Assalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh
Greetings from the Islamic Society of North America!
Celebrating 50 Years !
Events & E-Dialogue
Meet an ISNA Convention Speaker
ISNA Executive Director Quoted: Muslim, Community Leaders Challenge Leaked Documents that Label Dearborn a Terrorist Hotspot
ISNA Executive Director Quoted: US Attorney says Dearborn Terrorism Report Unfortunate
Help Us Go Down Memory Lane: Photos, Documents, Memorabilia Needed for ISNA History Gallery
Register Now - Young Professionals, Future Philanthropists
ATTENTION YOUTH: Register Today for National Qira'at Competition
ISNA  President's Letter to the American Muslim Community

    Bismillah Ar Rahman Ar Raheem


"O you who believe! Fear Allah, and say a word directed to the Right: That He many make your conduct whole and sound and forgive you your sins: He that obeys Allah and His Messenger, has already attained the highest Achievement." 33:70-71


Brothers and Sister of the American Muslim community,


I have become aware of the dialogue taking place in social media about the American Muslim community, and specifically about the Islamic Society of North America and its role in the United States. This includes ISNA's philosophy and strategy of engagement with the government and public officials. I welcome this dialogue, as do all the leaders of ISNA...                                                                     
                                                                                                    READ MORE 



Less Than a Month Away! Register Now For the 51st Annual Convention!
ISNA Convention 2014 Promo 8 min
ISNA Convention 2014 Promo Video

Convention registration and other details can be found at:     



Register Now for 15th Annual Community Service Recognition Luncheon!

To Register Click on Above Banner 

Register Now for the Matrimonial Banquets at the 51st Annual Convention!
Click on the banner below to register 


 ISNA Central Zone Conference 2014 

For More Information Click on Banner Above     



Eid Fest 
Saturday, October 11th

Sugar Land, Texas


Meet an ISNA Convention Speaker 
Muhammad Mendes


Muhammad Adeyinka Mendes serves as Founding Director of SacredService for Human Liberation, Lead Arabic Instructor for Fawakih Institute Atlanta, and as a Lecturer at Madina Institute USA.  After embracing the Universal Religion of the Prophets at 17, he specialized in Arabic at the university level , and has been trained for over two decades in the classical  Sacred Sciences by notable scholars from around the world. In addition to establishing the Annual Rawdah Deen Intensive in 2003, a grassroots educational initiative, he  has focused on translating and teaching rare Arabic manuscripts from Black Africa concerning theology, Qur'anic exegesis, jurisprudence, ethics, spirituality, medicine, and metaphysics, authored by her greatest spiritual and intellectual giants. Muhammad Mendes teaches a radically non-sectarian and non-violent methodology of Islam rooted in its classical   and intuitive traditions ,  positively engaged with society, and appreciative of human diversity,  that is empowering to women and youth . As a student and passionate advocate of permaculture, Islamic Gift Economics, Liberation Therapy, interfaith collaboration, and intentional community building , he hopes to practically contribute to the healing of our world at every level.
Muhammad Mendes gives lectures to and leads retreats with diverse
audiences throughout the USA and around the world.

ISNA Executive Director Quoted: Muslim, community leaders challenge leaked documents that label Dearborn a terrorist hotspot

Civil rights groups, Muslim community and Dearborn city leaders are denouncing that city's apparent designation as a terrorist hotspot. The Intercept, an online magazine, obtained secret documents from the National Counterterrorism Center listing "known or suspected terrorists."  They contain a graphic showing the top 5 locations for "known and suspected terrorists" in the US.  Dearborn is number two, behind only New York, by far the smallest city among the top five. It has fewer than 100,000 total residents-about 40% of them Arab American...


                                                                                                    READ MORE 



ISNA Executive Director Quoted: U.S. attorney says Dearborn terrorism report 'unfortunate'
Amid concern from Arab-American groups, the U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of Michigan is praising Dearborn in response to a report this week that said government documents list the city as the No. 2 center nationwide for terrorists in the U.S. "It is unfortunate that recent reports have suggested a negative perception about an entire community," U.S. Attorney Barbara McQuade told the Detroit Free Press. "I can assure the public that Dearborn is filled with great American patriots - U.S. service members, police officers, teachers, lawyers, doctors, business people, laborers and good neighbors." ...

                                                                                                   READ MORE


Help Us Go Down Memory Lane! Photos, Documents, Memorabilia Needed for ISNA History Gallery.
If you are an old-timer from the 60's or 70's, or if your parents or elders are from that era in North America, help us go down memory lane by adding photos, documents and memorabilia to the History Gallery at the 51st ISNA Convention. 

With prior approval, we will reimburse copying and shipping costs, and give you credit on the display. This will be fun, educational, and inspiring to young and old.

Please contact Sister Nudrat at Thank you.


Register Now for  
Young Professionals, Future Philanthropists
Registration Deadline August 15th
ISNA's Young Professionals, Future Philanthropists Promo
ISNA's Young Professionals, Future Philanthropists Promo Video

  To Register Please Click HERE


ATTENTION YOUTH: Register Today for National Qira'at  Competition at 51st Annual ISNA Convention

ISNA is organizing the National Qira'at Competition during its 51st Annual Convention from August 29 - September 1, 2014 at the COBO Center in Detroit, MI.  The top three ranking participants will receive gifts, cash awards and certificates of recognition in the following categories...

 For More Information and to Register Click HERE
Become an ISNA Monthly Sustainer!

We encourage you to support the work of ISNA by becoming a monthly sustainer. With your monthly gift, you help ensure ISNA's future programming and services.

It is easy and hassle-free, and a "greener" way to give as it reduces paper use! Simply click on the donation button below.




Remember the old maxim: "Drops make an ocean." You can make the difference by becoming a member of ISNA, and continue the good by inviting your friends and family to become ISNA members as well. Let each one reach one! Registering as an ISNA member is easy.  Just click on the "Become A Member" button below:  



Muslim communities and Islamic organizations in the United States can only grow stronger by individuals supporting one another. It is with your support that ISNA has been bringing hearts closer for half a century!


Make ISNA your partner in helping create a better tomorrow.


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