Narrate Your Day

Much like we feel better when we know what to expect, talking to your baby about what's coming up gives her comfort as well. Be your baby's tour guide by talking about where you are at, what you are doing, what you are doing next, who they might see, or steps to an activity.


Talking to your baby about what is happening and what changes are coming helps her feel secure and helps her anticipate those changes. This can be talking to her about your daily routine ("we are going to play then eat lunch"), people that will be visiting ("remember, grandma's coming today"), or places she will go ("we are going to the grocery store...we can get bananas and apple sauce..."). Use simple words and short phrases and repeat the same concepts over and over. 

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Brain Science for Your Baby


Most of us don't really remember when we were babies. But a study (Haley, 2011) looking at infant memory and stress found that babies as young as six months of age have memories of stressful events! 


In the study, the baby was put in a car seat placed on a table in an unfamiliar room. In one group, mothers were encouraged to respond as they normally would with talking and smiles. In the other group, the mothers were instructed to present a "still-face" and look above the baby's head for 2 minutes. Infants who weren't immediately comforted had elevated cortisol levels not only during the event, but 24 hours later when they returned with their mother to the same room. 


In other words, they had "anticipatory stress". Babies remembered and were anxious about having their mother ignore them again!  We all have some anxiety about what's coming up next. Your baby does too. So start talking about what's going to happen!  Your baby will make less of those stress hormones. Your "tour guide" voice and your smiles will help a lot!  

A Baby Buffer Prescription for Your Baby

Be your child's tour guide in the car.

Take advantage of the time you and your baby spend in the car. This is an opportunity to build language and to help your baby understand traveling in the car means going somewhere and possibly seeing new people or going new places. 


Talk about where you are going, what you will do, and who you might see. Repeat these things throughout your trip.


"We're going to grandma's house. You will see grandma and grandpa. It's going to be so much fun...and you get to play with your cousins. Baby's going to grandmas!"


"We are going to see Dr. Jones. Dr. Jones is going to look in your ears... and check your nose. And mommy's going to be with you. We are going to the doctor....she's going to make sure you are growing..."

A baby Buffer Prescription for You        


Nourish your body! You may be enjoying a full night's rest or you might still be getting up several times during the night. 


Nourish your body by getting the nutrition you need and through that promote natural energy.


Be sure to get a healthy breakfast and meals throughout your day. Even if this means building it into your routine!


Make time for at least once a day to sit down at the table to eat your meal and enjoy alone time, conversation, or relaxing time with baby.


Eat a balanced, healthy diet. Try foods that provide natural energy and avoid foods and beverages with caffeine or added sugar. Great foods to boost your energy are whole grains, fruits such as strawberries and blueberries, broccoli and other green veggies, and spicy herbs.  

What Your Baby Can Do - Developmental Milestones 


Your baby is changing quickly during this period. Know what to look for to make sure your baby is growing and changing in a healthy way.  Click on the links below for information from the CDC on what your baby can do now.  

Gene's Research Tip of the Week

A study on infant sleep machines in the journal Pediatrics, tested 14 devices at 3 different distances.  The devices are made to attach to a crib, about 1 foot away or to be placed distantly, up to about 6 feet away.  Now, recommended sound wave levels in baby intensive care units are less than 50 decibels.  At maximum volume, all of the machines were over this level, when tested at 1 foot and 3 feet from the testing device. At 6 feet, only 2 of the units were in the safe range when cranked up to maximum volume.  Read More 

Baby Buffer Blog

Written by Barbara Unell


With a grin on her face, my friend, Sara, once told me the following sarcastic comment that her mother, Martha, made after Sara's daughter was born:

"You will spend the first two years of your child's life teaching her to talk, and the rest of her life trying to get her to be quiet!"



Although many moms tell me that they wish that their children would be less talkative, as Martha did, I didn't have this attitude about my children's verbal skills. I loved listening to them learn how to use words to express themselves, from infancy on. Why? Doing so strengthened the bond between us and helped me understand my children as they were growing up. I continue to delight in our conversations, as my now adult children tell me daily all about their jobs, friends and feelings! Read More

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