UUCH Chalice
The Overlook
Unitarian Universalist Church of Huntsville  
October 3rd, 2013
Vol. 13 Issue 40
In This Issue
This Sunday is a Sharing Sunday
Potluck--Make it Green
Fair Trade, Square Deal
Upcoming Services
Sunday in RE
Governors Work Day!
Help Us Sort this Sunday?
ARE Book Discussion
Facilitator Training Wkshp
Dig in the Dirt!
It's Campfire Time!!
Run, UUs, Run!
Service Auction
Share the Plate
Board Report
Care List
This Sunday, October 6th, is a Sharing Sunday.

On the first Sunday of each month, we

Share the Plate during the offering,

Share our Lunch with each other during Potluck and  

Share our Bounty by bringing Food Items for the Food Basket!  


Your Social Justice Committee asks that we bring non-perishable food items for the food basket this Sunday, to be donated to the Huntsville Assistance Program. The basket is in the sanctuary, near the coffee counter at the back. Our Goal: 100 Food Items per month!


Food items are welcome at any time, but we're making a special effort to bring items on the first Sunday of each month; we will share food with the larger community as we share with our Church friends and families.

This Sunday's Potluck: Bring Your Own


In a move to a more environmentally sustainable world, our Social Justice committee has suggested that we Bring Our Own non-disposable plates, cups, etc. to our monthly Sunday Potlucks. You may also want to remember to bring a bag for transporting home your dirty items! We'll continue to provide disposables for those who need them.

(In addition to being "green," bringing your own plates also saves the church money to help fulfill other goals!)
Good for the Soul


Fair Trade, Organic, "Kaffeeklatsch" coffee for sale!  Bags of coffee are available at the back of the sanctuary after Sunday services.


Proceeds are used to help fund Social Justice projects--everybody wins!
Are You Ready?
UUCH All-Church Halloween

October 26th!
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UUCH Chalice
Sunday October 6th, 2013


"To Stand in Awe"

The Reverend Alice Syltie  


     The Reverend Jacob Trapp, a Unitarian Universalist minister, wrote: "To worship is to stand in awe under a heaven of stars, before a flower, a leaf in sunlight, or a grain of sand."    

     The theme for October is "Awe" and the question to consider is: what does it mean to live a life of awe? For some of the answers, I will be looking at the book some of you are reading for the Adult RE class, Reason and Reverence: Religious Humanism for the 21st Century, by William R. Murry. This service will include special music by John Czachurski.    


     This Sunday we Share the Plate with First Stop. Please see the article below

This Sunday in Religious Education


Creative Service Sunday! 

On Creative Service Sundays, children and youth participate in the service activities of the wider congregation.  This week our own gardeners, Catherine Hall, Deedee Moore, and LaDawn Edwards, along with DRE Erin Reid, will assist children and youth in
sorting and packaging buried treasure from the new Broadmor church property.
(Children should wear something washable!)  These gardeners and their handy crew have been "digging in the dirt" each week fixing up the church flowerbeds.  They have unearthed
hundreds of iris and "surprise lily" bulbs that need thinning out to get the beds back into shape.  On Sunday morning, we will package bulbs to give away to church members, friends, and visitors following the service, and into the future, while bulbs last.  Take a piece of our new church home to grow in your own home!


Nursery care (ages 0-3) will be provided as usual.

For more information, contact Erin Reid, our Director of Religious Education (256.694.6786 or eeried@hotmail.com).  Special thanks to Pam Korb, Catherine Hall, Deedee Moore, LaDawn Edwards, Denise Hunter-Gilbert, Jeff Caffery, Echo & Jack Long, Nancy Finley, and all the rest for making this activity possible.

Work Day at Our Dear Old Church Property
This Saturday!


nullIt is time to get our old church ready to sell. We will be gathering on Saturday, October 5th to clean up the Governor's Drive church property.  We'll start at 9 AM, and will finish by 1 PM.  We will mostly be clearing brush and making the grounds presentable.  It will be a fun fun time for all!  There will be jobs for every skill level--and a light lunch will be provided.  


If you have them, please bring work gloves, pruning shears, hand saws, and rakes!   


Families are encouraged to participate with their children and youth for any amount of time.  Children will be under their families' supervision for volunteer activities. Childcare with space for rest and play will be provided all morning as needed. 


