Mary D. Midkiff's Women & Horses Newseltter
Newsle    Newsletter ~ March 2013~ Issue No. 202
In This Issue
Women & Horses Premiers on HRTV
Help Your Horse Focus
Meet the Mangalarga!

The InBalance Horse

By Mary D. Midkiff

DVD cover
All the steps you need to use The InBalance Horse
oil blend, mouth massage and acupressure!

5 steps to maximizing, preparing, training and enjoying horses.

"The Focused Horse" 26 minute DVD includes demonstrations showing steps on how to apply and use "The InBalance Horse" essential oil blend aromatherapy, massage and acupressure techniques to calm and focus your horse, and English and Western saddle fit specific to the female equestrian.
$10 plus shipping and handling 
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Fitness, Performance & the Female Equestrian

Fitness, Performance and the Female Equestrian 

She Flies Without Wings

She Flies Without Wings       
Take the Emotional Stress Out of Your Horse's Life!!!
The InBalance Horse Essential Oil Blend for Horses
We have added Sweet Almond Oil to the blend speeding up the absorption rate; and it resists freezing!
InBalance HorseCalming the Anxious Horse...
with aromatherapy and the analgesic affects of this essential oil blend.

Time after time, horse after horse, horse owners and handlers are experiencing the magic results of The InBalance Horse essential blend for horses.  

Links to Helpful Websites:


Go to Saddles for Women on the website to get a free DVD in saddle fit information!



Clinics by Mary Midkiff:
Inquiries - please contact me at or call 502-552-1195 and we can tailor a clinic to fit your needs.

I'd love to come work with you and your horses and find out what we can create to build your partnerships.
 Galloping horse animation

Dear Horse Friends,


As we slowly ascend from the gray months through the fog into the Spring, I can hear women all around the country getting excited about their horses!  Perhaps we can even overlook the mud from melting permafrost in hopes we will be enjoying outdoor time with our favorite equines soon. Even those of you in warmer climates will be noticing changes as the hormonal pulse strengthens in mares and stallions.


If you are like me, I can't wait for a warm sunny day to clean my grooming equipment and letting it air dry in the sun, giving the tack a good going over and moving heavy trunks and equipment to sweep!  Be sure to wear a mask while you are accomplishing all of your cleaning tasks to avoid breathing in dust, hair, particulates and pollen that have settled over the winter.


Bathing the horses won't start for another couple of months where I live but again for you who live in the warmer climates you are probably excited about post-winter baths!


Move with the rhythm of your horse as we go into a new season and enjoy what they share with you.

The beautiful Mangalarga mare Grassa gives me the ride of a lifetime ! Thank you Gustavo Esteves and Haras AEJ

In this newsletter I will be sharing my experience in Brazil with the Mangalarga breed. I am inspired and impressed with these horses and the passion and commitment of their owners and breeders.


Happy Riding!

Mary D. Midkiff  


Women & HorsesTM Premiers on HRTV!
Aromatherapy for Horses on HRTV
HRTV (Horse Racing TV Network) introduces Women & Horses (TM) programming to their line up of global horse racing, horse sports and horse-related shows. Mary Midkiff's program on Aromatherapy will begin airing February 26 and run through March 11 initially. Check Midkiff's website calendar for dates and times
Go to and type in your zip code for information on cable carriers and Dish Network channels. 
HRTV has opened the door and created an exciting opportunity to introduce female equestrian and holistic horse programming to a world of horse racing fans. I really appreciate HRTV working with us beyond their traditional racetrack coverage. They have been generous and interested in new information beneficial to all horse-related audiences.
Help Your Horse Focus


I want my horse to think of me as the instigator of peace.

That means creating rituals and therapy that'll make your horse relax when he sees you.

To foster my horse's relaxation and focus before trailering, riding, veterinary or farrier care, or showing, I combine aromatherapy, massage, and acupressure.

About six years ago I started working with an aromatherapist and asked her if we could experiment on horses. She told me about different plant essences that work, and we started experimenting with blends and recipes, creating one that was safe for horses.

I use my InBalance blend (a combination of lavender, sweet marjoram, basil, petit grain, neroli, sweet almond oil, and sesame oil). It's a relaxing scent for riders, too (just a small dab will do, as it's concentrated for horses).

I start my routine by rubbing a few drops between my palms and fingertips, and then massages it into my horse's nostrils. From there, I use the heel of my hand to massage the corners of the lips for about 20 seconds. Because horses hold tension in their lips, gums, and palate, my routine also involves massage in those areas, before I move up from the mouth to the jaw, poll, and neck.  


Once I've completed the massage, I turn to acupressure in the upper neck on specific points. I advise riders to work first on one side, then move to the other. For more information, log on to my web site,




Mangalarga stallion Xaxim at Haras Lagoinha captured my heart.

Antuerpia was stylish and comfortable from

 Haras Morro Agudo.

The elegant classic mare Croatia presents herself from Haras Morro Agudo.
In Brazil they call this color Amarillo.  Atila a young gelding was a pleasure to ride at the national show arena.
Meet the
Brazil's national horse is the Mangalarga.
Getting to know the Mangalarga horse has been the highlight of my two trips to Brazil. This breed of horse is virtually unknown to Americans but I hope to change that by bringing a few representatives to Kentucky to demonstrate what the breed has to offer.
Above are photos of some of the amazing horses I was honored to get to know and ride!  From youngsters to older mares and stallions, they all were ready to take me anywhere I wanted to go with comfort and grace.

The Mangalarga Paulista (known as the Mangalarga) is a horse breed that was originally developed in Brazil by Francisco Gabriel Junqueira, the Baron of Alfenas, when he began breeding Royal Alter stallions from Portugal with local native mares on his lands in Baependi County at Minas Gerais State.


In 1812, when the Junqueira family moved to Sao Paulo state, the topography, the forest, the local culture and the different species of deer to hunt, forced them to seek a horse with different characteristics, by selection or crossing, and so they started to breed the Mangalarga horse with Thoroughbred, Arabian, and American Saddlebred stallions plus a Saddlebred mare and one Lusitano stallion. As the breed's popularity spread, breeders concentrated on developing different gaits within the breed without loss of the comfort and agility.


They are typically 15-16 hands high, 1000 -1100 pounds with a refined head, round large eyes, and developed balance between neck, back and hindquarters. They come in a multitude of colors including bay, chestnut, palomino, grey, black and pinto.


The work of Junqueira also developed the Mangalarga Marchador breed that differs from the Mangalarga due to the influence of different bloodlines and a focus on different traits. At the beginning, there was just one type of horse, the "Mangalarga Horse". However, today the two breeds are different from one another and each has its own studbook and breed associations.


Today the Mangalarga is widely used as a mufti-purpose athlete from polo to endurance riding to ranch work to hunting to showing to combined training - they do it all with a quiet mind, sensibility, confidence and agility.


It is our intention to continue working with breeders to bring this wonderful breed to our country. If you are interested in this breed, want to come see them when they arrive, ride one with me - send me an email. I am keeping a mailing list of interested people to alert as soon as they arrive!


I may be going back to Brazil in April to select horses so stay tuned!!  Obrigado!