November 2012 



    What is happening

    in our world today ?


The world appears to be pulling apart at the seams. In recent months and years we have seen an amazing increase in frequency and magnitude of natural disasters: everything from tsunamis to tornados, droughts to floods, wild fires & earthquakes to "superstorm" hurricanes. 
News reporters are referring to the latest superstorm Sandy as one of  "Biblical proportions". One fire chief in the New York area exclaimed that in his team of career fire fighters, representing over 1,000 years of combined experience, "none of us has ever seen anything like this before". The chief ent on to say that "the only thing that even comes close to this is 9/11". 
Latest estimates indicate that this storm has cut power to more than 8 million homes, New York City has been all but closed off by car, train and air, and most homeowners who have suffered losses from flooding won't benefit from their insurance policies because it doesn't cover flood damage.


So, is superstorm Sandy really one of Biblical proportions, as is being reported? Jesus did tell us that we will know that his return is soon when we see natural disasters in diverse places.
As we see these events happening around us today, Good News TV is faithfully reaching out to those in our communities to change lives for Christ. We have a vision to expand beyond the boundaries of Phoenix metropolitan area, to reach those in various other communities of Arizona. But, we need your help to accomplish this.
Please see the article below about "EXPANSION" for more details. 

 Watch Our Channel From Anywhere !


You can watch on your TV,

computer, or smart phone...


For those that don't know, Good News TV can be watched anywhere in the world today. If you live in Phoenix or Dallas/Fort Worth, you can watch on digital over-the-air (OTA) television, on 22.1 or 20.4, respectively. For Spanish viewers, you can watch channel 22.4 in Phoenix.


If you either do not live in these communities or you don't receive OTA, you can watch on your computer, iPad or smart phone. Simply log into, and click on "Watch Us Now" TV image in the top-right corner of the home page ( for Spanish). 


Heather, pictured at the right with Pastor Paul Gibson and Pastor Mychal Morehouse, was one of the people watching an exciting Phoenix-area Revelation seminar series on GNTV in 2011. But, instead of watching on TV, Heather was watching from her computer in California.


GNTV volunteer, Barry Norman, told his friend Heather about the series he was attending, and invited her to watch it every night on our website. As she watched, she became very excited about what she was learning. During a visit to Phoenix, she even attended some meetings in person.


She has since moved to Phoenix, become a vital part of the nurturing church family at PV, and has put in hundreds of hours of volunteer time for GNTV, copying/labeling/packaging DVD's and CD's of GNTV productions. Heather recently completed a baptismal class with Pastor Morehouse and gave her whole heart to the Lord in baptism. How many more are being touched that we may never know until heaven?


EXPANSION... Inside & Outside of Arizona




We are working with a group in central California to expand the broadcast of GNTV to cover the San Francisco Bay Area. Convinced that the work of reaching all nations, tribes, tongues and people (Revelation 14:6) must include using the medium of television, they have caught our vision and want to start broadcasting in the Bay Area very soon. Please pray for this and other opportunities to open.


Within Arizona, we feel very impressed to expand into other communities within our own territory. As the Lord leads and finances come available, we are excited to take advantage of opportunities that are open today. From Tucson to Yuma, Prescott to Lake Havasu, several opportunities are open. A few of these have a very short window of time remaining, so we need your help to act in time.


In particular, we've been awarded construction permits from the FCC to build TV stations in certain areas in Arizona: Prescott, Payson, and Flagstaff. These permits are very rare and we only have until June, 2013 to start broadcasting or we will lose the permit and these once-in-a-lifetime opportunities.


In order to take advantage of these permits, we need to receive the funds to start "building" these stations within the next couple months. It will cost approximately $60,000 in order to start broadcasting in any one of these communities.


If you are impressed that you would like to make a special donation to help our ministry grow into one of these areas, then please mark your donation to Good News TV as "Arizona Expansion".


We are so thankful to report the following miracles. One generous couple just informed us that they originally planned to remember GNTV in their will with a $10,000 gift. But, they decided to change their minds! Instead of waiting to give this generous donation as part of their estate, they realized that the ministry needs the money now, and decided they would rather give the donation while they are alive to see the results. Therefore, they gave $5,000 this month, and they are giving another $5,000 at the beginning of 2013. Another supporting couple informed us that they also have set aside about $10,000 to give to the ministry at the beginning of 2013. We praise God for these sacrificial donors who trust in God to supply their own personal needs as they place their gifts on the altar to advance His kingdom through media ministry.


Perhaps you would like to do similarly. Whether $50 or $50,000, God will multiply each gift, and we pledge to put each dollar you donate toward the best purpose for reaching our neighbors for Christ. Please partner with us.


See "HELP US...", below, to learn some of the various ways that you can donate to GNTV.

Sharing with Your Friends

As part of our move from channel 44 to channel 22, we have made business card sized promotions of the channel. Since the cards are small, they are convenient to place in any variety of locations.

