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VOLUME 7                          NUMBER 12             DECEMBER 2013


Gearing up for Denver:

Hall of Fame Nominations Open 


Easily my favorite part of every ISSP conference is the Hall of Fame award ceremony and the subsequent "Wisdom Panel" presentation.  We use the conference to both showcase and honor the luminaries of our field. Last year we inducted Hazel Henderson, John Elkington, Alan Atkisson and Hunter Lovins.  The year before we honored Gil Friend, Bob Willard, Amory Lovins, Karl Henrik Robert  and Ray Anderson. These are the people that paved the way for the rest of us through their hard work, persuasive efforts and brilliant ideas. Now it's time to begin the search

Marsha Willard 2013
Marsha Willard

for our 2014 Hall of Fame honorees to be presented at ISSP Conference 2014 next November 12-14 in Denver


We invite you, members of the professional community, to nominate a colleague or admired professional who you believe has made a significant contribution to our profession. Specifically we look for individuals that excel at these six criteria:

: has been working in the field for a number o
f years and has developed a reputation for expertise. A strong showing in this criteria is someone who has more than 10 years experience and has a national if not global reputation.

: promotes sustainability through teaching and/or speaking. A strong showing in this category would be someone who teaches, is a frequent speaker at major conferences, and/or readily mentors people entering the field.

: has developed tools, models, products or processes that contribute to the adoption or implementation of sustainability. A strong showing in this category is someone who has a widely used tool or model or whose work is consistently innovative and moves the field forward.

: has impacted a significant number of individuals or organizations. A person with a strong showing here would be someone who works internationally or at least national
ly or who through his/her work has touched many organizations or people.

: has contributed to the body of knowledge in sustainability through the publication of books, articles and/or research. A strong showing is someone who is frequently published, has a number of books or other publications or who has conducted significant research.

: contributes time and expertise to the advancement of profession, the development of people working in the field or the adoption of sustainability in organizations and/or communities. This is about contribution and availability. A strong showing is someone who gives generously of his/her time to the advancement of sustainability.


If you know someone who fits the bill, we hope you will take the take the time to complete the short nomination form here. And then come to Denver to see them honored!

Marsha Willard

Executive Director 



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Make Plans Now for ISSP Conference 2014

As the end of the calendar year approaches, now is a good time to allocate your educational and business development budgets for 2014. Don't miss a great opportunity to be a part of ISSP Conference 2014, to be held November 12-14 in Denver, Colorado. As in past years, the conference is being designed to be a rich learning experience to help professionals accelerate the adoption of sustainability in organizations and communities worldwide.

ISSP Conferences offer outstanding networking opportunities. 

Reserve your place today and be rewarded with extra savings. The lowest rates to be offered between now and the start of the event are available now on our registration page


Organizations can get information about sponsorships and sign-up to reserve a booth at the conference expo here. Join us in Denver and help shape the future of our profession!

New Listings Added Weekly to ISSP Sustainability Marketplace 


The number of listings continues to grow weekly at the on-line ISSP Sustainability Marketplace. As a service for ISSP members and non-members alike, the Marketplace Page aggregates information about tools, publications, training providers and services from a variety of third parties that are designed to help sustainability professionals do their jobs. ISSP members and Website visitors alike can search for what they want, whenever they want it. All Marketplace listings are free and can be easily submitted hereAdvertisers stand out, since their information appears on every page of the Marketplace section. Explore the Marketplace today!



Dorothy Atwood to Present Zero Waste Ideas at NWEC Conference 

ISSP President and Board Member Dorothy Atwood will present at the Northwest Environmental Conference and Tradeshow (NWEC) next Thursday
Dorothy Atwood ISSP Conference 2013
Dorothy Atwood
December 11 in Portland, Oregon. Along with fellow panelists Stan Jones, the Land Quality Manager at Port of Portland, and Nate Terra, a Safety and Environmental Administrator at Toyota Logistics Services, Dorothy will discuss how waste reduction can be addressed in a systematic way that reduces costs and increases profitability, while contributing to a company's sustainabi
lity agenda - and how "zero" is not an impossibility.


As part of her presentation, Dorothy plans to share information about the ResourceFull Use program, which provides regional manufacturers and industry with workshops and a website-based mechanism to assess resource needs and actively exchange resources e.g. how the waste of one organization can be used as an input for another.


Dorothy is an independent consultant based in Portland, Oregon with more than 30 years of sustainability and environmental consulting experience. Her practice focuses on using management systems to integrate sustainable practices into organizations. Dorothy is a Zero Waste Alliance Environmental Management System Associate who has taken clients as diverse as forest products companies, steel foundries, fiber optics facilities, food processors, U.S. Defense Air and multinational consumer products companies from gap analysis to ISO 14000 conformant Environmental Management Systems. 


The Zero Waste Alliance, and its parent organization the International Sustainable Development Foundation, generously incubated ISSP in its first two years offering administrative support and the official structure of an incorporated non-profit organization. Dorothy is a member of the team that founded ISSP in 2007.



Check Out These New Postings
On the ISSP Job Board

ISSP posts job openings in the sustainability field on Carrer_Sign its job board site.  Several new listings have come through this month.  Including...

  • Chief Sustainability Officer for a US City
  • Executive Director for an organization delivering sustainability educational programs
  • Director of a conservation agency
  • Natural resources manager 
  • and more

ISSP Job Board 



How to Start an ISSP Discussion Group and Make a Group Post 
The ISSP website is a treasure trove of resources with networking and educational opportunities, affinity group formation, a communications vehicle and
MORE! We want you to know all the possibilities. 

