October 1, 2015
Message from Fr. Tim 

I could not be more proud of our school, faculty, staff, and students on the achievement of the 2015 National Blue Ribbon Schools Award!

From the time I stepped onto campus a little over two years ago, I believed that our program was worthy of this distinction. Congratulations to the parish, families, students, and staff who, since the last Blue Ribbon was awarded at
St. Theresa School in 2006, maintain the tradition of excellence. To achieve this award twice in less than 10 years is a noteworthy accomplishment and testament to the strength of our program. I would also like to thank in a special way, our principal, Mary Keenley, and Nicole Carlisle who worked long hours above and beyond the call of duty to fill out the necessary paperwork to qualify us for this illustrious award!

To see the official announcement from U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan,
click here!

As Miss Keenley states (but it is worth repeating!), we will celebrate this achievement with a Mass of Thanksgiving with our Vicar, Bishop George Rassas on Tuesday, October 13 at 8:00am. Please mark your calendars and make plans to join us.

On September 26th, over 275 runners participated in our "Trot for Theresa" 5K run through the streets of Palatine. God provided us
with a beautiful day and a good time was had by all. My thanks to all of the Trot for Theresa committee members who did such a great job coordinating this event. They did a fantastic job and I am very grateful for their efforts! Please plan on joining us next Fall for the next edition of the Trot!

This weekend begins Respect Life Month. Next weekend, the Little Sisters of the Poor will be offering a reflection at all the Masses on
October 10th and 11th on end of life issues, one of the many concerns under the respect life umbrella. In addition, our Respect Life
Committee will sponsor their faire in the gathering space this weekend. Please stop by and look at a sample of some of the many
focuses our Respect Life Committee is responsible for, and please feel free to participate in any of the many activities and
opportunities they support. As always, I am very grateful for all that our Respect Life Committee does. They do a tremendous job keeping our attention on what is a critical aspect of our faith - respecting life from conception until natural death.

This morning, the Palatine Fire Department will host a memorial ceremony to recognize the service and sacrifice of Palatine volunteer
Firefighters Wesley Comfort Jr. and Leonard Nebel, who were killed when their fire truck was struck by a train on October 1, 1946.
The ceremony will be held at the Palatine Firefighter's Memorial at the corner of
N. Brockway and W. Slade Streets in downtown
Palatine, IL. The ceremony includes a procession of the Palatine Fire Department Honor Guard, a wreath presentation, and ringing of the ceremonial fire bell. Please continue to pray for all of our firefighters, EMT's, police officers, military and all others in uniform who put their lives on the line to serve our communities and country.

Enjoy the week and God bless you all.

Special Lunches
Last call for Special Lunch orders . . . if a student or staff member would still like to order one of our Special Lunches, please turn in your order with payment by Tuesday, October 6thPlease click here for the order form.

Please contact
stspa@sttheresaschool.com  with any questions concerning Special Lunches.
STS Sports Scene
The girls 7th and 8th grade volleyball teams battled in the championship game at the St. Collette's tournament this weekend.  Congratulations on the second place finish.  So proud of your teamwork!
Change for Change
During the month of September, we collected over $600 with a percentage donated to CureSearch. 

Our next Change for Change is Friday, Oct. 9th.  Please be generous in your donation to "Ups For Downs" a charity to help people with Downs Syndrome.

Children can come to school out of uniform in exchange for their donation.
Last Call for Parent Association Membership
There's still time to get involved and support the many wonderful activities of St. Theresa school.  Parent's Association committees are being formed now.  If you still want to join the Parent's Association, please fill out the membership form and submit to Nicole Carlisle c/o Catie Rm 113.  All parents /caregivers are invited to join. 

Upcoming Events  

Thursday, October 1
All School Mass - Feast of St. Theresa
3rd Grade to Volo Bog

Friday, October 2
Benediction for World Peace 12:30
Mid Trimester 1

Saturday, October 3
Parish Blessing of the Animals 12:00

Sunday, October 4
Parish Mass for Feast of St. Theresa 11:30

Monday, October 5
Preschool Blessing of Animals 9:15
K-8 Parent Teacher Conferences 3-6

Tuesday, October 6
All School Mass 8 am

Wednesday, October 7
K-8 Parent Teacher Conferences 3-6

Thursday, October 8
K-8 Parent Teacher Conferences 3-6 
Friday, October 9
Change for Change!

Monday, October 12
No School - Columbus Day!

Tuesday, October 13
Drive Day

Friday, October 23
Picture Retakes - 8am 

School Start Times

For K (All Day) - 8th
7:20 AM 1st bell / drop off begins
7:35 AM 2nd bell
7:40 AM Tardy bell

Monday through Thursday 2:20 PM Dismissal

Friday 1:30 PM Dismissal

K (Half Day Friends)
7:20 AM 1st bell / drop off begins
7:35 AM 2nd bell
7:40 AM Tardy bell

11:15 AM Dismissal

8 AM Start
11 AM Dismiss Half Day Friends
2 PM Dismiss All Day Friends
Have an item you want included in the newsletter? 
Please send it to newsletter@sttheresaschool.com! 
Content needed by 5pm Tuesday for inclusion in the current week's newsletter.

