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Gerard took this picture from his own schooner Anthea, which he sailed over from France. He was on the American Eagle with us on a downeast cruise in June 2003. This summer he accompanied L'Hermione on her visit to Penobscot Bay for Bastille Day.
This month we were a minor sponsor of the Maine Boats, Homes and Harbors Show here in Rockland and plan to include it in our schedule again next year. It's a terrific event and celebrates what's best afloat in Maine in the summer.
As we near September we're still waiting for the weather to clear; there's been no suffering from the cold this month. Here it's not so bad to put up with daytime temperatures in the 70's on the bay when it's in the 90's inland and to the south.
I'm eager for next year's tide calendar to finish our 2016 schedule. I expect ours will include a couple of longer trips outside of the midcoast area as well as a good mix of adventures closer to home. Soon!
Cruise News
Shary says the pictures for this issue are a bit like where's Waldo, figuring out where someone saw us on one of our cruises. Put the places in the correct order and win a hat if you are the first to answer correctly.
photo courtesy of John Williams
photo courtesy of Jerry Peterson
photo courtesy of Helene Rush
The three locations to put in order are: off Campobello, New Brunswick, off Mistake Island, and off the Rockland Breakwater. Wait... that's too easy, so correctly identify this lighthouse as well and then you might win a hat. Your choice of a ball cap or a navy blue embroidered wool watch cap.
photographer's name withheld
Don't take my word for it. Here's a blog post from the trip that ended August 4th
There's nothing like an eleven night cruise with no hot water to make the crew smile. Water tank was repaired as soon as we got back. We called it the cold water cruise.
photo courtesy of Ralph Smith
Returning fill in crew this season as the above take turns for a trip off include Michael Foshay ( he's working on tugs out of Seattle), Katie Moran, and Adam Smith (working in Detroit)
From the galley
photo courtesy of Ralph Smith
Andy tries the ultimate challenge on a shipboard wood burning stove.. popovers
photo courtesy of Ralph Smith
New England Boiled Dinner, complete with parsnips and no turnips, thank goodness.
Postcards from Away
The American Eagle's not going this far, but Tom and Elfi did this month.
American Eagle, Spirit of Massachusetts (now a dockside restaurant in Kennebunkport), and Summerwind (no longer owned by the US Maritime Academy at King's Point). This was taken during the 2013 race; four entrants, two collisions, two finished, we won.
......and we've never reached Gloucester in time for the reception.
photo courtesy of MB Rolfe
That's Treat Island in the background. We'll be back there for sure next season.