If you have any questions, please contact Property chair George Fletcher at  fletcher35801@comcast.net.  

See you there!

We Need Your Books--NOW!! 


It's Down to the Wire!
Bring Your Books THIS SUNDAY!

And please stay after this Sunday's potluck
for a book-sorting party!

Many hands make light work!


Please Sign Up to work a 2-hour shift at the sale--the sign up poster is at church, in the foyer.

You may also contact pamkorb@mindspring.com or the church office: 256.534-0508/uuch@uuch.org to volunteer.


UUCH's Giant Book Sale


Friday, October 11th, Noon til 7pm


Saturday, October 12th,  8 am-3 pm


"When I get a little money I buy books  and if any is left  

I buy food and clothes."--Desiderius Erasmus

Beginning This Sunday:
Adult RE "Sources" Series

5th Source: "Religious Humanism"



This year the Adult RE committee is sponsoring a series to examine our UU Sources.  On October 6th and 13th, the focus will be on "humanism" as part of the rich traditions of Unitarian Universalism.

The discussion will orient around the book Reason and Reverence: Religious Humanism for the 21st Century, by William R. Murry. In this book, Murry invites a vision of religious humanism that "evokes compassion, spirituality and a language of reverence while grounded in reason, community, social responsibility, science and ethics."


Copies of the book can be obtained on-line, or for anyone who may have difficulty getting the book, we have a few to lend. Look at the coffee bar at the back of the sanctuary for a book sign-out sheet.  Please read and return within a reasonable time so that others have the opportunity to read it as well.  


Jon Fox and Nancy Finley will facilitate the discussion starting on October 6th, and continuing Oct 13th. Come to either, or both!  Meet for coffee at 6:00 p.m.; we will start the discussion at 6:15. Everyone is welcome!  If you need childcare during this time, please contact Nancy (finleyn@uah.edu) at least a week before the event.

Facilitator Training Monday, Oct. 7th!


rainbow chalice Facilitate, aid, ease, bring about, simplify, grease the wheels...As considerate, caring, active, interested (and interesting) adults we sometimes find ourselves with opportunities to pave the way for people to share ideas and make meaningful connections, invite people into lively conversation, or perhaps inspire creative dialogue in a meeting among co-workers or church committee members.


In such situations it is handy to have facilitation skills to help navigate interactions among the people gathered. Having the skills to facilitate a discussion can offer opportunities for fulfillment and many times the facilitator finds a spiritual component in the experience.


For anyone interested in developing this life skill, Rev. Alice Syltie and Adult RE Chair Denise Runnels have planned a Facilitator Training Workshop for Monday, October 7th, from 6pm--8pm (8:30 if we find ourselves in a fascinating conversation). We hope you can join us.


If you need childcare during this time, please contact Denise (drrunnel@gmail.com) as soon as possible. 

Wednesday Mornings at Broadmor--
Want to Dig in the Dirt?


gardening-things.jpg For the next 2 Wednesday mornings, from 9-11a.m., Catherine Hall, Pam Korb, and others will be at our new church (3921 Broadmor St.) continuing the renovation work on the front flowerbeds.  Most of the weeds were pulled at the recent workday, but now we want to thin out the bulbs and neaten things up before mulching with pine straw.  If you feel like digging in the dirt with us, we would love to have your help getting the flowerbeds clean and ready for winter.


Useful tools to bring: Work gloves, Hand digging tools,

Small shovels, Garden rakes, Short stools (or buckets) for sitting on, and/or Garden kneeler pads.


The last two Wednesday morning dirt-digging dates will be October 9th and 16th!  If it rains on a Wednesday morning, we will work the next morning instead (on Thursdays). If you have time, come dig in the dirt with us!  And please feel free to bring anyone you think might like to help.

No Interweave Potluck & Game Night?

This month it's
UUCH Camp & Cook-Out!
October 19th!

Sponsored by Interweave

Our monthly Interweave "Potluck and Game Night" will not be held in October. Instead, join us October 19th on Monte Sano mountain, primitive camp site #20, for a night of foil dinners, singing, laughing, and good ole campfire fun (with s'mores of course). We will get started with the dinners around 5pm.


Everyone is a cook at this 2nd Annual UUCH Camp & Cook-Out. As we did last year, we will share in a communally prepared meal of campfire foil dinners. A veggie sign-up list can be found on the coffee bar at the back of the sanctuary at the church.  


