July 30, 2014 

"The feeding of 5000 is a familiar story, but what if it happened differently than we have come to know?"
Calendar Animated 3 
Wednesday, July 30
7:00 pm - Worship


Sunday, August 3
8:00 am - Service
9:30 am - Service, Sunday School, and Bible Studies
11:00 am - Service

Monday, August 4
5:30 pm - Lifeshelter

Wednesday, August 6
7:00 pm  - Worship

Thursday, August 7
5:30 pm - Lifeshelter

Sunday, August 10
8:00 am - Service
9:30 am - Service, Sunday School, and Bible Studies
11:00 am - Service
5:00 pm - Kyrie, Fort Worth
To read Jonathan's message, "The Small Things"

Cake Animated

July 30
Cyrus Burkard
July 31
Pete Hickman
Megan Davidson

August 2
Cheyenne Peruchi

August 3
Barbara Walther
Evangeline Wolff
Elli Wolff

August 4
Cathy Racette

August 5
Fred Woehr
Sean Letts

Happy Anniversary animated

August 1
Arthur & Joyce Anderson

August 3
Eric & Christy Moore 

August 4
Kris & Caroline Wood

For Last Week's Bulletin


Ministry Links
Cross Animated 2  



If you purchased tickets for Les Miserables, please see Donna Weiselogel this Sunday, to pick them up.
Cleaning Day
Saturday, August 23rd

Sign up this Sunday in the narthex.


 Tickets go on sale September 14th! 

Our Annual Boys and Girls Club 
Back to school Jamboree 
is Tuesday, August 12th at 4:30 pm. 

Please fill out a blue card this Sunday and put it in the offering if you are are interested in helping out.



Contact Information


For more information about Shepherd of Life Lutheran Church or this newsletter, please contact Mark Hadley at markhadley23@sbcglobal.net or at 817-915-4001.


Shepherd of Life Lutheran Church

715 E. Lamar Blvd.

Arlington, TX 76011

