December 26, 2013




As we see the end of another amazing year is closing upon us and we anticipate yet another incredible year to come, we'd like to take this opportunity share a brief update with you of some of our key accomplishments and miracles from 2013 and major plans for 2014.


Good News TV and GNTV Latino (MasTV), our English and Spanish language television channels, have continued to air a wide variety of thought provoking Christ-centered programming 24 hours a day, designed to introduce our viewers to our loving Savior, challenge and encourage us all with truths of the Scripture, and provide ample opportunities to connect to local church families.


Our programming can currently be viewed throughout Phoenix-metro area on 2 digital channels (22.1 and 22.2), as well as anywhere in the world on the internet via our website streaming, at As shared below, our audience will be increasing significantly in 2014. If you haven't checked out our programming yet, I encourage you to download our program schedule and tune in to a program that sounds interesting to you today.


We hope that you will find the following newsletter to be both informative and inspiring, and we encourage you to share your thoughts and ideas by contacting us.



Thank you and God bless,


Luke Skelton

Director of Media Ministry

Good News TV / MasTV


 More Responding to Personal Invitations !


One of the most effective tools we have incorporated into our channels this year to help our viewers connect to a church near them has been regular personal invitations to join us for worship this Saturday at one of over 100 churches throughout Arizona. These invitations, such as the banner in the lower-left side of the TV image shown, has resulted in about 3-4 new viewers calling our local phone number each week, specifically asking for details on where they can come and worship this weekend. Since we already display the church addresses on the TV screen with this banner, this must mean that there are other viewers coming to church without making the phone call to us.


One such viewer, Millie, called to find a church and we directed her to the Beacon Light Church, which is only a few blocks from her home. Millie was quickly nurtured into her new church family, and started Bible studies with the head deacon and his wife. She invited 2 neighbor friends, Theresa (another GNTV viewer) and Betty, to join them in their studies, and now the 5 of them have been studying since. Millie was baptized just a couple weeks ago, on December 14, and her 2 friends, also shown in the image to the left, were there to share in her joy. 


Both Theresa and Betty responded to the pastor's appeal for future baptism! We saw Millie again just last weekend at the Glendale church, where she brought 2 more friends to enjoy the Christmas concert we were recording.


Millie is just one amazing example of viewers that the ministry is reaching. If you don't have a church home, then please join us for worship and fellowship at a Seventh-day Adventist church near you this Saturday morning. Don't hesitate to contact us to help you locate one. If you are already coming to church, then please introduce yourself to an unfamiliar face, and invite them home to a meal, since we all need to have friends and make connections in a new church family.



Lives Spared by
a Hand of Protection 


As we continue to operate and make improvements to this ministry, we had an amazing experience I must briefly share of how the Lord's timing and ways are best. Many years ago I would have simply called this a matter of chance circumstance or good luck. But I now know that this was not luck at all, but rather evidence of a loving God.


The plan was for Leland, a GNTV volunteer, and I to travel together to 3 different locations one day early this last Fall, to install some new video equipment, ending with our final drive up the 9 mile steep switchback road to our broadcast tower at the top of South Mountain. Once there, we would complete the installation and introduce an improved video image to the Phoenix community.


We started the day, as always, with a word of prayer, for God's protection and His wisdom to complete this project in a timely and successful manner. We got everything installed at the first location no problem, and then headed to the intermediate downtown Phoenix location to install at the second of 3 locations. But, we just could not get the equipment to show a video image at this intermediate site. Since we could not get a video image, we knew our trip up the mountain to the third and final site would have been pointless. After trying for hours in frustration to solve the problem, we reluctantly stopped working on the project after midnight, and decided to go home and regroup to finish up the next day.


The very next morning, while simply backing the same truck we had been driving the day before into a parking spot, the steering wheel broke loose in Leland's hands, leaving him with absolutely no steering capability in an instant! Upon inspection of the truck at a mechanic's shop, they found 2 of the 3 bolts that are supposed to secure the steering box missing from the vehicle all together. The third bolt (pictured) had simply snapped off, rendering the vehicle impossible to steer. 


As we retraced our steps from the day before, considering the treacherous steep grade, hair-pin turns, and guard rails along the embankments of the road to the top of the mountain, the hair raised on our arms as we recognized the certainty of having avoided a major catastrophe. If we had gotten the video image at the intermediate location, even at a very late hour, we would have been heading up this road to install at the mountain top that night.