One popular way to share is by slipping the business card inside of a sharing book as bookmark. These cards can also be mailed with your monthly bills, placed on reception counters at businesses (with permission), etc. For friends you know are particularly interested, share our program schedule and encourage them to check out a program on the channel.

One local church packaged a sharing book, a GNTV promotional card, a sweet treat, and a Bible tract in a bag that they distributed in their community on Halloween night. The bag was tagged with a personal greeting from the church and an invitation to attend their services on a Saturday morning. What a great idea for making a positive impact in our community.


Behind the Scenes...

Departure of a Beloved Volunteer

We're very thankful for each volunteer throughout Arizona Conference who serve to keep GNTV/MasTV going and growing.

Luis Capote, setting up camera

It's with sadness that we say farewell to one of our most dedicated volunteers, Luis Capote, as he moves 2000 miles away. His father is having health problems, and Luis will take over the family business. Luis has given thousands of hours to both channels for nearly 4 years. He brought his big faith, optimism and humor to the team as he managed daily programming for Mas TV and served in every aspect of our productions from english/hispanic campmeetings, to our weekly pastoral prayer call-in show. His last production was the AZ Conference Hispanic Convocation with La Voz. (DVD sales of this event benefits MasTV operating costs: call 480-264-1116)


We praise God for putting such a passion for media ministry in Luis' heart, and although he can't be replaced, we trust the Lord of the Harvest to send laborers to fill the big hole Luis has left. Luis' parting challenge was to keep encouraged and working hard to prepare souls for Christ's soon return. By God's grace, and your help and prayers, we commit to doing just that.

  Recent Studio Upgrades


We're so thankful for all our GNTV and MasTV volunteers who do various tasks such as mailing TV guides, hosting programs, working with the production crew, designing marketing materials, representing local churches as TV ambassadors, helping with bookkeeping, duplicating camp meeting videos on DVDs and so much more. 

As our local program development, we have been working to prepare a few new studio sets. One of those sets is our "green screen", which is used to record promotions and then substitute a different background during the editing through a process called "chroma-keying". Milton Schweitz, pictured above, has  worked hard to smooth out the walls and then repaint them. Milton Sweitz, his brother-in-law, Art Finch, and their Sabbath School members, have saved us so much money by doing several construction/painting projects at our studio. In fact this class has another big project this coming weekend, when the building will get a fresh coat of paint and gravel to dress up the exterior. 

With help from Anjali Tierney, GNTV recorded several TAA and TCE students and administrators in front of the green screen for a new tax credit video, which is starting to be shown in churches throughout Arizona right now.

The set pictured behind the group to the right, which was designed by Carlos and Maria Marta Gervasio, was used for the first time just last week for a Spanish community service immigration program, co-hosted with Jose Marin and a local immigration lawyer.

Our Growing Church Family

Maria and Hilda find their new church home

Maria, who has been a viewer of MasTV for many months, decided to attend the Central Valley Spanish church. After some months of studies, Maria decided to be baptized. Maria has since brought a friend of hers, Hilda, who has also been baptized and joined the church.

 Prayers are answered for the Hern�ndez family   


A bilingual viewer of both GNTV and MasTV, Jes�s

Hern�ndez, explained that "I have learned more about what the Bible teaches in the last 6 months of watching your channels than I have in the previous 8 years. I want to worship God the way He wants to be worshipped, not the way I decide I want to worship."  Pictured here with his wife and daughter, Jes�s, who had been a Jehovah's Witness for the last several years, was baptized at the Chandler Spanish Seventh-day Adventist church. His daughter eloquently shared in an interview after his baptism that, "...this is an answer to many peoples' prayers."


HELP US... Reach Throughout AZ and Beyond

As you reflect on what God has accomplished through the volunteer ministry of GNTV, please consider partnering with us today to reach people for Christ.  


Whether you would like to help GNTV expand our broadcast into a new area of Arizona, or you'd like to pledge your monthly support to help us with our operating expenses, there are many ways that you can help us fulfill our vision and God's commission.


You can contact us directly to discuss the option that is best for you, or you can donate to our self-supporting ministry through various available methods. This includes church offering envelopes at any Seventh-day Adventist church throughout Arizona, on-line giving on our website, automatic bill-pay through your bank, or sending a personal check, payable to "Good News TV", directly to our mailing address in Scottsdale, AZ.


Another way you can support our vision is to remember Good News TV through your will, a revocable trust, or a gift annuity. To discuss these or any other options available, please don't hesitate to contact us.


As a special 'thank you', we are offering a free gift to anyone making a special donation to GNTV. Contact us to learn more about how to get your free gift.


Thank you very much for your continued prayers and support of this vital ministry!


May God bless you,

GNTV Staff


GNTV Contact info:
Call Good News TV directly at 480-264-1116
or email any feedback, comments or questions to [email protected]


Good News TV
13405 N. Scottsdale Rd.
Scottsdale, AZ 85260


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