International Society of Sustainability Professionals
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April 16
Life Cycle Assessment - A Key Sustainability Tool

Jeff Yorzyk,


May 4
Strategy Tools for Sustainability Transformation

Alan AtKisson
AtKisson Group


April 7
AR-MS-TN Local Chapter
Inaugural Meeting


VOLUME 9                     NUMBER 4               April 2015



ISSP Gears Up as Sustainability Certification Program Gathers Momentum   


By ISSP President and EcoSTEPS Sustainability

Partner Julian Crawford of Sydney, Australia


Rolling out a professional certification program is a huge job in any situation. It is particularly challenging in the sustainability arena where bodies of knowledge and communities of practice are inevitably globally and culturally diverse.


With an increasing number local ISSP

Julian Crawford

chapters forming around the world, the geographic footprint of our organization continues to grow daily. Adding voices to the conversation that represent the perspectives of ever more regions of the world is vital to ISSP's mission, as sustainability issues are indeed global.  So I am delighted to announce the addition of a further four members to the ISSP Board of Directors from Chile, New Zealand and the USA:

  • Erik Foley, the Managing Director at Penn State's Sustainability Institute, which serves all 24 Penn State campuses and advances sustainability in teaching, research, outreach and operations.
  • Simon Harvey, an accredited Senior Advisor for the Natural Step (TNS), Chair of TNS in New Zealand, and a director of BusinessLAB, a forward thinking consultancy that facilitates collaborative strategy solutions for clients seeking a more participatory approach to strategic planning.

Read more about these new board members.


The Sustainability Professional Certification program ISSP is developing is in accordance with the International Standard, ISO 17024. This work is being coordinated by our Executive Director, Maureen Hart, with the active engagement of the Board and an increasing number of members through the Technical Committee. There are a number of Subcommittees and Working Groups feeding into this work including:

  • Process and Policy Subcommittee
  • Test Construction Subcommittee
  • Application and Test Platform Subcommittee

ISSP is now looking for Educational Partners who want to be involved in the development of the Sustainability Professional Certification process. Some of the ways individuals and organizations can be involved include:

  • Help Develop the Certification Schema
  • Contribute Test Items
  • Become a Training and Testing Educational Partner

These partners will have the unique opportunity to help shape the future of the profession as well as gain industry-wide recognition as leaders in bringing newfound rigor, discipline, and consistency to the sustainability arena. Learn more about becoming an Educational Partner.


These are exciting times for our profession.  The practical and technical offers and demonstrations of support and assistance from around the world confirm to me that ISSP is indeed at the right place at the right time!  Thank you for being a part of it and for investing your time and energy in it as Member.


Julian Crawford


PS: Have you engaged yet with the Sustainability Professional Certification program? Please support the development of our profession by adding your name and that of your organization to the growing list of supporters.


ISSP Thanks Faye Sinnott for Book Review Efforts and Seeks New Candidates to Run Program    


A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies... The man who never reads lives only one.

- George R.R. Martin

Read a good book lately? ISSP member Faye Sinnott certainly has.


Faye Sinnott

Faye Sinnott is President of Solution Navigators Inc., a management consulting firm based in Barrington, Illinois. For the past several years, Faye has coordinated the ISSP Book Reviews Program, but is now stepping down from that volunteer position. The ISSP Staff and Board of Directors sincerely thank Faye for all the time and effort she has devoted to helping her fellow ISSP members stay up to speed on the latest books being published in the sustainability field. Thank you, Faye, for all your contributions!!!


ISSP members, are you interested in filling Faye's shoes as Coordinator of the ISSP Book Review Program? Duties include acting as ISSP's point of contact for volunteers interested in writing reviews, as well as for authors and publishers seeking to have their books reviewed. Other responsibilities include:

  • Assisting the ISSP staff in developing and implementing guidelines and best practices for what makes an effective and appropriate review
  • Recruiting, encouraging, and coordinating volunteers to submit reviews

The ISSP Book Reviews Program Coordinator is also welcome to submit their own reviews. All book reviews are published in the ISSP monthly e-newsletter as well as on the ISSP Website.


For a full description and to apply for the ISSP Book Reviews Program Coordinator volunteer position, visit here.


ISSP Professional Certification Update  


ISSP continues to make progress on the development of the professional certification scheme. Our focus for the spring is the creation of the assessment that will be part of the certification scheme.  

In order to assure validity of our exam, we need to     weight the test items to reflect their relative importance to the actual work of a sustainability practitioner. This requires surveying professionals to get a sense of the relative importance and frequency of each of the core tasks identified in our job task analysis.

Help us create the most valid certification possible by taking 15-20 minutes to complete this survey.

Your input is very important to us!  


ISSP Announces New AR-MS-TN Regional Chapter 

ISSP is proud to introduce our latest local chapter, covering the Arkansas, Mississippi, and Tennessee region.  Led by chapter co-founders Mary Singer and Dr. Sarah Lewis, the chapter's landmark inaugural event is a daylong conference bringing together businesses and professionals from throughout the region to foster original thinking on issues of sustainability in business today, and to discuss how to best suit the needs of local sustainability professionals.


Find out more about the Sustainability Leadership Conference, and get involved by checking out ISSP's list of local and regional chapters.  Interested in starting a local chapter in your area?  Contact us to learn more! 


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Updates From The American Sustainable Business Council 

ISSP is proud to continue our partnership with the American Sustainable Business Council (ASBC). ASBC's mission is to educate and inform the public and policymakers about the benefits of a more sustainable economy, as well as policies and practices that can help the economy become more sustainable.

Follow the link for ASBC's updates and policy action calls on federal-level legislation and regulations:

Call for Safer Chemicals:

It's a challenge for businesses to be confident about whether the products they sell contain toxic chemicals. At the same time, current regulations make it hard to bring safer chemicals and products to market. Sign on with Companies for Safer Chemicals to promote meaningful reform of U.S. toxic chemicals law.


Stop Fast Track for Trade Agreements:

President Obama is asking Congress for Fast Track authority to negotiate trade deals like the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) in secret. The process would exclude important perspectives such as the sustainable business community, and resulting deals could block local governments from enforcing policies that promote responsible business practices. Add your voice to block Fast Track and call for trade negotiations to include the full range of business perspectives.


Support the Healthy Families Act:

New proposed federal legislation would require businesses with 15 or more employees to give workers the opportunity to earn up to seven paid sick days per year. Research shows that employees with sick days are more productive and reduce public health costs. Please add your support to the legislation.

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Jobs Board: A Great Resource for ISSP Members Worldwide

ISSP maintains a jobs board of open sustainability-related positions of interest to our members.  A few of our most recent posts include:

  • Director of Sustainability
  • Sustainable Buildings and Operations Project Manager
  • Social Compliance Auditor
  • Management and Sustainability Fellow
  • Program Manager, Sustainable Communities Collaborative
  • Certification Analyst
ISSP members, check out the full list of opportunities on the ISSP Jobs Board. Have an open job to post? Send it to info@sustainabilityprofessionals.org.

Sustainability Events
Happening Around the World 
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International Society of Sustainability Professionals | editor@sustainabilityprofessionals.org  | http://www.sustainabilityprofessionals.org
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