Safe Spaces for Your Toddler

Your toddler is a born rule-tester! She will try to put her hand on the stove, put her fingers
in the light socket, etc., in her natural curiosity about her world! That's why it's important to make sure your home is toddler-safe. Instead of saying "no" every time she touches something that could harm her (the stove or the light socket, for example!), put dangerous objects out of her reach, plug up light sockets with safety plugs, and keep chairs away from counters that she can climb! 

Brain Science for Your Baby


Brain development is an amazing thing.  700 new brain connections are made per second.  However, the part of the brain that handles "safety" is not the part of the brain that develops early!   There are some battles that aren't worth fighting with a 1 � year old.  But safety is a battle you can't compromise on.  If the toddler discipline issue is a matter of safety - it's a no-brainer!   For really good tips on how to make your house safe for your little explorer, go to: and see the checklist on how to make your house safer!

A Baby Buffer Prescription for Your Baby
  • Safety experts recommend that you get down to your child's level and look at the world from his point of view. Low drawers left open can turn into a staircase that your toddler can climb; bookcases and china cabinets look like great climbing toys; and knives and glass dishes may not be as out of reach as you may have thought.
  • You'll also want to consider your child's favorite things. If lotions, soaps and other cosmetics, for example, fascinate her, you'll need to take extra precautions to keep those items out of your toddler's reach in the bathroom.  

A baby Buffer Prescription for You   


  • Realize that even the most thorough childproofing cannot replace adult supervision.  Childproofing your home is definitely helpful, but nothing replaces a watchful eye. Accidents can happen in a matter of seconds. But the more closely children are supervised, the less likely they are to be seriously injured. If you need a helper to watch your toddler while you do other work around the house, be sure you plan for that assistance before being distracted when your toddler is roaming the home.

What Your Baby Can Do - Developmental Milestones 


Emotionally, one-year-olds are just learning to recognize and manage their feelings. They experience a wide range of emotions and have tantrums when they are tired or frustrated. They may also respond to conflict by hitting, biting, screaming, or crying. One-year-olds want their independence, and may say, "No!" to adult suggestions or insist that they, "Do it!" Then, moments later, they might cling to an adult's leg or ask for help.

Baby Buffer Blog
From Our Friend Gene*

Your Crying Baby


Greetings and salutations from the center of your living world - and, of course I mean your

BABY! That Special Kid, or TSK for short.


I'm Gene, a special advisor for you, and I live in every cell of your body and your baby's (TSK's) body!  I live in the DNA parts which are the instructions that tell all the rest of your body what to do. I'm a little bossy that way!


Today I want to talk to you about one of the most helpless feelings in the world; being a sleep-deprived parent of a crying infant!  This is pretty common and can lead to depression for parents or anyone in the household. 


Read Gene's full blog here

*Gene's blog is written by Greta McFarland, MD, FAAP 


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