us for the winter session of this exciting enrichment program~~

The WINTER  SESSION will run for 11 Fridays at $165.00- 11/20, (no class 11/27), 12/4, 12/11, 12/18, (no class 12/25 or 1/1), 1/8, 1/15, 1/22, 1/29, 2/5, 2/12, and 2/19/2016.  

Register TODAY!   Program forms are in the school office or by clicking here.   Looking forward to seeing your chess enthusiast November 20, 2015.
Yearbook Cover Contest
We're looking for the cover for the 2015-2016 yearbook!  The cover art should be inspired by our school theme this year "Let Me Gently Touch the Lives of Others."  It should also be done on 8 1/2 x 11 paper and include the school year: 2015-2016.  If you are interested in submitting artwork, please send it to Miss Wozniak in Room 115 by November 20th.  Your artwork should include your name and homeroom.
Boxtop Updates
We have completed the Fall Collection contest! Thank you for participating in this opportunity to earn money for our school and programs. We are busy counting, clipping and sorting your donations, but will provide an update with the next newsletter. Please continue to collect BoxTops and Labels for Education where you see them in your pantry. We'll continue to collect and send them in throughout the year, with our next collection drive coming in 2016.
Men's Basketball Pickup
Men's Basketball pick up basketball - Thursday nights, 8:30 in the Dolan center.  If interested please contact Mike Marshall - or 847-567-2734.
Parents' Association Meeting
Parents' Association meeting rescheduled - the Parents' Association meeting scheduled for Wednesday November 18 @ 8:00 am has been rescheduled to Wednesday December 2 @ 8:00 am.  Please mark your calendars and join us as we start planning for Catholic Schools week.
Upcoming Events  

Saturday, November 7
Casino Night!

Wednesday, November 11
Domino's Pizza Lunch
Veterans Day Ceremony 12:30 pm
Preschool Parent Teacher Conferences
2nd Grade Inscription Service 6:30

Friday, November 13
End of Trimester 1
Change for Change!
7th-8th Student Council Mixer 7-9 pm

Tuesday, November 17
All School Mass 8 am

Wednesday, November 18
2nd Grade to Euro Fresh
Dine & Share @ Photos!

School Start Times

For K (All Day) - 8th
7:20 AM 1st bell / drop off begins
7:35 AM 2nd bell
7:40 AM Tardy bell

Monday through Thursday 2:20 PM Dismissal

Friday 1:30 PM Dismissal

K (Half Day Friends)
7:20 AM 1st bell / drop off begins
7:35 AM 2nd bell
7:40 AM Tardy bell

11:15 AM Dismissal

8 AM Start
11 AM Dismiss Half Day Friends
2 PM Dismiss All Day Friends
Have an item you want included in the newsletter? 
Please send it to! 
Content needed by 5pm Tuesday for inclusion in the current week's newsletter.

If you take pictures at school activities throughout the year, please send them to Content needed by 9am Monday for inclusion in the following weekend's bulletin.

If you have content for the STS website, please send to
Important Links and Contacts

St. Theresa School Website
St. Theresa Parish Website 

St. Theresa Parish Bulletins 

Office for the Protection of Children and Youth 


Manna Order Form 

EMail Addresses:

Fr. Tim, Pastor 


Miss Keenley, Principal

Mrs. Zielinski, Admin. Assistant/Tuition Manager 

Terri Kolbus, Admissions Director

Parents Association

Phone Numbers: 

School      847-359-1820
Absence   847-359-1820 x299
Nurse      847-359-1820 x212 


Wow, Have We Had a Busy Week...

...and it's not over yet!  Tomorrow, Friday, we are privileged to have a visit from the new Superintendent of Schools, Dr. Jim Rigg.  We will show Dr. Rigg around our Blue Ribbon school and I will have the opportunity to speak with him about what makes our school great.  It that's not enough, later in the day we will have a visit from the Daily Herald who wants to feature us in an article in next week's Neighbor section.  I'll let you know when it is being published.

The St. Theresa School Concert Choir found Palatine High School the place to be last Thursday for their 2015 Middle School Choral Festival.  Under the direction of Mr. Steve Sivak, choral director for Palatine High
 School, the students were given the opportunity to perform a variety of songs along with other local middle schools and several of the high school ensembles.  Students received wonderful feedback and constructive criticism from Mr. Sivak.  The day culminated in a performance of "Circle of Life" which combined all the middle school choirs as well as the Palatine High School ensembles for a gorgeous musical end to a phenomenal day!  If the feedback I was getting from the students is any indication...we will be doing this again next year!!  Come and hear what we learned at the Fall Sound Sampler this Wednesday at 7 pm in the Dolan!
3rd graders had a visit from students from England!  Isabella's cousins were in town on "half time" from theirschool in England.  The students loved the idea of playing rugby...but not the idea of going to school on Saturdays!

In kindergarten, the focus last week was on pumpkins as they celebrated their traditional Pumpkin Day.  With the assistance of kindergarten parent helpers, the students use d the pumpkins to estimate the number of lines, the weight and size, and the number of seeds.  After they made their guess, they measured and weighed the pumpkins.  They ended the lesson by sorting the seeds in groups of ten and then counted how many seeds were in each pumpkin.  You'll never guess how many seeds there are in one little pumpkin!  All of the information we gathered, we recorded on a graph.  Great learning and fun was had by all.
On the subject of pumpkins, Halloween was a blast!  Thank you to all the parents who came and helped make the dayfun for all the kids.  Your organization and participation also made the day really enjoyable for the teachers as well!