If we had lost the steering along this road instead of losing it in the parking lot the very next morning, then you can imagine what could have happened. There is a gate at the base of South Mountain, which is locked by the Rangers at 10:00pm, and the only people with access to this road late at night are those on rare occasions that are on their way to the peak to service a TV station. There would have been nobody on the road all night, our families knew we would be home late so they would not have missed us, and we could not have called for help since there is no cell phone reception.


In hind sight, among various other miracles, it is as if one of God's angels held onto that last steering bolt, to keep it from breaking until there was no danger. Likewise, it was as if the Lord had blinded our eyes to the reality that our video problem, which had held us back from driving up the mountain late that night, was actually very easy to solve. By simply plugging our video signal into a second piece of equipment that we had already installed the night before, our video signal immediately came to life.


Our lives were spared. What a series of miracles, and how humbling it is to sense God's direct protection of us in such a powerful way!



Protecting our Name


Because we have been able to develop a ministry model in Good News TV that effectively connects viewers with Christ, retains their viewership of the channel, and then connects them with a local church family, we realize it would be beneficial for other communities throughout the US to adopt our same model.


A small but powerful ministry team in Dallas/Fort-Worth was the first, having broadcast throughout the DFW metroplex to a population of 6.7 million for the last 3 years now. We have continued to promote the concept and identify ministry-minded people in various other parts of the US, such as SF Bay, Boston, Atlanta, and Los Angeles, who would like to see a GNTV started in their community. We have also been working in parallel to simplify the process and make our ministry easy to replicate. As a final step in the process, registering the name "Good News TV" has become the final linchpin we have waited for to secure to process. 


In order to ensure that Good News TV can actually be started anywhere else in the US, we first need to register the name as a US trademark. But, since the phrase "good news" is so common, we quickly found that there is a very large assortment of organizations having registered the name "good news" for different purposes, including a television production organization. 
To make a long story short, the US Trademark Office, after a detailed application process and about a 1-1/2 year waiting period, rejected our application and refused to grant us the trademark, citing the conflicting registrant and several other applications submitted prior to ours that, if granted, would also conflict with our name.


Although our attorney told us we could appeal their decision, she also clearly explained why, based on legal considerations and overwhelming obstacles, it would be virtually impossible for us to win this appeal, so we would be wasting our time.


Instead of deciding on our emotions or logic to finally give up, we stopped to    pray, asking God for His wisdom and His will at this point in the process, just as we had been doing at each previous stage of the process. As a result, we decided that we should continue to do all that we possibly can and then leave the outcome in the Lord's hands.


Our attorney prepared and submitted a convincing appeal, and we prepared to start asking the various other parties if they would grant us permission to share the name with them. Since there was no incentive for any of them to grant us such permission to do something they were protecting against themselves, it was not likely that any of them would respond positively. But, before we had a chance to start asking, we got a message from our attorney that started, "I have some very good news for you..." How fitting. Good news indeed!


The Trademark Office had done the unimaginable. Instead of either putting our application on hold for an extended time or rejecting it permanently, either of which we fully expected would be the outcome, they actually reversed their decision and granted us the trademark! We could not believe it. This was an unquestionable miracle. Our attorney explained that the only way this outcome was possible is that the various other applicants must have either withdrawn their application or let them lapse, and further that the Trademark Office had to withdraw their objection to our trademark application potentially causing confusion for the existing registrant. 


We thank the Lord for taking down the impossible barriers that were preventing us from successfully registering the mark. We now hold the official US Trademark for the Good News TV name and logo, which enables the ministry to expand anywhere in the US. Yet again, we praise the Lord! 


Throughout AZ


As we work aggressively toward expanding the GNTV English and Spanish ministry into several new communities of Arizona and beyond, the Lord is doing amazing things on this front as well. PHASE I of our expansion will include a new station in Yuma, Prescott and Flagstaff. Here is a brief update on the latest miracles in progress with them.


YUMA: We had been working toward a deal to be able to broadcast 1 of our 2 channels (English only) in the Yuma community. Before that was all worked out though, we got an email out-of-the-blue from a bilingual Pentecostal Christian man, Jose, asking us to help him build a new TV station in Yuma. Jose, just like us, wants to broadcast the Gospel throughout Yuma to reach both English and Spanish viewers, and he needs our help. We then asked Jose if he would be willing to sell his

Overlooking Yuma, Arizona from the tower site. 

construction permit, assuring him that if we obtained it we will broadcast the Gospel on the station 24 hours a day. He initially asked for $150,000, which we simply could not afford. But, after some negotiation, we finally agreed on $10,000, which Jose later told us was like giving it away as a gift to us since he had paid about that much to get the permit himself.


