UUCH Chalice
The Overlook
Unitarian Universalist Church of Huntsville
3921 Broadmor Rd, Huntsville AL 35810  
December 4th, 2014
Vol. 14 Issue 52
In This Issue
Sharing Sunday
Green Potluck
Plastic, Please!
Fair Trade Sales
Upcoming Services
This Sunday in RE
AHA Christmas Party!
Time for the Pageant!
Solstice Service
We Share the Plate
Care List
This Sunday, December 7th, is a Sharing Sunday 
giving heart
On the first Sunday of each month, we 
Share the Plate* during the offering, 
Share our Lunch with each other during Potluck and 
Share our Bounty by filling the Food Basket! 
Please don't forget to bring non-perishable food and hygiene items for the food basket, to be donated to the Huntsville Assistance Program.  

This Sunday's Potluck: Bring Your Own Plate

In a move to a more environmentally sustainable world, our Social Justice committee has suggested that we bring our own non-disposable plates, cups, etc. to our monthly Sunday Potlucks. We'll continue to provide disposables for those who need them. In addition to being "green," bringing your own plates also saves the church money to help fulfill other goals. You may also want to remember to bring a bag for transporting home your dirty items!
Speaking of Recycling:
The Knit Wits and the Social Justice Committee need your clean, dry,
plastic shopping bags to crochet plastic ground blankets for the homeless. It takes 700 bags to make one blanket, so BRING 'EM ON! Please place them in the box under the staircase in the foyer. Thank you!


Fair Trade is Good for Everyone!

Your Social Justice Committee is once again selling Fair Trade chocolate varieties from Equal Exchange, including Cocoa powder! Proceeds are used for social justice projects, and our congregation's purchase of Equal Exchange products supports UUSC.


We also have Fair Trade, Organic, "Kaffeeklatsch" coffee for sale! These items will be available in the Fellowship Hall after Sunday services.

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UUCH Chalice
Sunday, December 7th, 2014

"Finding Peace"


Our theme for December is Wonder. The question to ponder is this: What does it mean to be a people of wonder? For some of you, the wonder and mystery of life may be filling you with joy this December. Others may be wondering how you will make it through all the obligations and responsibilities of the holiday season. Your Worship Committee is coming together to support one another and your minister in a service to honor the many feelings that arise in the midst of this season of celebration. Let us come together to honor the joys, sorrows, and transitions that transform our lives and open us to the spirit of wonder and mystery.  


This Sunday we Share the Plate with First Stop. Inc. For more about First Stop, please see the article below

This Sunday in RE

Christmas Pageant Preparation!  This Sunday we will be making decorations and props, learning songs, and CASTING PARTS for the Christmas Pageant on December 21st. There are parts for everyone! Please come on out and be part of this annual tradition. Parents/guardians should plan to come to the RE area following the service to confirm children's participation. More information is in the article below.   

Nursery care (ages 0-3) will be provided as usual. For more information, contact Erin Reid, our Director of Religious Education (DRE) (256.694.6786 or eereid@hotmail.com).  

You're Invited to the Alabama Hispanic Association's Christmas Party 


On December 13th, from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., the Alabama Hispanic Association (AHA) will have its annual Christmas party in our Fellowship Hall. UUCH members and friends are encouraged to attend the party--it will be a great opportunity to get to know the AHA and their work!!

 What is the Alabama Hispanic Association?

The AHA reaches out to help meet needs in Madison County's Hispanic community through education and support. AHA made its home in the Highlands United Methodist Church building, which is now our new UUCH facility at Broadmor! We are happy to continue partnering with the AHA as we move into our new church home.
Christmas Pageant Preview!

The Annual Christmas Pageant will be performed during the Worship Service on Sunday, December 21st, 2014. Children who participate in the pageant should:REXP

  • be at least 4 years old (we have parts for adults too!)
  • be able to attend a short rehearsal during RE on Sunday, December 14th
  • be able to arrive at church early (9:45 a.m.) on the day of the pageant (Dec. 21st) for a quick run-through
  • be able to supply simple costume items (e.g., bath robes, etc.--no sewing or elaborate costuming required)

If you'd like to be part of this exciting production, please come to RE This Sunday, December 7th, when we will be choosing parts. Parents should plan to come to the RE area and confirm children's participation following the service. You may also contact Erin Reid at (256) 694-6786 or eereid@hotmail.com. THERE ARE PARTS FOR EVERYONE!

Winter Candlelight Service

Friday, December 19th, 2014


Music for centering at 6:45 p.m.;  

Service begins at 7:00 p.m.   

