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September 2014

Okay, you've hooked those new prospects. They're interested in your company or product and have signed up for your mailing list. Now, how do you hold onto them?

Communication is the key to deepening any strong business connection. But how do you maintain frequent contact with customers to establish communication? Here's a suggestion...




Autoresponders are a series of emails that are automatically sent at specific intervals. They might include a "Welcome" email for new subscribers to a mailing list, or a "Thank you" message sent after a customer purchases one of your products.


Autoresponders are a great way to get your relationship started on the right foot. Some reasons to use autoresponders:

  • They enable you to keep in touch with your customer. Maintaining contact via autoresponders increases the chances that the customer will reach out to you.
  • They allow you to connect with subscribers from an engaged standpoint. Since they gave you their email address, the customer is already interested in the product or service you're offering.
  • They provide targeted information about customers. Autoresponders contain tracking features that tell you who opened the email, which links they clicked on, and more. In this way, you can become better acquainted with the needs and interests of specific customers.


Make Them Work for You


What you write about and how you write it are the crucial elements of an effective autoresponder. Some suggestions:

  • Don't constantly sell to the client, urging them to buy more from you. If you barrage the client with sales pitches, they'll lose interest and unsubscribe, or treat your autoresponders like spam.
  • Expand your expertise. By highlighting the features and benefits of your product or service, you make yourself an expert in the minds of your customer. And the next time they need your service, they'll think of you first and foremost.
  • Send a friendly reminder well in advance of an anniversary or membership expiration date. This keeps you current and relevant. And who doesn't want to receive a special offer on their birthday?

Whether you currently have an active email program you want to improve, or you need to start from scratch, contact Solutions for Solutions for Growth logo Growth. Our experience and expertise with autoresponders gives you the edge that can make the difference between so-so growth and solid success!

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