More details will follow soon, but feel free to contact Denise Runnels (drrunnel@gmail.com) with questions in the meantime. (Not to worry, Interweave P&G Night will be back meeting at the church again in November!)  


The leaves are turning and the campfire is burning!

See you on the Mountain October 19th! 

Run, UUs, Run!  Walk, UUs, Walk!


Liz Hurley Ribbon Run--October 19th! 

For the 4th year, UUCH is forming a team to enter the 10th Annual Liz Hurley Ribbon Run to benefit breast cancer awareness. This is an all ages 5K run/walk that takes place on Saturday October 19th. This year the men's & women's events are combined, with the race starting at 8am.   


pink awareness ribbonThe race winds through downtown Huntsville, starting and ending at Huntsville Middle School.  On a beautiful Fall day, what more could you want than exercising with friends while raising money to find a cure for an illness that has touched so many in our church community.     


To register, go to www.lizhurleyribonrun.org and sign up to join team "Unitarian Universalist Church of Huntsville."  Cost is $20. Registration is limited to the first 6500 people. Last year they had to close registration early after they met that goal, so sign up early. You must register by October 8 to be officially counted on our team, but you can still register individually after that date. Look for further team announcements like where to meet on race day for our annual team photo.


Please contact Becky Ellingwood (beckyel22@gmail.com) if you have any questions.

Start stretching now!  Go Team UUCH! 


Miles for Midwives--November 16th 
The Social Justice Committee is promoting the Miles for Midwives Walk on November 16th, 2013. The walk will benefit the Alabama Birth Coalition, which is an organization founded to promote the legalization of midwifery and out-of-hospital births in the state of Alabama. Many rural counties in the state do not have access to obstetrical care. With a combined donation of $250 or more the UUCH can have its logo printed on the Walk T-Shirt. We will also have a table at the event with UUCH information. More info about the organization at
alabamabirthcoalition.org.  Please see Gail Williams to find out how to sign up for the walk and/or donate. More information will be forthcoming.
2014 Service Auction:
Your Community Construction Zone!


Get out your shovel and start digging for ideas! The UUCH Service Auction, a time-honored fundraiser, takes place on Saturday, November 16th. Items to be auctioned include a variety of special dinners and events, as well as unique handmade articles, specialty foods, and other tangible items. The dinners and events provide lots of fun throughout the year!  

Be prepared to yield to friendships: you're entering the Community Construction Zone!


The fun begins at 6 p.m. with a silent auction featuring better items than ever before. Don't get too relaxed while you sip your favorite beverage and partake of the scrumptious buffet. You'll want to keep one eye on the bid sheets to make sure you are not outbid! The live auction, with its focus on the most popular items, follows. As in years past, it promises to deliver fast-paced fun!


To make this auction work, we need your help. In the past, people have donated gourmet dinners, backyard picnics, wine-tasting parties, card parties, music lessons, garden design, computer repair, and a long list of other unique services. Items such as handmade foods, clothing, pottery, jewelry, and other goods also make excellent contributions. Be creative!


So remember to mark your calendar for Saturday, November 16th. Childcare will be provided. While the kids enjoy themselves downstairs, you'll enjoy the festivities upstairs. Door prizes will be given away during the evening, but you must be present to win. A small contribution is suggested to help defray the food cost.

We Share the Plate* with First Stop.

First Stop is a daytime program that evolved to help people who are living on the streets and under the interstate bridges move into housing and return to self-sufficiency. They serve residents of Madison County. To qualify you must be a homeless adult, age 18 & older, no restrictions. At the First Stop Day Center (206 Stokes Street, 35805) they serve breakfast, provide photo ID cards, distribute meal packs, hygiene kits, blankets, and warm clothing as needed; they provide showers, laundry, and storage of personal items. They also perform crisis response, assess needs, create individual plans, help with referrals, and assist with finding housing.  (For more about what First Stop has accomplished, see the article here.)


The First Stop program was begun by the IMS, but is now an independent agency. Like most social service agencies in Huntsville, it is struggling for funds. Thanks in advance for your generosity!


*When we "Share the Plate," all cash collected on the first Sunday of each month in the quarter (October, November, and December), along with any checks noted as "Share the Plate," will be halved with First Stop.

