Assalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh
Greetings from the Islamic Society of North America!
Celebrating 50 Years !
Events & E-Dialogue
Meet ISNA Convention Speaker
ISNA Co-Sponsors Stop the Hunger Now Service Project at NY Muslim Center
ISNA Leaders Meet with Sudan's Foreign Minister to Further Discuss Apostasy Case
Register Now - Young Professionals, Future Philanthropists
ATTENTION YOUTH: Register Today for National Qira'at Competition
Become an ISNA Monthly Sustainer!
Become an ISNA Member


Register Now For the 51st Annual Convention!
Confirmed Speaker: Shaykh Omar Suleiman
 (Director of the Islamic Learning Foundation)

Convention registration and other details can be found at:     



MYNA presents:
 HIRA- Summer Intensive Program for Youth 
For more information, visit our page at



Meet an ISNA Convention Speaker
Shaykh Omar Suleiman
Shaykh Omar Suleiman
is the young evergreen scholar with the big smile.  Born and raised in Louisiana, he has a unique way of relating to a western audience through his character, and has gained the love of people of all ages and backgrounds. As an Al Maghrib instructor, he teaches the hugely popular "Behind the Scenes" seminar which focuses on the strengthening of the soul and disciplining the nafs.

His journey of seeking knowledge started in 2000 in the United Arab Emirates where he spent a few years at the feet of prestigious scholars such as Shaykh Tariq Ibn Rajah and Amr Al Sheshany. Since then he has sought knowledge and studied under Shaykh Salah As Sawy, Dr Hatem Al Haj, his father in law Shaykh Abul Abed, and Al Allamah Shaykh Omar Al Ashqar (rahimahullah).

Shaykh Omar has two Bachelor's degrees in Islamic Studies and in Accounting, a Master's degree in Islamic Finance, and is currently pursuing a PhD in Islamic Studies from the International Islamic University of Malaysia.

He previously served as Imam for Masjid Abu Bakr As-Siddique in New Orleans for 6 years and has since dedicated himself to fulltime teaching. He has taught with Mishkah University (formerly Sharia Academy) since 2008 under Shaykh Salah As Sawy and also currently serves as the Director of the Islamic Learning Foundation in Texas, as well as being the resident scholar at Valley Ranch Islamic Centre. Shaykh Omar is also a strong advocate of community service, interfaith dialogue, and social justice. He served as the field coordinator of ICNA Relief in Hurricane Katrina and also co-founded the East Jefferson Clergy Interfaith Council. In 2010, the Mayor and City Council of New Orleans awarded him for "Outstanding Civic Achievement". He is a current member of the ICNA Shariah Council.


ISNA Co-Sponsors "Stop the Hunger Now" Service Project at New York Muslim Center

Last Friday, the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) in collaboration with Jamaica Muslim Center in New York hosted a service project entitled, "The Joy of Caring & Sharing: Feed the Hungry." This event was facilitated by the "Stop Hunger Now" project and cosponsored by the North American Bangladeshi Islamic Community (NABIC) and Islamic Relief USA...          

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ISNA Leaders Meet with Sudan's Foreign Minister to Further Discuss Apostasy Case

On Sunday June 15th, Imam Magid, President of ISNA, and Dr. Sayyid Syeed, National Director of ISNA's Office for Interfaith & Community Alliances, joined other faith leaders in a meeting with Sudanese Foreign Minister, Ali Karti. This meeting was a follow-up to the recent interreligious meeting, which was organized by the Network for Religious and Traditional Peacemakers...

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Register Now for  
Young Professionals, Future Philanthropists
Registration Deadline August 15th
  To Register Please Click HERE
ATTENTION YOUTH: Register Today for National Qira'at  Competition at 51st Annual ISNA Convention

ISNA is organizing the National Qira'at Competition during its 51st Annual Convention from August 29 - September 1, 2014 at the COBO Center in Detroit, Michigan.  Three top ranking participants will receive gifts, cash awards and certificates of recognition in the following categories...

 For More Information and to Register Click HERE
Become an ISNA Monthly Sustainer!

We encourage you to support the work of ISNA by becoming a monthly sustainer. With your monthly gift, you help ensure ISNA's future programming and services.

It is easy and hassle-free, and a "greener" way to give as it reduces paper use! Simply click on the donation button below.



Remember the old maxim: "Drops make an ocean." You can make the difference by becoming a member of ISNA, and continue the good by inviting your friends and family to become ISNA members as well. Let each one reach one! Registering as an ISNA member is easy.  Just click on the "Become A Member' button below:  



Muslim communities and Islamic organizations in the United States can only grow stronger by individuals supporting one another. It is with your support that ISNA has been bringing hearts closer for half a century!


Make ISNA your partner in helping create a better tomorrow.


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