Learn from Marketing Expert Tom Dheere - Online
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Tom Dheere
Voice Over MARKETING Strategies and
Measuring Success
with Voice Over Marketing Expert
Tuesday, December 18, 2012 ..... registration includes full recording
Your Coach, 
Tom Dheere   
Tom Dheere (the "H" is silent) is a 15-year veteran of the voice over industry, and has voiced just about every kind of project you can think of, from the Danielle Steel audiobook Amazing Grace to the Old West videogame Red Dead Redemption and much in between.

As a voice over teacher, he is an instructor with Edge Studio, coaches privately as a voice over business consultant, and gave presentations at recent VOICE conference and FaffCon events.

His Good Karma Network and GKN Weekly Update have an international following.

And when he isn't voicing, Tom writes and produces animated short films and comic books.



What? You're about to boldly enter 2013 ... without a fresh voice over marketing plan?    

Or without knowing how to measure whether anything you do will actually bring in more jobs and income? That's like jumping in the pool before you know how to swim.  
Here's a better idea:
Plan for Success Now

We'll show you how to create an effective marketing strategy - and then how to measure success.   
Join us Tuesday night, Dec. 18 for Marketing Strategies and Measuring Success - How Do I Measure What?... a brand new VoiceOverXtra webinar led by veteran voice talent and marketing expert Tom Dheere.  
What you learn at this webinar could determine how much money you make in 2013. Yes, it's that serious.
Note: Your registration includes a full audio/visual recording, to review at your convenience, and in case of a schedule conflict with the live session. 

A former high-energy corporate trainer, Tom frequently speaks at voice over events about how to professionally - and effectively - market voice over skills. This affordable webinar - enjoyed in the convenience of your home - takes you to the next level of marketing training.
"This webinar is NOT marketing 101," Tom explains. "We are not going to talk about business cards and pens. This is about having a thoughtful, long-term marketing plan.

"I will show you how to create a plan, and then how to know if it's working for you."  
And your questions will be answered in a lively Q&A following the training.


Specifically, Tom will explain:
  • Systems of Thought and Systems of Execution
  • The Newbie Paradigm
  • What is Marketing?
  • Why is a Marketing Strategy Important?
  • Why is Measuring Success Important?
  • What's Your Marketing Mission?
Plus ...
  • Characteristics of a Good Marketing Strategy
  • Characteristics of a Bad Marketing Strategy
And ...
  • How to Lay the Groundwork
  • How to Execute
  • How to Measure Success
Tuition: Just $47, including full recording.

Receive FREE Recording ...
Your registration includes a full audio/visual recording
of the entire webinar, emailed to you the next day.

Webinar Time: Tuesday, December 18, 2012 
9 pm Eastern ... 8 pm Central ...  6 pm Pacific  

Tuition Only $47    

Click To Sign Up Now!

Webinars Are Fun ... Easy To Attend
  • You'll receive an email with a webinar access link 
  • Just click to sign in by computer and/or phone
  • Listen and follow presentation on your computer screen
  • Receive a full recording within a few days 
VO PLANET2Presented by VoiceOverXtra, the voice over industry's leading online resource for voice over success - your trusted daily source for industry news, training and resources.
Questions? Please contact John Florian @ 203-459-8834  johnflorian@VoiceOverXtra.com