Photo taken by Sarah O'Connor

Schooner American Eagle Newsletter

June - July 2016 


In This Issue
Cruise News
Crews News
Galley News
Pictures from Away

Ken Martin photo

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A lot of news since we started sailing in May. After sailing over a hundred miles in two days over Stellwagen Bank and seeing not one whale, we crossed Jeffries Ledge two days later and found over twenty humpback whales bubble feeding and generally chowing down on schools of small fish they had scared to the surface. 


Matthew Weeks photo

Whales on Jeffries Ledge
Whales on Jeffries Ledge recorded by Matthew Weeks



After a lively sail to Boothbay Harbor for Windjammer Days we came back to  circle around Eastern Egg Rock complete with puffins in flight. Race Week Monday was the breezy day of that trip, hitting 11.7 knots reaching across Jericho Bay on the way to Mt. Desert. The Friday race brought 18 schooners out to play in light airs; we came in last. Well, somebody has to!

It's the scenery, the wildlife, the schooner, and the people you meet on board! Transformative for many and a vacation for everyone.

Cruise News
Here's an assortment of images from the 2016 season so far. Fog has been in such short supply that I'm leading off with this picture taken from another windjammer!

photo © Fred LeBlanc

Traditionally for July 4th we light off a bunch of sparklers over the rail; 
like a hundred boxes of them.

John Foss photo
On our eleven-night Down East cruise over the Canadian border we were given two big salmon and, boy, were they delicious. Chris the deckhand made quick work of them with a sharp knife. We covered over 400 miles and saw a number of bald eagles, a whole flock of puffins, lots of razorbill auks, an a couple of whales.

John Foss photo
Dockside in Eastport we were treated to a sunset cloud display 
over the New Brunswick mainland.

John Foss photo
Dudley Island off Lubec has a temporary art installation "FOREVER", 
at least until next month.

John Foss photo
Indian Island across from Campobello on a sunny morning 
on the way back down the coast.

Sarah O'Connor photo
Head Harbour Light on East Quoddy Head on Campobello Island.  
The red cross really shows up in the fog.

Sarah O'Connor photo
Eastport wildlife right in town

John Foss photo
The restored 1935 Trump yacht Enticer 
in Bucks Harbor on Wednesday morning.

photo by Rick Matthies
Our summer home afloat

Crew's News

Friends of Windjammer Days Photo
Four crew out of the six of us this season, 
left to right: Sarah, Chris, Dinnie, and Matthew

Sarah O'Connor Photo
And Justin the mate at rest.

Sarah O'Connor Photo
and out for a row in Roscoe

Galley News


Sarah O'Connor Photo

The galley productions are hardly a slapdash turnout this season;
professional, varied, delicious, and beautiful. Nice job, Matthew and Sarah!

Postcards from Away 


At least one old fishing schooner ended up in Tarpon Springs but she was too far gone in 1982 when I looked at her to make it back to her home waters. Good turn of events for the American Eagle, though.



A bit of distance away from the Bagaduce flowing tidally past Castine in our area.




Sarah O'Connor Photo

There have been so many good voices on board this season that story time is about every other evening on our cruises.
     John and the crew

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Rockland, ME  04841
(800) 648-4544