UUCH Board Report, August 27th, 2013 


The Board met on Tuesday, August 27th. All outstanding minutes from Board meetings were approved. We also prepared minutes from recent Congregational meetings to help memories when it comes time for the congregation to approve them.


Things are in order to proceed with the purchase of the Broadmor property on Friday, August 30th. The charter for the Renovation Committee is being finalized. We explored creating a Building Use and Moving Committee to facilitate many aspects of creating appropriate spaces for congregational life--and making the transition to that facility fun and exciting! We also decided to re-key the building soon after the purchase is complete. (And yes, the paperwork was signed as planned on the 30th!)

votivesCare List 


At Our Circle of Candles on September the 29th, we lit:


A Candle of Sorrow for Pam and Brad Korb. "Please keep our family in your thoughts and prayers as we travel to Illinois this week for Pam's grandmother's funeral. Grandma, also known as Mimi, died yesterday. She was 95."


A Candle of Healing for Meagan Lykins. "This week marks the seventh anniversary of my mother's passing. Please light a candle of healing for those she left behind as we remember her this week."


A Candle of Joy for Kristy Brown. "Joy! Tomorrow is John Murray's birthday. He is the father of Universalism."


A Candle of Sorrow for Willow and Kristy Brown. "Our cousin Julie died this morning."


A Candle of Sorrow for Ilene Sparks. "My heart aches for the loss within two weeks of two of my dear friends--Reece Danley Kilgo, PhD, and Sam Davis, both of whom died of heart problems. My thoughts go out to Sam's wife and my friend Esther who has congestive heart disease."


A Candle of Concern for Katie Smith. "I see the first of two orthopedic surgeons tomorrow for a ruptured disc in my spine. Hoping to avoid surgery. And each week we learn more about my other health issues."


A Candle of Joy for Eleanor and John Schweinsberg. "We moved to Huntsville and have been UUCH members for 40 years this month."


A Candle of Joy for Millicent Simmons. "I traveled to Washington state to see my granddaughter, Samantha, married. It was a much joyful occasion!"


A Candle of Joy for Kathy Fisher. "Happy birthday to my son, Noel, who's 39th birthday is this Friday."


A Candle of Sorrow for the loss of Shelly Jackson Denham who died last month. She was a UU singer and songwriter, and worked at The Mountain for over 20 years. We sang a Hymn she wrote (No. 354, We Laugh, We Cry) at the Sunday service in her honor.


When you fill out a Circle of Candles form to be read during the service, please indicate on the form if you do not want your concern mentioned in this newsletter.   


If you have pastoral care needs, please contact the Reverend Alice Syltie at revaluu@aol.com. Barbara Hitt is Chair of the Care Committee, and may be reached at home, (256) 881.2531; on her cell, (256) 348.5845; or by email at bghitt1@comcast.net.

UUCH 13-14 Board Members
President: Kevin Betts     

V.P.  Denise Hunter-Gilbert 

Secretary: Bobby Hall           

Treasurer: Jerome Belcher   

Trustees: Nancy Finley, Kathy Heath, & Laurel Bollinger  

Do you have an Agenda Item for the Board?  
The Board respectfully requests that all agenda items for the meeting be submitted to Board President Kevin Betts, no later than one week prior to the meeting, i.e. the Tuesday before.You may leave a copy of your request in his Mailbox at the church office, or contact him at

Next UUCH Board Meeting will be on October 22nd, 2013 at 7pm. Thanks for your cooperation!

From the Overlook is a publication of

The Unitarian Universalist Church,

2222 Governor's Dr. Huntsville, AL 35801

Minister: The Reverend Alice Syltie

Board Pres: Kevin Betts 

Editorial Board: Laurel Bollinger, Kathy Heath 


Newsletter deadlines are each Monday at midnight!
Please send submissions to news collator Deedee Moore at


Admin. Office Hours:  

Monday 10am- 1pm; Thursday 9:30am-12pm ; Friday



Office phone: 256.534-0508, email: uuch@uuch.org 

Minister's Phone: 256.539-9607, email: revaluu@aol.com

Web: www.uuch.org 


Sunday Services are held 10:45am to 12 noon;  

Children's Religious Education held concurrently.   

Nursery available for age 3 years and under.

For further info on any event, call the church office:
256. 534-0508.