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March 2015

Warning: this article makes a strong point about why ANY business or non-profit should use email as a marketing tool. After reading the article you'll want to get started.


You've heard that having an email newsletter or promotion is a good idea, but you may not realize HOW GREAT an idea that is.

  • The direct marketing industry shows that 66% of companies plan on
    Email maketing spend increase
    Email has the largest spend increase of any marketing tool!
    INCREASING their email marketing spend in 2015
    . Clearly the tool works (see chart on right)!

A Forrester Research survey reveals that:

  • 91% of consumers check their email at least once a day
  • 84% of marketers use email as a tool
  • 80% of organizations send automated emails

These statistics indicate that email marketing moves the needle on sales!


You may stay in touch with your market through social media - but keep in mind that the average sale generated with email marketing is about three times that of social media. No other marketing tool beats the ROI of email marketing.


Point made: email marketing is the most effective marketing tool with about $45 in sales for every dollar invested!


How can you use email marketing for YOUR business?
  • Send emails announcing promotions, sales, discounts, events, openings, Sample newsletter shows, updates, videos, pictures or any other news that reminds customers of your business and gives them a reason to interact with you.
  • Remind the market you exist! The reality is that people forget about you if you don't regularly raise your hand and tell them about your business. 
  • A brief, to-the-point article allows you to stand apart from the competition and explain why companies should work with you.

If you don't stay in touch with your market regularly, your competitors will.

  • People buy from you only when they're ready to buy - it's very hard toaccelerate a purchase, so you need to be in front of the customer when they decide to buy
  • There is no other marketing tool out there that has the low cost and high efficiency of email marketing. With email messaging you stay in front of prospects to capture their attention when they are ready for that purchase.

Take the next step:


  • We can help. Solutions for Growth is an award-winning, Platinum, Constant Contact Master Certified 2015 Master Certified Solution Provider of Constant Contact - your assurance that the email marketing we create for you is best-in-class
  • As one of the Constant Contact's largest Solution Providers with clients in nearly 30 states, you'll be in good hands!

Map of SFG clients

Take a peek at newsletter samples:
Screen shot NL

"I've been working with Solutions for Growth for some time now and the newsletters they prepare for my company are an important tool for me to remind my customers and prospects about the services I offer. 

CBS Telecom logo


Solutions for Growth is responsive, their turnaround is quick and the newsletters are sharp looking and well written."  

How much business are you missing by not joining the 84% of companies who benefit from email marketing?  


Call, email or schedule a call now and get started!


Easily schedule a call


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914-533-7226 x1
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Solutions for Growth is an Award Winning, Platinum, Master Certified Solution Provider of Constant Contact, reflecting the solid results we achieve for our clients.
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Constant Contact Master Certified 2015