June 26, 2013 

What does it mean to be "home"? And how do we find shelter in Jesus? We'll discuss this Sunday...

To read Mark's message from this past Sunday entitled "The Power of Stories and a Story of Power", click below

Calendar Animated 3

Sunday, June 30
8:00am - Service
9:30am - Service, Sunday School and Bible Studies
11:00am - Service
7:00pm - Taize Service at Rush Creek Christian Church
Monday, July 1
5:30pm - Life Shelter
Thursday, July 4
5:30pm - Life Shelter
Sunday, July 7
8:00am - Service
9:30am - Service, Sunday School and Bible Studies
11:00am - Service
Cake Animated

June 26 - Jo Kruzel
June 26 - Jack Moore
June 27 - John Delude
June 28 - Theresa Jorgensen
June 28 - Terra Techmeyer
July 1 - Karl Cole
July 2 - Becky Anderson
July 2 - Samuel Jorgensen


June 26 - Pete & Vanessa Hickman
July 1 - Joe & Midge Norris
July 2 - Dave & Kay Fox

For Last Week's Bulletin


Ministry Links
Cross Animated 2  


Join us this Sunday to experience a Taize Worship Service at a neighboring church.  Taize is a contemplative style of worship that incorporates prayer, silence, and repetitive musical phrasing that can be very moving spiritually. If you've never experienced it, you should give it a try! 
The details:
Sunday, June 30 at 7:00pm
Rush Creek Christian Church
2401 SW Green Oaks Blvd.
Arlington, TX 76017

More Interesting Items Make Their Way into 
The International Bag of Mystery!
With Pastor John out of town it was left to Jonathan and Mark to solve the riddles of the International Bag of Mystery this past Sunday.

At 8:00 Jonathan had to build a lesson around an Easy Bake Oven. Mark was chosen at both 9:30 and 11:00, and he had to deal with Holy Water from the River Jordan and a princess' magic wand that twirled and lit up when a button was pushed.

Come see what others mysterious objects will make their way into the bag this coming Sunday!

Ladies of Shepherd of Life...
To a one-day Women's Retreat in July hosted by the Women of the ELCA at Our Redeemer Lutheran Church in Grand Prairie.
The theme is "Lament and Praise: How the Psalms Help Us Do Both."
Saturday, July 27
9:30am - 3:30pm
RSVP to Hattie Hammer at 972-296-3703 or at hattie.hammer@sbcglobal.net.

Registration is now open for...

"Embraced and Graced"
August 5 - 9
9:00am - 3:30pm
Cost is $35 per child
(includes lunch & 2 snacks)

You can register in the Narthex or email Jonathan directly at jonathan.lys@sbcglobal.net

If you missed seeing the youth and adults from the Nebraska Synod that worshiped with us last Sunday, here are a few pictures.  There are part of a group of nearly 300 that have come to this area on a mission trip. It was great to have them!


Contact Information


For more information about Shepherd of Life Lutheran Church or this newsletter, please contact Mark Hadley at markhadley23@sbcglobal.net or at 817-915-4001.


Shepherd of Life Lutheran Church

715 E. Lamar Blvd.

Arlington, TX 76011