In this month's tip we'll address why and how to start and post to a Discussion Group on the ISSP website.  Follow this guide to learn more about your member resource!

An ISSP Discussion Group is an organic grouping that allows members to connect on topical issues and post relevant content. Interested in communicating with like sustainability professionals in your field? Or want to start an affinity group around a certain topic or activity? Use the Discussion Group facility on the ISSP website to organize your group and communicate with each other in a central location.

To see a list of Discussion Groups, visit the ISSP Groups page here:  https://www.sustainabilityprofessionals.org/og 


(1)  Start here: http://www.sustainabilityprofessionals.org 

On the Main ISSP page, in the blue block to the right of the center column, under your member username, click "Create Content". Click on Discussion group to go to the "Create Discussion Group" page.


(2) On the Create Discussion Group page, fill in:  

a) Group Name;  

b) Description;

c) Tic the 'List in groups directory" box;  

d) Group Description;  

e) Choose how memberships requests will be handled by this group; and  

f) Add file attachments, if desired.


  Now that you've started a Discussion Group and have members participating, follow the directions in the video to Start or Post to a discussion thread. Mary Hansel, ISSP's faculty for the March Biomimicry Course, recorded this video for her ISSP READING GROUP: Fall 2013 The Shark's Paintbrush: Biomimicry and How Nature is Inspiring Innovation by Jay Harman.

If you have any questions along the way, contact Christy Nordstrom. "See" you online in a Discussion Forum!



The Shark's Paintbrush:

Biomimicry and How Nature is Inspiring Innovation

By Jay Harman


Ashland, Oregon. White Cloud Press 2013


Reviewed by ISSP Member Faye Sinnott


The Shark's Paintbrush was the featured publication of the on-line ISSP Reading Group that met this past October.


Biomimicry, which some call bio-inspiration, is the application of lessons learned from nature to solve human problems. Jay Harman takes the reader on a rollicking tour of possibilities....if only corporate mankind would clear their "heat, beat, and tre

at" mindsets - which aren't sustainable - and look to nature for alternatives.


Harman takes us on an engaging tour of his own evolution as a serial entrepreneur and inventor in pursuit of the mission to "halve the world's energy use and greenhouse gas emissions through biomi

micry and the elimination of waste." It is nature's ability to "constantly create conditions conducive to life, with zero waste and a balanced use of resources" that Harman believes will lead mankind to achieve greater wealth and economic sustainability while protecting the planet.


In the introduction, Harman briefly reviews mankind's history, as we moved from having a deep partnership with nature, observing and copying many of her strategies, to a mechanistic one, with technological developments leading us to break natural systems into components, rearrange the parts, mass produce items and think it "progress." He points out that nature's genius was missed in the process, and mankind overlooked the opportunities for natural, nontoxic, streamlined efficiency.


To read the complete review, click here.





Experience sustainability professional development with live webinars, free resources and online discussion forums


The Buzz on ISSP Local Chapters


Thursday December 5 @ 11:00am Pacific Time-US  
11am PST/ 12pm MST/ 1pm CST/ 2pm EST  
Check for your time zone here

Curious about what's happening F2F on the ground with ISSP Local Chapters?  Several communities and regions are launching local chapters around the world. With the initial help of a focus group of over 80 interested members, ISSP developed the process to facilitate the creation of regional groups to enable face-to-face contact among members.   


Join Executive Director Marsha Willard and local leaders who are forming groups in their regions for this interactive conversation about local chapters. 

Free: ISSP Members

Or join us for $10 USD$ 

For more info click  here  



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JAN 2014 Certificate Course
Stakeholder Engagement
Aligning Strategy with Values
Insights into how to leverage and transform stakeholder support, identify new relationships and reduce conflict and risk. 

Early Bird Ends DEC 27   
Special Discounts:
4-week Course price: $450 USD
Early Bird SAVE $50 through DEC 27
ISSP Members save $75 off anytime

>Start January 6 - Webinars are recorded

>Apply this core workshop credit towards the ISSP Certificate

Online Course with Susanne Croft
In this 4-week interactive, webinar-based, online course participants will have access to world thought leaders through weekly webinars and online text discussion forums. You will survey tools that help identify stakeholder interests to compare them with corporate goals and impacts, then strategize for improved alignment to reduce gaps and maximize shared value.

Guest presenters will highlight three external stakeholder groups relevant to the success of any business (investors, suppliers and NGOs) to provide participants with ideas for how a corporate engagement strategy might look with those stakeholder groups.

All Certificate courses are open to all.
For more info click here


Measure What Matters - Made Easy: Using the B Impact Assessment (BIA)
Hardik Savalia, David Steingard and Ryan Honeyman
Wednesday January 23 @ 11:00am Pacific Time-US
11am PST/ 12pm MST/ 1pm CST/ 2pm EST
Check for your time zone here.

How do you make it easy for businesses to baseline their impact?  Get a walkthrough of the new B Impact Assessment - an online, easy to use tool used by 15,000+ to measure their impact for free.   See how other consultants and universities are using this tool to introduce sustainability to businesses that are new to the "space" and find out how they provide brand value to businesses that are already advanced in their sustainability efforts.

Free: ISSP Members

Or join us for $10 USD$ 

For more info and to register click here.


Sustainability Events
Happening Around the World

International Society of Sustainability Professionals | mwillard@sustainabilityprofessionals.org | http://www.sustainabilityprofessionals.org
2515 NE 17th Ave., Suite 300, Portland, OR 97212

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