Your child's vocabulary is growing much like her clothing size! Your child is starting to identify and label familiar objects and pictures, follow simple directions, and communicate using single words or putting words together. What YOU say is also important in helping your child learn and develop. 
One way to talk with your child is to describe what your child is doing (yes, we know we already told you this like 10 times...but it is THAT important!). Describing is commenting about what your child is doing (much like a sports commentator) and can be done anytime. Describing tells your child you are listening and paying attention to them and that what they do and say is important. Describing what your child is doing also helps to build basic concepts, provides labels to objects, activities, and play skills, and allows you to give special attention to her and what she is doing.  

Brain Science for Your Baby


We know that reading to children is really important.  But the back-and-forth talk between you and your toddler is at least as important - maybe more important.  A 2009 study from UCLA showed that back-and-forth conversation during the first few years between a parent and child was even more strongly associated having strong language skills than having the parent reading to the child. Help your child learn new words by talking about what is going on, and then get a back and forth conversation going! 
A Baby Buffer Prescription for Your Baby

Give the "play by play": Think of yourself as a sports commentator giving the "play by play" and think of your child as the star quarterback in the game. Describe what they are doing during any and all activities or routines ("you are getting pants on", "you're rolling the ball"). Playtime is a great time to practice!


Practice makes perfect: Make time to "practice" your descriptions during playtime once a day with your child. Keep your "practice" time short (5-10 minutes) and focus on describing what your child is doing (try not to ask questions). Set a goal to make at least 10 description statements during each practice opportunity.

A Baby Buffer Prescription for You  


This week we are prescribing "Talk" for both you and your baby! Talk to your Baby Buffer team!


Share celebrations!  Talk about things your child is doing well, something you feel good about, & how the Baby Buffer team is working together.


Talk to your Baby Buffer team about what you need and how you can meet those needs. For example: What you need is to run errands or exercise on Friday; How you can meet this need is by getting someone to watch your child for 1 hour. 


What Your Baby Can Do - Developmental Milestones 


Children in this age range are moving away from their "baby" stage and toward the greater world that they have never been physically able to explore before. Talking, walking and asserting their independence are the hallmarks of this stage, developmentally. Children need to explore...we just need to help them do so safely!


Gene's Research Tip

Your TSK is curious!  It's in his genes, directly from you! But sometimes parents don't think that curiosity is cool; they think curiosity is a catastrophe! How can you use this curiosity to help him learn healthy habits? By being prepared for your little Curious TSK!


You need to give him new ways of looking at the world! You can do this by being a great example for such things as eating vegetables! So, does food presentation make a difference in how well TSK will eat?  YES!

Read more here.
Baby Buffer Blog
Written by Cathy Mancina Smith, PhD

Being a mom is not always easy. That's why it is important to have a circle of support. We all have times when we need someone to talk you, someone to give us advice or to lift us up when we are having a bad day. Your circle of support can include friends, relatives, neighbors or people you meet through a club, church or other organization. Some of my best friends are women whom I met when my children were babies. When my oldest daughter was born, I didn't know many people in my neighborhood and my mother and four sisters all lived out of state. My family was a great support but they lived so far away. I needed some local supports, so I started looking for a way to meet other mothers who had young children.


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