As part of our traditional celebration of the Communion of the Saints and the devotion to the souls during the month o f November, in Spanish class, the middle schoolers honored the Dia de los Muertos by bringing in traditional altares and comida to share.  The 7th and 8th graders honored famous Hispanics, the 6th graders family members and close friends.  Throughout the school we will be remembering the deceased members of our families and friends in our morning prayer, reciting the traditional response for the souls.  We will also be remembering our families in Mass each Tuesday.  Thank you for your help completing the remembrance forms.  Count on our prayers for your loved ones mentioned all month.

Not only are they scholars, but athletes as well!  Our 7th grade girls won their volleyball conference championships last weekend.  Congratulations on an outstanding victory! Also, a congrats to the 8th grade girls volleyball team for getting 3rd place in their conference. Great end to a great season!

We are so excited about our newest development in technology - our video studio!  Our Tech Crew produced its first news broadcast last week-students wrote scripts, added piccollage images, edited, filmed, and used the teleprompter.  There also was some random dancing!  The coolest part of this project is that it is all student run and produced.  Mrs. Nicolas oversees the team, but they do all the creative, production and editing.  Eventually, we will be streaming the broadcast live each morning.

And sometimes being principal becomes too I get to go and hang out with the preschoolers!  They get to do cool stuff like build with blocks and color.   I learned that you can put two triangles together to make a square...but don't use the blue one because it is broken.  Don't worry - I took the blue on back to my office and glued it back together!

The STS Band and Choir students have been hard at work preparing for the Veterans Day service.  The students will be combining to pay musical tribute to the veterans at the event next week. In addition to the band, the Palatine Fire Department color guard and the Knights of Columbus will be joining us in the ceremony.  The Boy and Girl Scout students will also serve as an honor guard.  You don't want to miss this!  Please join us on Wednesday at 12:30 as we honor the veterans in the St. Theresa family and in our community. 

Miss Keenley 
Veterans Day
Please join us in the annual Veterans Day Mass. Wednesday, November 11th, at 12:30pm. Please click here for more information.
Pumpkin Contest!
The Student Council held its annual pumpkin 
contest - there were a whopping 128 entries this year!   The pumpkins were very clever from a new baby sister pumpkin to a box of pumpkin donuts.  
Congratulations to our prize winners:

First Place: Kailyn Schmidt
Second Place: Kellen Scheiler
Third Place: Emma Falkenberg
First Grade
First Place: Gracie Schmidt
Second Place: Lilly Abbey
Third Place: Patrick Carnel
Second Grade
First Place: Samantha Serpico
Second Place: George Wagner
Third Place: Anthony D'Ambrosio
Third Grade
First Place: Sarah Fouraker
Second Place: Isabella Youman
Third Place: Matthew Doland
Fourth Grade
First Place: Jake Serpico
Second Place: Nicole Gruszka
Third Place: Evelyn Urbaniak
Fifth Grade
First Place: Molly Braskich
Second Place: Grace Herbst
Third Place: Landon Schneider
Sixth Grade
First Place: Celia Carnel
Second Place: Gabby Youman
Third Place: Tessa Origer
The Grand prize went to: Elena DiVito
Toddler Screening 
Free developmental screenings for children up to 33 months old are offered to families who live in District 15 through the District's Early Intervention Program.
The screenings, which are by appointment only, will be held on the following dates from 3-6 p.m. at the John G. Conyers Learning Academy, 2800 W. Central Road in Rolling Meadows:

Wednesday, November 11
Wednesday, February 17
Wednesday, April 20

To make an appointment, contact Erin Carp, Student Services Technology Specialist, at 847-963-3150. For more information, contact Melanie Mandarino, Early Intervention Facilitator, at 847-963-3410.
High School Corner 

St. Viator Open House
The Saint Viator High School Open House will be held on Sunday, November 15th from 1-3pm and Monday, November 16th from 6:30-8:30pm.

The 2nd Annual Craft Beer Fest at Arlington International
November 21, 2015 7-10 pm
Featuring over 35 vendors of Craft Brews
Tickets can be purchased at

Saint Viator Bands Presents A CHILDREN'S CONCERT
Saturday, November 21, 10:00AM at Saint Viator High School. Come for a participatory performance, with raffles, juice & cookies, and an instrument petting zoo!!

Children of all ages are welcome!

Palatine High School Craft Fair
Palatine H.S. Pirate Boosters is hosting their CRAFT FAIR on Saturday, November 7th from 9am to 4pm.
Over 150 booths
Free admission and Parking 
Holiday decor, accessories, gourmet items, jewelry, doll clothes, ornaments and much more!
Family Corner
Please remember in your prayers:

Grandfather of Gabriela and Sophia Presta who is in the last moments of his life

Uncle of Jillyan Pfaller who passed away.

Ann Anaya, grandmother of Isabelle and Zoe Anaya, as she undergoes treatment for her third round of cancer 
The Kubek family and Courtney's grandfather

The Port Louis family and Theo's grandmother

The Murzyn family, Aunt and Uncle to The Miller family. 

Kylene & Bridget Flood's Aunt Julie who is undergoing cancer treatment for merkel cell cancer.
Please pray for the families of STS, particularly those who have personal struggles they are experiencing and those who are going through trying times.
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