Praise the Lord that the deal has now closed! Thanks to Jose's willingness to sell to us for an affordable price, and thanks to one of the Yuma churches for helping us with the significant startup costs, we are now preparing to build this TV station to proclaim the truths of God's word and His message of salvation to viewers throughout Yuma. On top of that, this station will reach beyond the borders into Mexico.


Yuma is the third largest community in Arizona, and since it borders Mexico and has a very large population of Spanish-speaking, we are very excited to be able to broadcast both our English and Spanish channels and invite viewers to the churches there.


PRESCOTT: Things have really seemed to be dragging along with us getting the station on the air in Prescott, and the monthly operating expenses were looking like they would be very costly. But, during these delays, we were able to investigate another site where other broadcasters are airing their stations from. Through this investigation, we have decided we want to move the permit, and have already applied for this move with the FCC! This move will result in saving us a large majority of the monthly operating expenses we would have to otherwise pay at the original site, and the new site will actually result in more viewers. Another amazing win-win scenario!


Please pray that the Lord will help our application to proceed through the process in a timely manner so we can purchase equipment and start building in Prescott in early 2014.


PHASE II EXPANSION: Thanks to your prayers and financial support, we have now raised enough funds to complete PHASE I of our expansion project, which, as mentioned, will include building 3 new stations in Arizona, including Yuma, Prescott and Flagstaff. We will continue working aggressively over the next 6-9 months to build these first 3 new stations and start reaching people in these communities of Arizona with Good News TV.


As you can see from our fundraising thermometer to the left, the funds we have raised to reach the 3 new communities in Arizona so far is amazing progress but not the end. We praise the Lord for your sacrificial contributions to help so far. In PHASE II of our expansion project, we want to continue filling this thermometer to reach as many as 4 more communities, including Payson, Lake Havasu, Verde Valley, and Tucson. In order to accomplish this and make this second phase a reality like the first, we will continue to need the Lord's guidance, as well as your ongoing prayers and your financial support.


We only have about 5 months to build the first of these 4 additional locations, while the other 3 have more than a year.


If you would like to help us reach one of these PHASE II communities, we urge you to consider a special donation NOW. Whether $10 or $10,000, the Lord will bless and multiply your gift, combining together with other donations to help us reach one of these new Arizona communities at a time.


In addition to an outright gift, if you would like to pledge a matching gift to help encourage others to donate, then please contact us directly to discuss this. Over the last year, we received 5 matching gifts that totaled over $36,000, which were in turn matched by other donors and ultimately helped us reach our Phase I goal to fund the first 3 sites.



HELP US... Reach Throughout AZ

As you reflect on what God is continuing to accomplish through the ministry of GNTV, we strongly encourage you to consider partnering with us today. 


Whether you'd like to give a special year-end or one-time gift to help us with PHASE II of our expansion, or you would like to pledge your monthly support to help us continue to broadcast for the future, your gift(s) will help us reach even more people throughout Arizona, offering them the ultimate gift that lasts for eternity. This ministry is effectively reaching people 24 hours a day in our AZ communities, helping them understand the Bible, realize that we can genuinely have hope for the future, and accept the gift of eternal life.


People throughout our community are watching and responding. Many of our callers say that GNTV is their favorite channel and they have it on 24 hours/day! We depend on both your prayers and your support to help us continue to reach more people in the privacy of their homes.  


You can contact us directly to discuss the option that is best for you, or you can donate to our self-supporting ministry of the AZ Conference through various available methods. This includes church offering envelopes at any Seventh-day Adventist church throughout Arizona, on-line giving on our website, automatic bill-pay through your bank, or sending a personal check, payable to "Good News TV", directly to our mailing address in Scottsdale, AZ.


Another way you can support our vision is to remember Good News TV through your will, a revocable trust, or a gift annuity. To discuss these or any other options available, please don't hesitate to contact us.


Thank you very much for your continued prayers and support of this vital ministry!


May God bless you,

GNTV Staff


GNTV Contact info:
Call Good News TV directly at
or email any feedback, comments or questions to [email protected]


Good News TV
13405 N. Scottsdale Rd.
Scottsdale, AZ 85260


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