Take refuge from the commercialism of the season and enter a space of peace and wonder. Let music and poetry, a chorus of voices, and the wisdom of the ages nurture your spirit as we approach the Winter Solstice.

We Share the Plate* with First Stop, Inc.  
STP logo

First Stop, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) corporation established in 2001 to reduce the number of homeless persons in Huntsville and Madison County, Alabama communities. 


First Stop's overarching goal is to promote the overall rehabilitation of homeless citizens in Huntsville and Madison County communities. That includes facilitating their transition from the "street" into permanent housing and assisting with their reintroduction to their workforce. STPFS

First Stop provides its homeless clients with life-management-skills training and seminars to enhance their personal well-being. Individualized case management is the most critical element to our long-term solution in promoting continued stability and growth--insuring physical and mental health monitoring, referral to proper health care, and access to available social service benefits. Since our incorporation, we have maintained a 90-percent retention rate among clients placed in permanent housing.


First Stop's efforts are funded through federal, state and local grants, planned outreach/fundraising efforts, generous contributions from organizations, and gifts from interested individuals.


More information is available on their web site www.firststop.org.


*When we "Share the Plate," all cash collected on the first Sunday of each month in the quarter (October, November, and December), along with any checks noted as "Share the Plate," will be halved with First Stop, Inc.

Care List  


At our Circle of Candles on Sunday, Nov. 30th, candles were lit for: 


Catherine Hall: "Please keep Mona Smith in your thoughts as she meets with her surgeon this week to find out if she can return to rehab."

Haley Clark: "My brother Vincent met his Aunt Jane and Uncle David for the first time. We got to see Grandad in the nursing home.


Heather Kyemba: "Torin can now ride his bike without training wheels!"


Ilene Sparks: "Best wishes and thoughts for my dear friends, Kathy Fisher who is having surgery on her shoulder, Richard Kramer who has broken his back, and his wife--yes, wife--Norma, who is recovering from the big "C"--esophageal."


Jack Long: "Joy and trepidation. Echo had cataract surgery on her right eye one and a half weeks ago. Everything went fine. She has the left eye done this Wednesday. Expect the same good outcome."


Nancy Finley has expressed tremendous gratitude for all, especially for the Care Shawl, keeping her warm in Becky's hospital room.


A candle of sorrow was lit for the family of David Sparks and Jennifer Garlen. David's mother passed away November 29th. Jennifer wrote: "We are grateful for her life and hope that David's father will find comfort in the days ahead. Please light a candle for our family in recognition of Carolyn Sparks, Cate's wonderful Mimi and David's devoted mother. We will miss her very much."


If you have pastoral care needs, please contact the Reverend Alice Syltie at revaluu@aol.com . Barbara Hitt is Chair of the Care Committee, and may be reached at home, (256) 881.2531; on her cell, (256) 348.5845; or by email at  bghitt1@comcast.net.
UUCH 14-15 Board Members


President:  Denise Hunter-Gilbert

Vice-President: Angel Hundley 

Secretary: Bobby Hall           

Treasurer: Jerome Belcher   

Trustees: Becky Ellingwood, John Fox, & Laurel Bollinger  

Do you have an Agenda Item for the Board?  
The Board respectfully requests that all agenda items for the meeting be submitted to Board President Denise Hunter-Gilbert, no later than one week prior to the meeting, i.e. the Tuesday before. You may leave a copy of your request in her Mailbox at the church office, or contact her at UUCHBoardPresident@uuch.org.

Next UUCH Board Meeting will be on
Tuesday, January 20th, 2015 at 7:00 p.m.
Thanks for your cooperation!

From the Overlook is a publication of

The Unitarian Universalist Church,

3921 Broadmor Rd. Huntsville, AL 35810

Minister: The Reverend Alice Syltie

Board President: Denise Hunter-Gilbert 

Editorial Board: Laurel Bollinger, Kathy Heath 


Newsletter deadlines are each Monday at midnight!
Please send submissions to news collator Deedee Moore at


Admin. Office Hours: 10:00a.m. to 4:00p.m. Mon-Tue-Thu-Fri.

For Wednesday access, please call in advance. 

Office phone: 256.534-0508, email: uuch@uuch.org.

Minister's Phone: 256.539-9607, email: revaluu@aol.com.

Web: www.uuch.org 


Sunday Services are held 10:45 a.m. to 12:00 noon;  

Children's Religious Education held concurrently.   

Nursery available for age 3 years and under.

For further info on any event, call the church office:
256. 534-0508.