If you take pictures at school activities throughout the year, please send them to  bulletin@sttheresachurch.org. Content needed by 9am Monday for inclusion in the following weekend's bulletin.

If you have content for the STS website, please send to   webmaster@sttheresaschool.com.
Important Links and Contacts

St. Theresa School Website
St. Theresa Parish Website 

St. Theresa Parish Bulletins 

Office for the Protection of Children and Youth 


Manna Order Form 

EMail Addresses:

Fr. Tim, Pastor


Miss Keenley, Principal

Mrs. Zielinski, Admin. Assistant/Tuition Manager

Terri Kolbus, Admissions Director

Parents Association

Phone Numbers: 

School      847-359-1820
Absence   847-359-1820 x299
Nurse      847-359-1820 x212 


We're A Blue Ribbon School!
The news of the hour is, of course, our Blue
Ribbon award!  This great honor bestowed upon the school is well timed as we begin work on the revitalization of the parish campus and of the school program.  The strong foundation, nationally recognized for the second time in our history, lays a firm groundwork as we prepare our students for the rigors of life in the 21st century.   This formal recognition of St. Theresa School's excellence is a testimony not only to the great staff that delivers the school program each day, but to the dedicated parents and students who work hard to achieve this excellence.   
A special thanks to Fr. Tim for his leadership and the Board of Specified Jurisdiction (BSJ) for their efforts to maintain the excellence you know to be the St. Theresa way!  
I hope everyone can join us for a special Mass of Thanksgiving for this great honor on Tuesday, October 13 at 8:00 am.  His Excellency, Bishop George Rassas, our Vicar, will be presiding.  

The first fun activity is a Student Council declared Blue Out this Friday.  Students may dress in blue...including blue jeans...for the day to celebrate our award.  Watch for more information about this and other Blue Ribbon celebrations!
Amidst all the celebration, regular life continues here at STS!  The Kindergartners had their annual Apple Day.  With help from the parents, the children learned about apples, the letter A, and the science of cooking.  What a fun lesson and a wonderful STS memory!
The preschool celebrated the Holy Father's visit to the US with "Flat Francis!"  Preschooler Audrey cheers on the Palatine Pirates at a Friday night football game with Flat Francis.  
Alyssa, Julia, and Kate joined 80 other junior high students from surrounding catholic grade schools at t he 1st Annual Junior High Band Night hosted by St. Viator High School.  The students joined the St. Viator
 Marching Band and the University of Illinois Marching Illini on the fiel
d to play the National 
Anthem prior to Friday's football game.  
Second graders are working on their reading comprehension  interviewed their main characters as a
comprehension activity.  They made stick puppets to help them with their interviewing skills!
The 7th graders are reading "The Monsters Are Due on Maple Street," a famous teleplay written by Rod Serling.  This story is about ordinary people who become a mob when they do not understand what is going on in their surroundings.  Later, we will watch the teleplay which is part of the "Twilight Zone."
4th through 8th grade homerooms elected Student Council room representatives recently.  The first meeting of the year will be Thursday when committees will be set. Coming in October is the annual pumpkin contest on October 29. Look for more information soon.
6-7-8 grades' first community service project was to help supply most needed items to the local food pantry.  Deacon Steve Norys suggested mayonnaise, laundry detergent, and Hamburger Helper and students responded generously. Mrs. Paul and family will be delivering the items to Holy Family which houses the food pantry for our area. Thanks to all who contributed.
The 4th and 5th graders completed their service project for the month of September.  In honor of Patriot Day, they wrote thank you notes to the Palatine Police Department.
We all enjoyed the "Trot for Theresa" on Saturday
 - thank you very much to all the parents, students, and alumni that made the day so wonderful!
I hope to see everyone at Mass on the 13th.  Have a great weekend!

Miss Keenley 
K-8 Parent Teacher Conferences!
Parent Teacher Conferences for K-8th grade are Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday, October 6, 8, and 9.

Please be sure you have signed up online for parent teacher conference online per your teacher's instructions. Questions?  Please contact your child's teacher!

Newsletter from the Archdiocese
Labels for Education
Please join us in this easy opportunity to earn money for our school and programs! Simply locate the BoxTops or Labels for Education coupons available hundreds of items and clip the coupon to send in with your St. Theresa student. Labels earn a credit for educational supplies and Boxtops are worth 10 cents each. Watch for our classroom contest in October and regular updates in the parent newsletter.
Family Corner
Please remember in your prayers:

The Schmidt family who will be welcoming a new baby daughter any minute!
Kylene & Bridget Flood's Aunt Julie who is undergoing cancer treatment for merkel cell cancer.

The Postiglione family.

Mrs. Soby's family. 
Please pray for the families of STS, particularly those who have personal struggles they are experiencing and those who are going through trying times.
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