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President's Perspective
KPF Update!
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Breastfeeding Update

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Kansas Chapter of AAP


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Kathy Ellerbeck, MD



Robert Wittler, MD



Frank Banfield, MD



Dennis Cooley, MD

Past President





Chris Steege  

Executive Director


Mel Hudelson  

Associate Director


Heather Williams

Staff Accountant 


Leslie Sherman 

Chapter Coordinator


Shanna Peters

Project Coordinator


Nikki Walker 

Project Specialist



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KAAP Committees 



 August 2012
President's Perspective

By Kathy Ellerbeck, MD, MPH, FAAP 


Greetings from the Kansas Chapter. As I assume role of Chapter President, the first thing I'd like to do is to thank Dennis Cooley, MD, Pam Shaw, MD, and Chris Steege for their guidance over the past three years. As you all know, Dr. Shaw will take on a new leadership position as the AAP District VI Chair. Dr. Cooley will continue to be the Chapter's legislative representative and the Chair of the Kansas Maternal Child Health Council. Our superb staff led by Chris Steege will continue to provide the leadership and support that has made the Kansas Chapter winner of two AAP Outstanding Chapter Awards. As pediatricians and parents - we all worry about "our kids" especially now, when there is so much change coming with the ACA, KanCare, and new practice models.   The KAAP is fortunate in that our Executive Committee, Board of Directors, and Pediatric Council have a wealth of knowledge and experience to assist us in these changing times ahead.


For those of you who don't know me, I am a developmental-behavioral pediatrician, and have been at KU in the Center for Child Health and Development (CCHD) since 2000. I joined the Kansas Chapter of the AAP when I came to KU from Children's Mercy, because I met Carol Lindsley, MD, Pam Shaw, MD, and Dennis Cooley. MD, and saw passion about effecting change in the lives of kids through legislative advocacy and specific projects. When I attended my first AAP National Conference and Exhibition (NCE) I saw thousands of pediatricians advocating for children. This translates into thousands of pediatricians who are making a difference. This inspired me to become active in the AAP and the Chapter and it has been one of the best decisions I have made! I have been a member of the AAP's Council of Children with Disabilities' Autism Subcommittee for the past three years, and this has proven to be one of the most satisfying positions in my professional career.


But it is not only children whom we must advocate for. We need to continue to support the state's pediatricians who provided the best care for our kids. Advocating for children and pediatricians goes hand in hand and is something I will strive for in my three years as your president.


The Kansas Chapter works hard to provide value for your membership. The Chapter and the AAP work hard to support pediatricians, both in primary care and in subspecialty practice. Our many Chapter programs have been very successful and some such as Turn a Page. Touch a Mind.� early literacy program has received national recognition. We want to continue to support these programs. The KAAP doesn't plan to sit on our laurels. We will continue to develop new programs that will help the children and the pediatricians who care for them. For example, in response to our members one such program we plan on developing will provide opportunities for Maintenance of Certification (MOC).


We hope that you will want to be involved...we need KAAP member participation and expertise. Thank you for all you do for Kansas kids. Best wishes and please feel free to contact me.

 TAP-TAM Update


TAP-TAM Has Given 250,000 Books to Kansas Kids!


Turn a Page. Touch a Mind.� physicians and medical providers across Kansas have given over 250,000 books to Kansas kids since 2004! Each day, 275 physicians and medical providers in 58 clinics and practices in 29 Kansas counties spend time encouraging families to share a book daily. The physician then gives a new, developmentally appropriate book to the child to take home so that the family can follow through and read together. 


The Kansas Pediatric Foundation, charitable arm of KAAP, developed TAP-TAM in 2004 because of data that showed Kansas kids are not prepared to learn to read in kindergarten, and are not succeeding in school like they should be. Through TAP-TAM, we are creating a generation of Kansans who are showing up to school excited about books and reading.


New data from the Annie E. Casey Foundation on the well-being of children across the country called KIDS COUNT shows us that there is still work to be done.  Here are some notable numbers for Kansas kids in the report: 

  • 53% of 3 and 4 year olds in Kansas are NOT enrolled in preschool.
  • 64% of Kansas 4th graders are reading BELOW the proficient level.
  • 20% of high school students are not graduating on time.
  • 18% of children in Kansas are living in poverty (an increase of 20% since 2005). 

We know that when children are living in poverty, have a lack of early education, and are not reading proficiently by the 4th grade, their future is not as bright as it can be.  Making sure that all children in Kansas have books in the early years will give them the tools that they need to succeed.


If you are interested in supporting a TAP-TAM site near you, or would like information on bringing TAP-TAM to your area, contact Mel Hudelson at

Upcoming Events



The Business Case for Breastfeeding

 By Jennifer Brannon, MD, FAAP

KAAP Breastfeeding Coordinator


Do you know of a business that would like assistance in helping their employees have a better breastfeeding experience?  The Kansas Breastfeeding Coalition, Inc. (KBC) has a state-wide initiative to increase the number of businesses that provide lactation support to breastfeeding employees? The Business Case for Breast-feeding. This is part of a nation-wide emphasis of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), Health Resources and Services Administration's Maternal and Child Health Bureau whose aim is to encourage women to breastfeed their infants for a longer duration after they return to work. The KBC is offering mini-grant awards in the amount of up to $500 to 10 employers in Kansas that are interested in creating or improving lactation support policies and programs at their workplace.


The KBC will fund businesses to provide any of the following: electrical outlet (110V), locks on doors, privacy screens, comfortable chair, table or other flat surface to hold a breast pump. Applications should address the above priority areas through creative, original approaches. Applicants must be recommended by a "Business Case for Breastfeeding" trainee. To find a BCFB trainee, please visit the employer page at or contact Brenda Bandy at


The KBC will fund a maximum of 10 proposals per calendar year for a maximum of $500 each. Additional proposals will be considered as funds allow. Funding for programs/projects will conclude on December 31, 2012. Project timelines must reflect this time frame. Completed proposals are to be emailed to  Proposals will be considered on a case-by-case basis but only if all sections of the application form are complete according to specifications. Notice of awards will be made within 30 days of receipt of an application. All funds must be expended by December 31, 2012. The website is